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Top 10 Favorite Fighters Meme


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I did another one using that roster maker too, to show which colors I'll use. ^^


Yeah, Ike and Bowser Jr. remain as they are. I don't really fancy any of Ike's alternate colors and I like the Koopalings, but Bowser Jr. is still my favorite out of all eight of them. There's a lot of blue and yellow up there because I love blue and yellow. lol

Fun fact: I picked the color above for Duck Hunt Dog because it makes him look a lot like one of my doggies!

Also: I realize that I'd previously wanted to use the Skyward Sword Link and Oni Link alternates, but then I saw Pipit Link. :D (if only it'd also given him brown hair to match completely though!)

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I wanted to make one that included cut characters, using the image from the original post, but I can't find nice enough images of the characters I want, so I just used the roster maker:


Shulk was an easy #1, Xenoblade being my favorite game of all time and all.

I also really like Lucina, even though it's a shame she's so much of a clone of Marth. Hopefully she's made more different in future games like Luigi, Falco, and Toon Link (if you consider him a successor to Young Link) instead of cut, since gameplay-wise she's even clonier than Dark Pit and Dr. Mario. I gave her the Tharja pallet because waifu, plain and simple.

Duck Hunt Dog is number three due partly to being one of the few characters who's original game I actually played on an NES (the only three games I played on an NES before I played a remake or a re-release/emulation were Duck Hunt, Dr. Mario, and some Disney amusement park game I forget the title of), and partly because he's the closest we'll get to Banjo & Kazooie in Smash unless Nintendo buys the IP from Rare.

Bowser gets to be number four because, despite not having the hype of being a newcomer, he's still my favorite Nintendo character of all time, and it's nice to see him buffed.

Link gets number five because he was my Melee main, the Zelda series (specifically A Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time) were games that I grew up on, he's been noticeably buffed from what I heard, and he has a Fierce Diety recolor now.

Palutena is number six because I loved her in Uprising, and think it's great that a potentially top-tier character is someone I really like as a character (not that I had anything against Fox or Meta Knight. Fox always seemed like a typical "generic leader/hero" that it's hard to really like or dislike, sort of like how Leonardo isn't really anyone's favorite Ninja Turtle but no one hates him either. My lack of strong opinions on Meta Knight comes from a lack of exposure to the Kirby series, since I only game I've played is the N64 one and that was just at a friend's house). I picked that pallet because I think it's the one that I really liked, but I don't feel like looking back for the full-body pictures that are now buried dozens of pages back in the main SSB4 thread (this same logic applies to my pallet choice for Peach and Charizard, too)

Peach is number seven because she was my Brawl main, and I always give my mains from the previous game a try in the new Smash.

Charizard is number eight because it is my favorite Pokemon of all time since I was a little kid, but it fails to get any higher because I honestly didn't enjoy playing as Charizard in Brawl (and no, Squirtle and Ivysaur weren't the problem. Though I can't say I'll miss the stamina system and type weaknesses that came with the Pokemon Trainer). Hopefully it's revamped in this game.

The last two slots were hard to fill. There have been a ton of interesting characters, both newcomers and veterans, who could fill them. In the end, Rosalina got #9 because of those Game Theory videos of all things, which made me really like her as a character. And the green pallet alludes the possibility of Luigi being her father (To clarify, I'm not saying that was the reason Sakurai decided to include a green recolor for Rosalina, since it almost certainly isn't. I'm saying this is the reason I'm picking this recolor).

Luigi gets number ten partly because he was my main all the way back in SSB64 and partly because as a younger sibling whose older siblings are better and more successful than me, I could always relate to Luigi. And partly because I couldn't decide which one of the Koopalings I wanted to go with.

In case you were curious, this is what my top ten would be with cut characters (not too much different):

1. Shulk

2. Lucina

3. Duck Hunt

4. Bowser

5. Mewtwo

6. Link

7. Palutena

8. Peach

9. Wolf

10. Charizard

Mewtwo would get number five simply because it would be great to see him again after all this time (even if Charizard is my favorite Pokemon). Wolf was a secondary main in Brawl and I liked his playstyle, and I thought he was a compelling, badass villain in the Star Fox series who occasionally teams up with Fox for the greater good (though I miss his British accent from Star Fox 64).

