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Serenesforest's member appreciation thread- Hattu

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I remember a really long time ago I didn't like Refa for some reason. Like, that was my first impression of him. It was probably my misunderstanding, because I can't remember what he did that made me dislike him at all, and pretty much everything since then made me decide he was great.

Maybe it was because he had that Delita avatar. Damn you Delita, you tricky fiend!

I remember this applied to a lot of people and I remember talking to him and not understanding why people didn't like him because him Horace and I had some good times in ye olde ip.chat

Fuckboy doesn't respond to my skype ims tho

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I remember this applied to a lot of people and I remember talking to him and not understanding why people didn't like him because him Horace and I had some good times in ye olde ip.chat

Fuckboy doesn't respond to my skype ims tho

iirc I have two skype accounts which I never go on because I dont remember the username or password. I have you as my only friend on one (I think) and hex as my only bud on the other. Thankfully I have u on face and u still go to irc frequently. Hex sometimes visits my profile but besides that... Edited by Severlan
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shit, really?

ive always said ref-uh

That's how I always read it too~!

It's the same way I read freohr as fre-or but everybody else reads it as free-or (except now I read fray-or because I like how it sounds mostest ^o^)

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@Refa: He is unconditionally great. Has made me laugh a number of times, is super duper nice, and always knows what to say. I'm glad I joined his fanclub *.⋆( ˘̴͈́ ॢ꒵ॢ ˘̴͈̀ )⋆.*

@PKLucas531: I really like Damian's sense of humour. Like... it seems to come naturally to him idek how to describe it wow. Basically he makes me laugh a lot too. He's also goony, friendly, and has great stories. (๑^っ^๑)

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That's how I always read it too~!

It's the same way I read freohr as fre-or but everybody else reads it as free-or (except now I read fray-or because I like how it sounds mostest ^o^)

I read it as Fre-o-her
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Damiaaaaaaan yeah he's super funny and as seems to be a common compliment when people don't know the other.... or even when they do know the other apparently he's really good at ssb ;o But but but he can be real friendly and lots of fun to talk to~

I read it as Fre-o-her

That's.... new~ (but at least it makes sense unlike archie's~ ider how she pronounces it but omg...)

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I first took notice of PKLucas when some of his friends (most of whom are now my friends as well) invaded IP.Chat or something and started talking about how cool he was

and then we didn't interact like at all for a while

but now that we have I can say that he has lived up to the hype and am glad to be friends with him

I wish I had more to day besides "great sense of humor" "really fun to talk to" "super chill and nice/friendly" "too good at smash I wish I had better internet"

Edited by Euklyd
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