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Blessing weapons and weapon ranks.


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I know it's kind of unfair to ask two questions at once and I apologize. However, these are a couple of questions that are burning in my mind.

1. In Radiant Dawn, is it possible to attain weapon rank SS in multiple weapon types?

2. In the Tower of Guidance, when Yune blesses your weapons. Do the Ragnell and the Alondite already count as blessed weapons? (Will they be affected by mantle.)

Both of these questions are paramount in my achievement of my current Radiant Dawn play through and all answers are highly appreciated.

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It is technically possible to have mutiple SS ranks but it is the exception of the rule. I think the only regular class which can do it are Saints. Otherwhise only Ike's and Micaiah's class can get there. Neither are very likely to get there, though.

Rangel and Alondite can not damage Mantle by default (which actually makes sense since their blessing is from Ashera, not Yune). Of course, Yune will bless Ragnel wheter you want it or not.

Edited by BrightBow
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In all my playthroughs I have only reached SS rank in one weapon class per character and I'm not sure what Yune's blessing does to Ragnal and Alondite but they are the best SS swords and maybe they could not damage Ashera without Yune's blessing I know the other SS rank weapons can't damage Ashera without it.

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If I'm not wrong, there are only two characters, who can use two different SS weapons:

Ike => Ragnell and Urvan

Lehran => Rexaura and Belberith

I don't remember exactly, if you can bless weapons on characters, who actually cannot use them.

If you don't want to bring Pelleas to the endgame, but you want to make use of Belberith against Ashera, you could give an unit Belberith and despoit all other weapons to the storage.

Please correct me, if my theory is wrong.

In all my playthroughs I have only reached SS rank in one weapon class per character and I'm not sure what Yune's blessing does to Ragnal and Alondite but they are the best SS swords and maybe they could not damage Ashera without Yune's blessing I know the other SS rank weapons can't damage Ashera without it.

Vague Katti is the best SS sword. It has no range attack unlike Ragnell and Alondite but therefore higher might and accuracy.

Ragnell is the best sword for Ike because of the boost in defense.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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In Radiant Dawn every class has specific weapon level caps. For example, Gold Knight (Axe) can reach SS Axe and A Sword at most (Axe Gold Knight being the version Kieran and Titania promote into), while Falcoknight can reach SS Lance, S Swords. A few classes have SS rank caps in multiple weapons - you can find the list on the main site at http://serenesforest.net/radiant-dawn/classes/weapon-ranks/maximum-ranks/.

Ragnell is forced blessing. No matter what Ike equips, Yune blesses Ragnell for Ike. Alondite doesn't get blessed automatically - if you don't equip it, it won't break Mantle.

If I'm not wrong, there are only two characters, who can use two different SS weapons:

Ike => Ragnell and Urvan

Lehran => Rexaura and Belberith

I don't remember exactly, if you can bless weapons on characters, who actually cannot use them.

If you don't want to bring Pelleas to the endgame, but you want to make use of Belberith against Ashera, you could give an unit Belberith and despoit all other weapons to the storage.

Please correct me, if my theory is wrong.

Vague Katti is the best SS sword. It has no range attack unlike Ragnell and Alondite but therefore higher might and accuracy.

Ragnell is the best sword for Ike because of the boost in defense.

There are 6, actually. 3 if you don't count Staves as a 'weapon':

Micaiah (Light/Staves)

Black Knight (Lance/Swords)

Laura (Light/Staves)

Rhys (Light/Staves)

Ike (Swords/Axes)

Sephiran (Light/Dark/Staves)

Also, I don't believe that works. You have to equip the thing you want blessed.

Finally considering almost every enemy after the blessing event has 1-2 range attacks, I'd say Alondite is very much the better sword. Whether it's worth blessing though is another story (It comes down to what you want to be able to damage bosses with mostly).

Edited by Tables
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There are 6, actually. 3 if you don't count Staves as a 'weapon':

Micaiah (Light/Staves)

Black Knight (Lance/Swords)

Laura (Light/Staves)

Rhys (Light/Staves)

Ike (Swords/Axes)

Sephiran (Light/Dark/Staves)

I'm pretty sure that Oliver can SS both Light Magic and Staves, making that seven, not six.

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I didn't mention Micaiah and all the saints, because I don't count staves as weapons.

BK is right, but unfortunately only an enemy in endgame.

So Ike and Lehran are still the only characters, who theoretically could use two different blessed SS weapon types.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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I'm pretty sure that Oliver can SS both Light Magic and Staves, making that seven, not six.

Oh, yeah. Forgot that Oliver exists. Make that 7 who can SS two weapon types then.

I didn't mention Micaiah and all the saints, because I don't count staves as weapons.

BK is right, but unfortunately only an enemy in endgame.

So Ike and Lehran are still the only characters, who theoretically could use two different blessed SS weapons.

No, it's a lot more than that. Every sword user can use two different blessed SS weapons.

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My bad. I meant that Ike and Lehran are the only playable characters, who can use two different SS rank weapon types.

Yeah, I know. Just picking at the wording :). I still disagree with discounting staves, but I can see the logic behind it (they can't be blessed for a start).

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