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I think the reason that nobody's filling out the meme is because a good number of people may not know how to put the character images into the meme. It doesn't help that neither you nor the original creator of the meme provided instructions on putting the character images on.

i think it's because people don't feel like it. especially to do it well.

No one's going to fill out the meme anymore? :(

i did attempt to do it for 10 minutes, but decided it took too much effort to do well.

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I had so many people to choose from, I had to bump it to 14!


And these are the recolors I'd prefer to use (if I was picky at choosing colors):


Zelda's Pink Palette Swap is just so pretty! If this is supposed to be Melee Zelda, they did an AMAZING job! Tons better than what Brawl-Melee Zelda looked like. Black Suit Samus looked awesome during the invitational. I was gonna pick armorless Shulk, but it didn't go well with the other colors. Falco, I just like it. Jigglypuff's big bow is so cute! And Lucina's Cherche outfit was amazing. I liked Cordelia, but Cherche's pink hair and black armor really suited Lucina.

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Hey, we picked the same Falco, nice. lol

I just realized that I have a funny situation with the Robins. I use the female in Awakening, but never the male, but in Smash, I plan to use the male and never the female. :P Initially, I wanted to use the female, but I don't like any of the colors available to her. Male Robin has the blue I like, though, so it's like he's my Awakening Avatar but gender-swapped. lol

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As far as SSB4 is concerned, these are what I'm most likely to use first and foremost:


But I do have interest in learning the following:


Old favourites of mine from previous games, cut or otherwise, are:

Pikachu (Melee)



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In alphabetical order by localization:


Chrom!Ike, Skyloft!Link, Sumia!Lucina, Eliwood!Marth, Leaf Shield!Mega Man, Serra!Fem!Robin, White Mage!Male!Robin, Fusion!Samus, NES!Link, and Fusion!Zero Suit Samus.

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WhiteMage-Robin has the same hair color as my Robin (yes this is important,) and Dark Link is 3edgy5u. There are no other palette swaps for Captain Falcon or Little Mac. Roy is the best Koopaling, and I wasn't sure what to go with for Toon Link.

Edited by Silent Letters
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top row is current mains; bottom row is fighters I'm interested in trying out. I guess Tink should be in there but meh.

more complete version is


(except I'm not too interested in playing Mega Man anymore; I wasn't super impressed with his performance in the demo)

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Figure I'd do one of these myself.


1)Kirby-Competitive Brawl main. One of my favorite Nintendo characters in general.

2)Shulk-I've only watched a Xenoblade playthrough and loved it. If only we had a Pantless Marth alt to go with this one...

3)Greninja-My starter in X/Y was Froakie, so why not?

4)Capt. Falcon-Former Melee main before I gradually forgot how to use him. He's my go-to in non-competitive Brawl matches.

5)Pit-Kid Icarus Uprising is one of my all-time favorite games. This alt was the closest thing to the Dark Pit alt I used in Brawl.

6)Ganondorf-Brawl co-main and proof that I don't care for tier lists.

7)Link-I heard he got insanely buffed. He was one of my Melee co-mains alongside Marth.

8)Palutena-Same as Pit. Hades alt because he has some of the best dialogue ever.

9)Roy-Melee main is back and de-cloned! Yes!

10)Seriously didn't know who to put here, so I decided to put Dark Pit in. This alt mirrors the Pit alt above.

Nothing's wrong with the default skin. I use most characters' default skins too and I don't find it boring.

EDIT: I'm considering dropping Dark Pit in favor of either Pikachu or Mega Man. Got to play them both in the demo really liked how they played.

Edited by Kiseki
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I did the roster maker too.


The top half is mine, the bottom half is my fiancée's. Neither of us are going to use 16 characters so we split it instead (also we avoided repeats of each other's).

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In no particular order

1.) Bowser Jr looks pretty amazing all around in this game. He's got projectiles, strong multihit moves and he's even pretty heavy. I like all the Koopalings equally but Iggy has a slight lead.

2.) Loved playing as Game and Watch in Brawl. His new walk animation is god tier.

3.) Captain Falcon looks like he has some bite to him this time around. His side b is crazy powerful now.

4.) I'm interested in seeing how Meta Knight will play now that he is rightfully nerfed.

5.) Greninja has my pick for best new addition. He doesn't seem to be as op as I first thought. Pink Greninja is superior.

6.) Charizard is no longer held back by Pokemon Trainer's mechanics. Aerodactyl skin is the best.

