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So I'm playing Pokemon Y...


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... and it's one of the worst fucking games I've ever played.

How the fuck did this game manage to get such a high fucking score?


It's an absolute piece of shit and I'm so happy that I got it for less than half price or I'd be absolutely fucking pissed.

Any pokemon fan can get this game and enjoy.


Is this the standard of Pokemon now? I knew it was getting bad back in the Diamond and Pearl days, but then they did alright with Black and White and I thought they knew what they were doing. First Black/White 2 and now this? Anyone who is looking forward to the new Gen III remakes needs a slap across the back of the head and told to stop wasting their money on shit.

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... and it's one of the worst fucking games I've ever played.

How the fuck did this game manage to get such a high fucking score?


It's an absolute piece of shit and I'm so happy that I got it for less than half price or I'd be absolutely fucking pissed.


Is this the standard of Pokemon now? I knew it was getting bad back in the Diamond and Pearl days, but then they did alright with Black and White and I thought they knew what they were doing. First Black/White 2 and now this? Anyone who is looking forward to the new Gen III remakes needs a slap across the back of the head and told to stop wasting their money on shit.

You should go buy Pokemon X. Its way better than Pokemon Y.

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Pokemon X is the exact same game as Y with a few differences. :/ He's not going to like it any better.

But wow, this thread was really unnecessary. Just blatantly bashing a game is not going to make people take kindly to you. Heck, the constant swearing your post alone was enough to annoy me. If you hate the Pokemon series so much now, you shouldn't have even bothered to get the game. Please get out of this subforum and don't come back.

Although Metacritic needs to look at the starters again. Fennekin doesn't look ANYTHING like a deer.

Edited by Anacybele
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So what's wrong with it?

Despite the fact that the game is incredibly easy, the story is absolutely piss poor, the game is still locked to grid movement, characters just pop in and out randomly and whatever story there is, I haven't encountered yet other than "learn about megastones" which again, another horrible addition.

Team Flare is a joke, control and movement in the middle city is a fucking horrible implementation and I'd have preferred just the over head view instead of over the shoulder or whatever. There's a fuck tonne of useless cafes, the clothing mechanic is pointless considering we can only choose from three models at the very start of the game.

I don't even remember the town's name, but where I'm at is this town where for someone reason has loading screens on each exit instead of a seamless overworld like previous titles, but it has these three big rocks in the middle. Well, there's a flare grunt who is just talking out loud then you follow him to one of the exits where he tells you that he's going to go to a certain area, it's like, why would he do that? It's so fucking stupid, but then all of a sudden your neighbour or whatever pops up from the bottom of the screen and asks if there was a grunt there, WHICH YOU HAVE AN OPTION TO SAY NO TO, like, what the fuck? But after that very, very small and insignificant conversation with her she fucking vanishes. You then go into another exit and a random chick you already ran into ages ago runs into you again, before the fight she evens says "you know which of my lucario likes you?" or whatever and how the hell am I to know? They look the fucking same.

This game's utter stupidity on so many fronts is just mind numbing. My Pokemon leveled up so quickly, I barely needed to use any items and I was rolling in cash by the time I defeated the first gym leader. None of the characters are memorable except for that fat dancing fuck who is so annoying, none of the music, towns or cities are memorable in the slightest other than the city in the middle and it only is memorable because it's the only city like it.

This game is on par with Brats and Barbie, games for children, nothing less.

Pokemon X is the exact same game as Y with a few differences. :/ He's not going to like it any better.

But wow, this thread was really unnecessary. Just blatantly bashing a game is not going to make people take kindly to you. Heck, the constant swearing your post alone was enough to annoy me. If you hate the Pokemon series so much now, you shouldn't have even bothered to get the game. Please get out of this subforum and don't come back.

I just want to know why people like these games so much. I loved Pokemon as a kid, I even remember the tv commercial that was for Ruby and Sapphire that I recorded on casette every time it was on tv to show my older brother. I've bought Ruby about ten times because I play and finish it, trade it in but then get it again a year later because I just had to play it again. But since then the games have just gotten really, really pathetic.

I've lost pretty much all the faith I had in GameFreak and in Nintendo, I just don't see how anyone can even legitimately consider this even a decent game, let alone a good one.

Edited by NICKT™
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the game is still locked to grid movement

This is false. You can walk diagonally now and when you wear the roller skates, movement is completely free. Your character moves around as if they're Link in a Zelda game.

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Despite the fact that the game is incredibly easy, the story is absolutely piss poor, the game is still locked to grid movement, characters just pop in and out randomly and whatever story there is, I haven't encountered yet other than "learn about megastones" which again, another horrible addition.

Team Flare is a joke, control and movement in the middle city is a fucking horrible implementation and I'd have preferred just the over head view instead of over the shoulder or whatever. There's a fuck tonne of useless cafes, the clothing mechanic is pointless considering we can only choose from three models at the very start of the game.

