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FEGBA: Idle stance animation/All Weapon ranks shown?


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Hi, I can't really find the answers on FE Universe (someone told me to search it up there), so sorry to spam the forum with so many questions, but these 2 things are on my mind right now. :P:

Idle Animation:

I saw a video on Youtube that has a hack where Alm from Fire Emblem Gaiden is a playable character, but the one thing that stunned me is that Alm has an idle stance animation. Does anyone know how to do this in the GBA ROMs? (The video is on FE6, apparently "using Fae's idle animation", but I need it in FE7 because I used the magic patch there and I don't want it to be wasted.

Both Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic:

I saw another video that shows Lyndis using light magic, and both the weapon triangle and trinity of magic ranks are shown on the "Weapon ranks and Support conversations" page, the trinity of magic below the weapon triangle. Is such a hack easy to do? Or does it require extremely difficult hex editing? (I want to include the Judgral female Paladin, the Masterknight, other magic and weapon users and the Priestess and the Princess as playable classes)

The videos seem to be deleted, or I just can't find them. Sorry. :(:

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Idle is possible, but it's pretty... buggy to say the least. If the animation is too long, it will crash into the attack/dodge animations. If it's too short, it'll force repeat itself. I'm actually still trying to make one that doesn't look bad.

The second one would require an expansion of the stat screen. Usually the question "is this easy" can be easily answered by looking around at the community; if no one seems to have it, chances are it's difficult(it is). It'd require asm to get just the ranks themselves to show up, the graphics would be more work. Along with moving around where supports go... IIRC Pi has accomplished this but I'm fairly certain he's keeping it exclusive for his fe4 remake until it's released.

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Hi, I can't really find the answers on FE Universe (someone told me to search it up there), so sorry to spam the forum with so many questions, but these 2 things are on my mind right now. :P:

Idle Animation:

I saw a video on Youtube that has a hack where Alm from Fire Emblem Gaiden is a playable character, but the one thing that stunned me is that Alm has an idle stance animation. Does anyone know how to do this in the GBA ROMs? (The video is on FE6, apparently "using Fae's idle animation", but I need it in FE7 because I used the magic patch there and I don't want it to be wasted.

Both Weapon Triangle and Trinity of Magic:

I saw another video that shows Lyndis using light magic, and both the weapon triangle and trinity of magic ranks are shown on the "Weapon ranks and Support conversations" page, the trinity of magic below the weapon triangle. Is such a hack easy to do? Or does it require extremely difficult hex editing? (I want to include the Judgral female Paladin, the Masterknight, other magic and weapon users and the Priestess and the Princess as playable classes)

The videos seem to be deleted, or I just can't find them. Sorry. :(:

Have you tried contacting the video author?

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I forget about the second one, but FE supports idle animations in 7 (Maybe 8, probably), only FE6 actually uses it in vanilla. I'm pretty sure the ultimate tutorial tells you how to do it.

Just what L95 said,you should go and read the ultimate tutorial maybe that will help you.

I've put the link to the tutorial if you can't find it.

[spoiler=Ultimate Tutorial Link]http://www.feshrine.net/ultimatetutorial/

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If he can't find the video, how does he know the video author...?

Oops. Missed that last sentence(about not being able to find the videos). Sorry

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