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Why the wonky hair/eye colors?


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1: Just like a lot of things fans do isn't worth someone else's time...like, for example, people making pairs in Awakening so the kids will have the best possible stats. Isn't something I find worth my time, but others find it worth theirs...soooo it's up to the person. I for one enjoyed making that scientific dealeo.

2: Dunno what you mean by forelock, but it's either he just dyed that part or put fake hair in, right? My explanation makes more sense imo...markings are possible in nature. It's like a dog having one white paw.

Er, no?

I'm saying it's a waste of your time because there's literally nothing to go off of. Like all of the information you're "researching" you have to assume and make up because all you have is "character A has this color hair". You don't know if anyone dyes their hair in FE, you don't know if their hair color changed over time(oranges becoming blondes, etc); you only know what you're directly looking at.

And that is what I meant regarding white forelock.

Edited by Skitty of Time
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