I don't even remember the town's name, but where I'm at is this town where for someone reason has loading screens on each exit instead of a seamless overworld like previous titles, but it has these three big rocks in the middle. Well, there's a flare grunt who is just talking out loud then you follow him to one of the exits where he tells you that he's going to go to a certain area, it's like, why would he do that? It's so fucking stupid, but then all of a sudden your neighbour or whatever pops up from the bottom of the screen and asks if there was a grunt there, WHICH YOU HAVE AN OPTION TO SAY NO TO, like, what the fuck? But after that very, very small and insignificant conversation with her she fucking vanishes. You then go into another exit and a random chick you already ran into ages ago runs into you again, before the fight she evens says "you know which of my lucario likes you?" or whatever and how the hell am I to know? They look the fucking same.

This game's utter stupidity on so many fronts is just mind numbing. My Pokemon leveled up so quickly, I barely needed to use any items and I was rolling in cash by the time I defeated the first gym leader. None of the characters are memorable except for that fat dancing fuck who is so annoying, none of the music, towns or cities are memorable in the slightest other than the city in the middle and it only is memorable because it's the only city like it.

This game is on par with Brats and Barbie, games for children, nothing less.

solution: turn exp share off. movement was actually improved...

they're actually the same as all the other evil organizations in pokemon games. and oh gods no, gamefreak tried something new in a pokemon game. those dastards gave us a realistic view and cabs for naviagation!

well what do you expect from the 3ds.

um it's a game mainly for children. of course they're going to help you progress through the story, like most other pokemon games.

again, exp share off. not battling wild pokemon helps too. the game gets somewhat hard if you limit your experience pool.

well of course it's a children's game.

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Despite the fact that the game is incredibly easy, the story is absolutely piss poor, the game is still locked to grid movement, characters just pop in and out randomly and whatever story there is, I haven't encountered yet other than "learn about megastones" which again, another horrible addition.

Team Flare is a joke, control and movement in the middle city is a fucking horrible implementation and I'd have preferred just the over head view instead of over the shoulder or whatever. There's a fuck tonne of useless cafes, the clothing mechanic is pointless considering we can only choose from three models at the very start of the game.

I don't even remember the town's name, but where I'm at is this town where for someone reason has loading screens on each exit instead of a seamless overworld like previous titles, but it has these three big rocks in the middle. Well, there's a flare grunt who is just talking out loud then you follow him to one of the exits where he tells you that he's going to go to a certain area, it's like, why would he do that? It's so fucking stupid, but then all of a sudden your neighbour or whatever pops up from the bottom of the screen and asks if there was a grunt there, WHICH YOU HAVE AN OPTION TO SAY NO TO, like, what the fuck? But after that very, very small and insignificant conversation with her she fucking vanishes. You then go into another exit and a random chick you already ran into ages ago runs into you again, before the fight she evens says "you know which of my lucario likes you?" or whatever and how the hell am I to know? They look the fucking same.

This game's utter stupidity on so many fronts is just mind numbing. My Pokemon leveled up so quickly, I barely needed to use any items and I was rolling in cash by the time I defeated the first gym leader. None of the characters are memorable except for that fat dancing fuck who is so annoying, none of the music, towns or cities are memorable in the slightest other than the city in the middle and it only is memorable because it's the only city like it.

This game is on par with Brats and Barbie, games for children, nothing less.

I just want to know why people like these games so much. I loved Pokemon as a kid, I even remember the tv commercial that was for Ruby and Sapphire that I recorded on casette every time it was on tv to show my older brother. I've bought Ruby about ten times because I play and finish it, trade it in but then get it again a year later because I just had to play it again. But since then the games have just gotten really, really pathetic.

I've lost pretty much all the faith I had in GameFreak and in Nintendo, I just don't see how anyone can even legitimately consider this even a decent game, let alone a good one.

Maybe the games aren't getting worse, but you're just getting older and tired of Pokemon.

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Despite the fact that the game is incredibly easy,

Just like every other Pokemon game.

the story is absolutely piss poor,

Just like every other Pokemon game (bar maybe gens 3 and 5).

the game is still locked to grid movement,

This is false, but really wouldn't be a problem even were it true.

characters just pop in and out randomly

Just like every other Pokemon game.

Team Flare is a joke

Just like every evil Pokemon team. (Before you try to cite Team Rocket, the only reason people see them as better is nostalgia and being the original)

There's a fuck tonne of useless cafes,

This is not necessarily a problem. Plenty of open-world games have seemingly "useless" areas. It's meant to add to the world because not everything needs a direct purpose.

the clothing mechanic is pointless considering we can only choose from three models at the very start of the game.

This makes no sense. Even if there was only model to choose from (technically we have six, not three), the clothing would still be useful because players like customization features. What, is there some arbitrary amount of available body options required for clothing options to be allowed to exist? What a dumb complaint.

