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The FE: Awakening "Plinkett Character Test" Experiment


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Hello everyone! A day, or two ago there was a thread in this section of the forums which talked about how Robin was a bland character without any defining traits of his own. I responded in the thread that he failed a characterization test which helps evaluate how well the character is rounded.

I don't think the test has been dubbed an official name, so for now now I'll call it the "Plinkett Character Test". It was used in RedLetterMedia's review of Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace to showcase how the new characters from that movie were more boring, and lifeless than the ones from the original trilogy. You can find the review here in its Youtube form. This is also a useful link for anyone who doesn't want to watch the whole review, and just wants to get a general idea of the rule.

For the extremely lazy people, here is the general rule in a nutshell:

Describe a character without using their name, physical description, or job. The easier it is to think of relevant, and vivid descriptions the better the character was presented.

To be honest though, while I think this rule has its merits, it is definitely not the make it, or break it rule for characterization. There are many other factors which go into what makes a good character, and someone who fails the test might still be a decent character. But this is a discussion for another day.

So after having this rule brought to my mind again I thought we'd play a little game, broken into several stages:

1. Think of a character from Awakening who passes this test with flying colors. Post the FIRST one you instinctively think of, and put the description for him/her along with the name.

2. Post a couple other characters who you feel deserve to be mentioned for how well they passed the test, and also put their descriptions (Try to keep this number below 5)

3. Post some characters who you feel have FAILED the test the most miserably (Also try to keep this number below 5)

The descriptions for the character don't have to be very long. One, or two sentences should suffice as long as you express your reasoning behind it, but you can go longer if you wish. I also realize that some people's choices may be a bit controversial as to whether, or not they're actually valid (Such as gimmick traits like Kellam's invisibility, or Gaius's sweet tooth), and to that I can only say use your own judgment to decide whether, or not they should count.

Don't worry if you might be missing someone. Just try to think off the top of your head. Also if there are any categories that you can't think of who to fill them with, you can leave them blank.

I think it'll be interesting taking a look at what characters appear more often than others.


I'll start with mine, and also will be using this as an example as to what posts in this thread would probably look like:

1. Cynthia - A very upbeat, and always positive girl who yearns for nothing more than to express herself in the flashiest of styles. Her airheaded nature can sometimes get on other people's nerves, but it is apparent that the army loves her for who she is.

2. Morgan (F) - A bubbly headed girl who is very kind, and outgoing to her fellow shepherds. Very optimistic, and will care for her fellow friends if she notices that they are having problems. However her kind, and outgoing nature can sometimes go overboard into an over-eager sort of peskering which annoys her friends, and even scares some away.

Severa - A girl who acts extremely bratty, and mean-spirited to her fellow friends. However it is noticeable here, and there that this is merely a farce that she uses to hide her own insecurities, and fears that she might be incompetent.

Nah - Tries to act extremely mature, and takes pride in it. However she has a underlying immaturity which undoubtedly leaks out from time to time.

3. Avatar

(Yes I know that all of my positives are children lol. I have been messing around with them a lot lately, and have seen quite a lot of their supports so my impression on them is stronger than other characters at least for now)

Happy posting!

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