7.) Zero Suit Samus no longer needs contrived button presses to be playable. She seems really good in this game too. As for her costume...

8.) Bowser is fucking ridiculous in this game. He's fast and strong and doesn't die and is a goddamn sexual tyrannosaurus.

9.) Little Mac is probably going to be low or bottom tier. I'd imagine you'd feel like a badass playing him though.

10.) I don't like Robin but I do. I'd use Female Robin but her colors suck. I heard you can use Smash attacks in the air with him.

Honorable mentions are Pac Man, Villager, Lucario and Dr. Mario.

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[spoiler=Here it is!]Xlo4AWo.png

[spoiler=For Realzies]uMc1FJJ.png


1. Robin - I like his style. He was on the top of my wishlist. I like the green palette of almost anyone who doesn't have a cool black one.

2. Marth - Leif's color scheme is awesome, and I still like Marth even though he's been nerfed.

3. Lucina - I think that not a lot of people would choose the Sumia color scheme, considering that 42% of people's waifus are Cordelia (just my estimate) I might enjoy Lucina despite her clone attributes.

4. Doc - During the Demo, I grew to love Mario's playstyle. As soon as I unlock Doc, he's gonna be one of my mains. I consider him a more "unique" clone compared to Lucina and Dark Pit. Get the fuck off the Roster Pitooey

5. Mr. G&W - His new model looks awesome and I always liked Game and Watch's fighting style.

6. ZSS - Her somewhat modified moveset is awesome. She's a strong and agile fighter and her black suit is probably my most favorite.

7. Duck Hunt - I initially hated him due to his absurd background. Seeing gameplay of him, I kinda like him already due to his interesting playstyle and attacks.

8. Little Mac - Played him at Smash Fest and he was an amazing ground fighter. He's incredibly fast and can whip up damages over 50 in less than 10-20 secs. He's more like a hard counter to certain people, but can be hard countered by probably everyone else.

9. Roy - Koopalings look very interesting, especially with that little Clown Car full of tricks. Just putting this up to piss of guys who wanted Roy in Smash. it's Fire Emblem: the Game where you lead a band of misfits, not Snooty Royalty Emblem.

10. Bowser - I have to say, he was incredibly buffed in both speed and damage. I'm actually glad Nintendo cared about his lagging moves and made modifications. Poor Ganon is still one of the slowest.

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1. Ike - As the protagonist of my all-time favorite video game (FE9), Ike gets eternal main rights. I'm really digging his Greil, Black Knight, and Sigurd costumes, but since I figure his BK costume will be pretty widely used online I'll probably give Greil!Ike some love.

2. Shulk - I seriously love Xenoblade (I'm so close to finally actually beating it) and I'm a huge fan of Shulk's gameplay gimmick in SSB, so he's a no-brainer. Since I generally control Melia when I play XC, I'll probably use the Melia costume for Shulk in SSB.

3. Robin - Green haired Robin, yes!!! My Avatar in FE13 was pretty much just basic Robin with green hair (slightly different eyes, but similar) so I basically get my Avatar as a playable character in SSB. Huzzah!

4. Greninja - Froakie was my starter in Y version, and I spent forever trying to breed a shiny Protean Froakie (only got a shiny Torrent :sob:), so I'll definitely give shiny Greninja a go in SSB.

5. Wii Fit Trainer - WFT's voice in English is glorious, with all the patronizing exercise phrases. Her attacks look really fun too.

6. Dark Pit - This spot is really for whichever of Pit or Dark Pit I prefer. Pit was one of my mains in Brawl, so I'm excited to see how he plays with his new overhaul. I'm guessing I'll prefer Dark Pit due to his general cool-ness, but Pit's adorkable silliness might win me over yet.

7. Little Mac - I actively didn't want Little Mac in this game, but Sakurai has officially won me over. He looks awesome to play as, and is utterly terrifying on the ground. I need his jab in my life.

8. Lucina - I mained Marth back in Melee, but I always sucked at tippers, so I'm betting Lucina will feel a lot better to me. And of course she can look like my FE13 waifu Cherche.

9. Duck Hunt - I first played the game Duck Hunt so long ago I can barely remember it. I must have been 4 or 5 at the time, standing right up against the screen blasting ducks and shouting at that darned dog. So the nostalgia is real.

10. Iggy - My main in Mario Kart 8. Never thought I'd see him in SSB.

Edited by Ragnell
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