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[Spoilers]SSB4 Leaks Discussion

Pull My Devil Trigger

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Uh wow. I don't see how Foolishly Capricious was saying or implying any of that at all.

Really, what's your problem lately? You were just bashing me about Lucina the other day too.

I'm fairly certain he meant that, judging by his "and I don't like it one bit"

I mean, I'm not trying to tear into everyone, but I just dislike the mindset where someone would wish that a character they dislike is bad.

I mean, I wouldn't wish that Falco is bad, because I know a lot of people like him.

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I don't see how that equates to "fans should suffer." You seriously need to stop taking people's comments so seriously. I think now I see how others felt about my past defensiveness.

Edited by Anacybele
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"Wah, a character is dislike could possibly be good. Wow, fans of this character should be forced to suffer, like Ganon in Brawl."

Get. Over. Yourself.

Villager is good whether you like or not. Personally, I'm overjoyed. Don't really care if you don't like it.

Lol he didn't say any of that.

He just doesn't like Villager. And if you really didn't care, why'd you open your mouth in the first place?

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Wow. A friend just offered me one of these codes. I didn't even have to ask.

I didn't intend to play the demo at all, but I just can't resist. And I can't just decline such an offer.

Damn, downloading software never seemed to take as long as it does now. xD

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Hmm... the demo really is limiting, but I love it. But at least it's actually Smash. And official.

If you guys could bump up the demo roster to 8 (adding 3 extra characters) who would you add? I only say 8 since it seems a reasonable number. Could add more possibilities, while STILL leaving the Smash community wanting more and eventually buying the full game.

I'd say Mario, Link, Pikachu, Mega Man, and Villager. And then add Rosalina, Zelda, and Samus. Not only does it make sense (Rosalina + Zelda were in E3 demos, Samus is original 12), but it'd give people to try our female smashers! If not them, then I'd put add Kirby, Fox, and Pit.

Wow. A friend just offered me one of these codes. I didn't even have to ask.

I didn't intend to play the demo at all, but I just can't resist. And I can't just decline such an offer.

Damn, downloading software never seemed to take as long as it does now. xD

Have fun!

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If you guys could bump up the demo roster to 8 (adding 3 extra characters) who would you add? I only say 8 since it seems a reasonable number. Could add more possibilities, while STILL leaving the Smash community wanting more and eventually buying the full game.

Samus, Kirby, and Donkey Kong to give people a taste of heavy characters.

Edited by Alertcircuit
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Wow, I'm like the only one here who hasn't played the demo.

Wii Fit Trainer, Kirby, and Pit.

I mean,

Mario, Link, Kirby, and Pikachu are the main 4.

Wii Fit Trainer, Villager, and Megaman were E3 2013 newcomers.

Pit is Pit >_>.

Edited by Monado Boy
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Bowser, Shulk, and Peach would be my three picks to add to the demo.

That way I'd be able to test my early Melee main who seems actually viable now (Bowser), my Brawl main (Peach), and my favorite newcomer (Shulk). If you add them to Link (who I mained in Melee after I stopped maining Bowser), Mario (SSB64 main in the very beginning until I started maining a combination of Pikachu and Luigi), and Pikachu (Like I said, SSB64 main), I'll be able to try all my past mains except for Luigi (SSB64 Main, used occasionally in Melee too but nowhere near as much as Bowser and Link) and Wolf (secondary main in Brawl, who I used to mix things up occasionally. Obviously he can't be in the demo). And, of course, I'd love to be able to try my favorite newcomer.

And I just realized that I, at some point, mained all four of the Mario series characters who were present in Brawl (though only one was mained in Brawl).

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I'm not really sure who I'd add. I guess Ike so people can try out a heavyweight and because he's the only FE veteran that's never been unlockable. And some bias. lol

Wii Fit Trainer because she was at E3 2013, that's for sure.

And...I really don't know who the third would be. xP

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How about stages?

If you could add ONE more stage, what would you add?

I'm thinking Arena Ferox. Extremely similar to Pokemon Stadium, which many of us should be familiar with us. And, it's Fire Emblem! [insert fe bias at forum site here]

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How about stages?

If you could add ONE more stage, what would you add?

I'm thinking Arena Ferox. Extremely similar to Pokemon Stadium, which many of us should be familiar with us. And, it's Fire Emblem! [insert fe bias at forum site here]

Arena Ferox is actually in...

and it works like the Pokemon stadium as well

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She's talking about the demo.

Also, the Prince of Sable is so cuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~~!

I think I'll spam Assist Trophies in training mode trying to get him to show up~~~~!

Now I will look for a For the Frogs the Bell Tolls translation patch~~~~~~!

Because that prince is so cuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~~~!

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Lyn's STILL the only FE assist trophy? That sucks... I was honestly expecting at least one more to join her.

hector with wolf beil doing what little mac did in brawl would be pretty sweet (just bouncing around the stage hitting people).

what five characters are in the demo, again? add shulk, greninja, and meta knight

stage? arena ferox

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Florina/Loki posted that same video earlier. :P

Also, an interesting fact I just learned about Duck Hunt Dog. Sakurai added him as a tribute to the former Nintendo president who died last year. If he's really this nice, he doesn't deserve any of the shit he gets from some people at ALL.

Edited by Anacybele
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Lol I meant if you could add one more stage to the DEMO version. Silly!

She's talking about the demo.

Also, the Prince of Sable is so cuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~~!

I think I'll spam Assist Trophies in training mode trying to get him to show up~~~~!

Now I will look for a For the Frogs the Bell Tolls translation patch~~~~~~!

Because that prince is so cuuuuuuuuuuuute~~~~~~!


I am stupid

Sorry, dude

*Superkicks self*

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