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Make your own DLC packs! (spoilers


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The game is out right now in Japan, so we all know who is in the current roster and we all wish there were some changes to it. We all just want to add are favourite characters, but to make this interesting, since DLC is usually sold in packs, you create your own DLC pack, including characters, costumes and/or stages and try to come up with some kind of theme to it, I'll post mine in a bit.

EDIT: Fixed

EDIT 2: slight adjustment to description

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Oh, this sounds fun! Here's an FE pack I'd love!

Two new palette/color swaps for each FE rep:

- Vanguard and Lord swap for Ike

- Grandmaster swap for both Robins

- Great Lord and Maribelle swap for Lucina

- Seliph and Eliwood swaps for Marth (because I think Marth's eighth palette is supposed to be Roy and none of his others look like Eliwood to me)

One new Wii U stage: Tower of Guidance from Radiant Dawn!

One new 3DS stage: Something from Shadow Dragon or New Mystery of the Emblem. I'd have to research the maps in those games.

Two new items: Rewarp Staff (warps the user to another location on the stage a total of three times) and Vulnerary (heals 20% damage)

A new assist trophy: Ephraim! (why didn't I say Frederick or someone from Tellius? Because Tellius is already getting a stage and Awakening already has Robin and Lucina as playable)

And a couple new regular trophies and songs. I don't know what these would be since I don't know exactly which songs are in right now. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Make the Prince if Sable a full character on top of being an assist, and give For the Frog the Bell Tolls a stage!

On a more serious note, here's a FE pack:

Characters: Roy and Micaiah!

Stage: Desert Temple (14x from FE6) with vanishing floors for 3DS, and The Tower of Guidance on Wii U.

Songs: Path of the Divine Generals from FE6 and Ascent from FE10.

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Pff, if I added a full new playable character in my pack, it'd be Ephraim, with the assist trophy being Frederick or Elincia. lol

Eph would be cool, but I feel Roy represents FE GBA best.

I'm also biased so....

Plus Light Magic is pretty awesome in Micaiah's case.

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These would be the packs I'd add:

Purple Villains DLC





Because why not?

Konami DLC


Solid Snake (with Big Boss alts)

Simon Belmont (w/Trevor and Richter Belmont as alts)


MGS3- Flower Field

Castlevania- Dracula's Castle (a scrolling stage with Dracula as a boss)

Assist Trophies

MGS- Gray Fox

C:SotN- Alucard

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do they belong here?! dlc pack:



--phoenix wright



--outer haven: bow

--courtroom #3

--symphony of sorcery/mysterious tower

assist trophies:

--hector w/ wolf beil

--riku uses dark aura

--judge casts big guilty verdict that makes contact with characters for damage. it's large enough so that it can be dodged, but it's hard to do. sort of like groudon or that one assist trophy where the dude summoned skyscrapers


extra dlc character: isaac (golden sun).

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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Here's a small Mario pack I would make!

Two new swaps for each rep, including the unlockable ones:

- Mr. L and Red Star Luigi for Luigi (from that red star power up in Galaxy 1)

- Shadow Mario and Red Star Mario for Mario

- Daisy model swap for Peach with two alt colors for said model. One would be replacing the Daisy colors Peach currently has.

- Dry Bowser and something random for Bowser

- Pauline swap for Rosalina, with a second one being random

- Two random ones for Bowser Jr.

- Boshi swap for Yoshi plus random new color

New assist trophy: Professor E. Gadd! He'll use one of his random gadgets. Three different ones, I suppose, with the one he uses being picked at random.

New stage: Treacherous Mansion (if it isn't already in one of the two versions of the game) from Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon!

And that's really it. Mario already has so much. :P

Edited by Anacybele
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Golden Sun Pack

Character: Issac w/ color schemes representing the other 7 party members from Lost Age

Assist Trophy: Sveta

Stage: Venus Lighthouse

Songs: Venus Lighthouse Theme, Battle Scene/Final Boss (Golden Sun)

basically this, although I might choose different alts (Dark Dawn!Isaac, for one).

probably a different assist (hi Alex)

but really what I quoted would be amazing, that stuff is pretty minor

other than that my IMPOSSIBLE DREAM would be a [spoiler=TWEWY pack]

- Neku playable (psychs would translate into a moveset amazingly well)

- idk Sho Minamimoto or Mr. Hanekoma or someone else assist trophy

- a stage something like Delfino Plaza or something

- no idea about costumes

- songs would be obvious (could choose from basically the entire soundtrack, like twister / hybrid / calling / dancer in the street / long dream / etc)

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Is this what we what to happen, or realistic?

