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Moar kids?


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First, I don't want this to turn into a "fanfiction omg" "mary sues gary stus ocs bawwwww" thing like my last thread of this nature did.

If you've seen my profile, you know that I assume the pairs you can make get busy more than once. Basically, pretend for a moment you can add kids. And post them here. I know Ana has also done this.

Chrom x Sumia:



Emmeras: Obvious who he's named after, right? I like to think he's the result of Chrom getting tired of being the only male in the family xD He loves his daughters, don't get me wrong...but yeah. Emmeras is a mercenary class, and his personality resembles his namesake. Which makes Chrom's head spin wondering if his sister went and reincarnated herself as his son. Sumia isn't as convinced though.

Lon'qu x Avatar(Rene)


Tricia: Still working on some attributes of her and open for suggestions. She's a mage, but I need a reason why more than just she was interested from a young age, so if anyone has any ideas that they're okay with me using, spill em! She didn't get her mother and brother's tactical instinct, but she's calm and level headed like her father. Which makes Lon'qu happy since Morgan's such a handful. Need an example? Go to my fanfics thread. It's just a oneshot... *puppy eyes*

Henry x Olivia


Jess and Jak: Twin magic users with strikingly different personalities. Jess is more like her father, enjoys blasting things, finds it hilarious when things get broke/burnt/etc. Olivia worries that she'll hurt herself or others. Henry doesn't care...they get in arguments over that sometimes. Jak is less hyper and impulsive, a night owl that has an interest in astrology.

I have more, they're in my profile though. You get the idea...

Edited by Dragoncat
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Yeah, a lot of people know about Antoinette and she ended up being so well-liked that some people on DA did fanart of her. ^^

But yes, let's not turn this into a dumb fanfic thread. I do have a headcanon that the couples DO have more kids in the timeline we play in because it doesn't end up a mess of chaos and destruction like Lucina's future did and the parents don't all get killed so early.

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I do have a headcanon that the couples DO have more kids in the timeline we play in because it doesn't end up a mess of chaos and destruction like Lucina's future did and the parents don't all get killed so early.

Makes a lot of sense.

And that's cool. It's always awesome when you get fanart of your OCs.

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Yeah. I even theorize that Frederick outlives everyone because of his fitness obsession and stuff. XD

I drew his gravestone, but it implied that he lived to be at least 100 before he died. Heh heh.

Which means I also believe there's grandchildren and even great-grandchildren!

Edited by Anacybele
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  • 3 months later...

I'll say... for my MU pairings...

Akya X Henry


Leia: a calm little girl that loves reading and magic. She looks up a lot to her big brother. She is more mature than her father and her brother, but has a Yandere side wich is a little dangerous. She has beautiful blue hair that keeps in a tick, long braid, and big red eyes.

--- fanficton zone ---

My next two MUs are brother and sister

Andrea X Chrom

Linfan (he is just morgan with his italian name)


Erynn: third child of the royal couple, she is of the dark knight class and uses tomes more than spears. She is rather hyperactive and nervous, but cheery and lovely. She inherits Crom's blue eyes and brand, wich is on her left cheek, and Andrea's brownish red hair.

Jacob x Tiki

Morgana: female morgan, bearer of both naga's and Grima's blood, cruel and sadistic ash grey dragoness.

Daniel: a brown haired little handsome boy with green eyes and long manakete ears.he does not get along well with his bigger sister, but loves her as much as he hates her. He's a Manakete, a big moss green dragon.

Yarne X Morgana

Kirara: half dragon half bunny Shapeshifter with Taguel genes dominating. She has big sandy brown eyes and brown hair with green streaks. In beast form is a giant neon green bunny with wings, elongated muzzle and pointy teeth.

Mordecai: half dragon half bunny Shapeshifter with Manakete genes dominating. He has short green hair with brown streaks and he's covered in silvery fur. In beast form is a silver dragon covered with brown fur and without wings.

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