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Nobles Only Run of Awakening - Now in Progress

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Logitech-brand camera standing atop one of my 3DS game cases, which is probably why it shakes so much when I do my voice acting crap. XD brb Gotta forge PK Thunder and PK Fire

Btw, here's the next one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cH6oj02IfQ&feature=youtu.be

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Okay people! I need some votes! I'm hoping to get to Chapter 12 by tonight, so I want to know what pairings you all want me to go with because I DO intend to recruit everyone and I want to have the parents maxed out for Future of Despair. Who needs pairing? Well...








Why am I putting this to a vote? I don't know. I just wanna know who likes which pairing best is all. Also, I wanna factor in skills a tad bit so they have proper defense for FoD (breaker skills, Pavise, Aegis, etc.).

Available bachelors:











Edited by mercilesscharizard
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Cordelia x Gregor!

Suffices, and Gregor doesn't give Severa that ugly Stahl hair color! And, she still benefits from the Myrmidon class tree and its skills.

If I can submit one more pairing... how about Sumia x Frederick? It'll give Cynthia a nice hair color.

brb Gotta forge PK Thunder and PK Fire.

If you actually get around to forging Thunder / Fire tomes, you should rename them as "PK Fire" and "PK Thunder"!

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Sumia's not on his list of women that need paired. :P

Lon'qu x Cherche and Frederick x Cordelia ftw. I disagree with anyone that says Cordelia just "settles" for Frederick. Not really sure about anyone else. xP

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Er...I don't understand? I didn't see Sumia on your list of women, all I did was point that out. I don't see any "yanking chains." o.O

Eh? Check out the video for Paralogue 2 (part 10 I believe). The S-support between my character and her should be at the end.

EDIT: Yeah, the support is at the end of part 10 all right.

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oh i got really confused.

Sorry, just assumed that Sumia wasn't paired already xD. So sorry! I normally don't watch until the very end, and leave before than. I watch for the main chapter, then I go.

And another suggestion: How 'bout naming those wind tomes "PK Flash"? Both green, both powerful against winged units!

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oh i got really confused.

Sorry, just assumed that Sumia wasn't paired already xD. So sorry! I normally don't watch until the very end, and leave before than. I watch for the main chapter, then I go.

And another suggestion: How 'bout naming those wind tomes "PK Flash"? Both green, both powerful against winged units!

Hey, mistakes happen. Watch the full video, darn you :P! As far as the wind tomes, I don't think there's one that works too well to be PK Flash, but that's just me.

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"Lucas: *sigh* Can we not enjoy our peaceful lifestyle? There's always one jerk who has to-

Chrom: Hold on. Let's at least see if we can talk to them first.

Dalton: Your new emperor now claims these lands for his own! Either bow to the Valmese Empire or be killed!

Chrom: ...so much for talk. Everyone, draw your weapons!

Virion: With all due haste!"

Chapter 12 is the episode of "GTFO ya little ******s! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EkEgD4Ll0UI&feature=youtu.be

EDIT: Also, the voting on pairings thing...yeah, I think I'll pass on it. I think I know what pairings I want to go with anyway, so...not on a hiatus, just need to grind all the pairings to max and get them the skills I want to pass down.

Edited by mercilesscharizard
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Lucina should change hair colors depending on the mother.

I would love to see Lucina blonde. I mean, they did it in Smash, so why not? Looks good in Pink (Cherche), Red (Cordelia/Sully), Black (Tharja), and Brown (Sumia). THAT would be amazing.

So will you be getting Brady soon (when paralogue is accessible) or will you be skipping him?

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My order will be this: Paralogue 5, 7, Chapter 14, Paralogue 8, 9, Chapter 15, Paralogue 12, 6, Chapter 16, Paralogue 10, 11, Chapter 17, Paralogue 13, 14, Chapter 18, then the last three remaining Paralogues that spring up before Chapter 25. This way I can get all the children I can use before worrying about dead weight.

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Paralogue 10? Isn't that Severa's?

But I thought you weren't using her...? Or is it just for the extra experience? That's always needed. Cordelia should totally be able to marry Chrom. Not only would Severa get Aether, but she would also be usable in your run. The only downside is that blue hair... ugh.

And next is Owain? For once, I'm glad to see him. More units! More power!

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Well, that was easier than I would have liked. And I swear Generals and mounted units would suffer on boats, because they would sink after one wrong move. Also, don't ask me to use Micaiah. I've made my peace about it.

Chapter 14: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HGGck3vbSz0&feature=youtu.be

CoY 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGWos63tIfI

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