Ice Climbers, Wolf - New Ice Climbers Stage, Lylat Cruise

Lucas, Mewtwo - New Pork City, Unknown Dungeon

Yes, I'm boring.

Classic Pack (Ice Climber, Star Fox, Nintendo Wars): Ice Climbers, Wolf, Andy - those two stages + Orange Star; Jake costume

Cute Pack (Mother, Pokemon, Chibi-Robo): Lucas, Squirtle, Chibi-Robo - those two stages + Nostaljunk Gallery; Ninten costume

Yes, I'm still boring. Chibi-Robo and Andy are kool, but I expect no more than like, 2 or 3 Brawl cuts and Mewtwo for DLC.

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or that one assist trophy where the dude summoned skyscrapers

How is that "hard to avoid"? To this day, I have never seen anyone get hit by that...


Donkey Kong Pack


- K.Rool (Playable)

- Funky Kong costume (for DK)

- Frantic Factory (Stage, from DK64)

- Steel Keg (Item)

- Rambi the Rhino (Assist Trophy)

- Kuchuka (Assist Trophy)

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Dixie Kong should be playable over K. Rool, imo. The latter isn't used anymore while Dixie has been playable in DK games since the SNES days.

I don't care! I want K. Rool far more than I want Dixie, and since it's MY idea for a DLC pack, I'll put in whoever I want! Oh, and since the Kremlings are in Smash Run, I don't see why their leader shouldn't be playable.

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Dixie Kong should be playable over K. Rool, imo. The latter isn't used anymore while Dixie has been playable in DK games since the SNES days.

Well, maybe K. Rool over Dixie because "retro character" xD.

I don't know much about the DK series, but personally I would like Dixie Kong. What were each characters' last game to appear in?

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Duck Hunt Dog represents a game that previously had nothing in Smash. Plus he's a tribute to the former Nintendo president who died last year.

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DLC pack? Here goes I guess.

What I would put in a DLC pack:


Mewtwo, Snake, Roy, Ice Climbers, Lucas, Lloyd Irving, and Wolf.

Alternate Costumes:

Dunban Alt for Shulk, Mr. L, Protoman, Vanguard Ike, Dragonite for Charizard, Young Link, Pichu, Arvis for Robin(M)/Ishtar for Robin(F), and Waluigi.

Alternate Costumes for DLC characters:

Big Boss, Masked Man (Lucas), and Armored Mewtwo.

Stages: An improved Shadow Moses Island.

Assist Trophies: Reyn, Fiora, Micaiah, Hector, Flint (Mother 3), Duster (Mother 3), Raiden, Zelos Wilder, and Black Shadow.

Pokeball Pokemon: Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Blaziken, Mudkip, Tyranitar, and Grovyle.

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Complete with my "Squirtle slides in!" trailer before, it's Squirtle, and he brought with him his buddies Popo, Nana, and Lucas! He's been buffed to have a stronger Waterfall, and Water Gun now damages as well as forces back. Withdraw can swap into other attacks, even a special Bowser-esque grab. Popo and Nana are now each their own Ice Climbers, using each other in their Final Smash. Lucas appears to be more movement-enabled now, using new variations on PKs Fire and Thunder. His PK Magnet can now draw in two items in addition to healing damage. His Final Smash sends out a flurry of PSI moves in all directions, somewhat similar to Tabuu's Off Waves.

Animal Pack: The Wolf and The Snake. Self-explanatory. Lylat Cruise returns as well.

The Doctor is In: Drs. Stewart and Eggman enter the battle! Dr. Stewart uses medical tools for most of his attacks, using his machine, the Golden Fox, for recovery. His grabs use a stethoscope to catch and release him, and raising the grabbed foe's heartbeat to deal damage. His Final Smash, Rise of the Doctor, has him rise into the air with his flying ability, and turn momentarily into "Doctor Strange", enhancing all his attack similarly to Warioman. Dr. Eggman uses devices to attack, and his Final Smash sends out Metal Sonic and his robots from Sonic X to attacks.

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I'm pretty satisfied with things how they are but can I remove Duck Hunt Dog PLEASE

I guess Roy from FE6 would be cool but they'd kinda be... what's the phrase, grasping at straws otherwise? I feel like extra assist trophies is kinda lame because it means you have to pay to use items, but playable characters like Wolf, Lucas, Ice Climbers, and Mewtwo would be great since they were already in previous games, can't think of anyone new who is really worthy to be in otherwise (not really an "all-stars" line-up if you pack it with too many extras without justification + making up custom movesets for all of them would be rough and we have enough clones as it is... oh right some people consider Wolf and Lucas clones too... /notmethough)

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