I don't even remember the town's name, but where I'm at is this town where for someone reason has loading screens on each exit instead of a seamless overworld like previous titles,

I find it funny you criticize this here when in gen 5, the one you mentioned was good, the big town also had several loading zones. This is presumably because the system likely can't handle loading it all at once, given it's bigger than Ridley.

but it has these three big rocks in the middle. Well, there's a flare grunt who is just talking out loud then you follow him to one of the exits where he tells you that he's going to go to a certain area, it's like, why would he do that? It's so fucking stupid, but then all of a sudden your neighbour or whatever pops up from the bottom of the screen and asks if there was a grunt there, WHICH YOU HAVE AN OPTION TO SAY NO TO, like, what the fuck? But after that very, very small and insignificant conversation with her she fucking vanishes. You then go into another exit and a random chick you already ran into ages ago runs into you again, before the fight she evens says "you know which of my lucario likes you?" or whatever and how the hell am I to know? They look the fucking same.

This is pure ranting with nothing substantial to even respond to except to say it's just ranting.

This game's utter stupidity on so many fronts is just mind numbing. My Pokemon leveled up so quickly, I barely needed to use any items and I was rolling in cash by the time I defeated the first gym leader.

Sounds like every Pokemon game I've ever played.

It should be noted, though, that the Lucky Egg and Exp Share are optional items and, when turned off, the game actually becomes pretty reasonably difficult. It's like an in-game difficulty setting.

None of the characters are memorable except for that fat dancing fuck who is so annoying, none of the music, towns or cities are memorable in the slightest other than the city in the middle and it only is memorable because it's the only city like it.

I have opinions, too, and mine is the opposite of what you're saying here.

I just want to know why people like these games so much. I loved Pokemon as a kid, I even remember the tv commercial that was for Ruby and Sapphire that I recorded on casette every time it was on tv to show my older brother. I've bought Ruby about ten times because I play and finish it, trade it in but then get it again a year later because I just had to play it again. But since then the games have just gotten really, really pathetic.

I smell nostalgia bias.

I've lost pretty much all the faith I had in GameFreak and in Nintendo, I just don't see how anyone can even legitimately consider this even a decent game, let alone a good one.

Personally, X/Y are actually on the lower end of Pokemon games for me (I prefer all other gens sans gen 4), but this topic and your complaints are more childish than you claim the games to be. Your opening post had absolutely nothing substantial, just a bunch of swearing, and I almost moved this to FftF because it was just a rant, but I decided to give you a chance to explain yourself. Even when you did explain yourself, many of your "problems" are apparent in almost every other Pokemon game to date, and others reek of nostalgia bias.

I don't think you made a single argument that actually showed a part of X/Y being worse than previous gens, except maybe the one about memorable characters.

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Oh, it sounds more like he's just "growing out of it" than pokemon actually changing, IMO(which other people cite as a problem so lol).


Just grow out of it and move on with your life.

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This is false. You can walk diagonally now and when you wear the roller skates, movement is completely free. Your character moves around as if they're Link in a Zelda game.

Diagonally? As in, from one grid square, to uh, another one? Yeah, still grid locked. Go take a look at Golden Sun to see that even during the GBA era we could still manage a pixel-point movement.

Also, skates are locked to the control stick instead of the d-pad, so aside from the fact it'd be a lot nicer to control movement normally with the stick instead of the d-pad, if we want to get off grid movement we have to have unwieldy speeds and gliding movement.

solution: turn exp share off. movement was actually improved...

they're actually the same as all the other evil organizations in pokemon games. and oh gods no, gamefreak tried something new in a pokemon game. those dastards gave us a realistic view and cabs for naviagation!

well what do you expect from the 3ds.

um it's a game mainly for children. of course they're going to help you progress through the story, like most other pokemon games.

again, exp share off. not battling wild pokemon helps too. the game gets somewhat hard if you limit your experience pool.

well of course it's a children's game.

I actually turned off exp-share as soon as I got it, because I like having a system where I order my party by their level then by hp, so my party is always properly leveled, if I used exp-share then I'd be using one pokemon in front most of the time cause exp would be spread throughout the entire party, I might as well use a single Pokemon at that point and over-level it, but I stuck using the ones I liked, so no exp share.

Ok, maybe the villains are never well-written, but at least there's a point to them, y'know? Rocket wanted to steal Pokemon, Magma and Aqua wanted to extend their respective sea/land areas, even the group in Black and White had a point where on the surface they acted with the idea that they wanted to save Pokemon or whatever. The first time you see the guy in red in the middle city in X/Y he mentions that the world would be better gone or something so the beauty never ends. It's like, what the fuck? That is literally one of the worst things I've ever heard come from a video game villain. Then whenever you see Team Flare they just randomly show up at all these different places for no real reason, they're just like all the other pointless trainers you face.

People say nostalgia gets in the way of Team Rocket being considered good, but when you look back at say, Gold and Silver, Rocket takes over Slowpoke Well to sell their tails for money to fund their organization, they take over the Goldenrod tower to spread their views or contact their leader or whatever, also the same with Dragonrage Lake or whatever. In Ruby and Sapphire, every time you meet the villains it makes sense, you never randomly run into them for the sake of varying the opposing trainers.

Also, I've got nothing really wrong with the view, it's more the controls, hey why not allow L and R to control the camera? Because that would be fine in that scenario, but no, to turn the camera you have to stop, then use left and right respectively, it's tedious and poor implementation.

And seriously, I can't have been the only one to think that despite on the surface it being somewhat a kids game, there was at least still an aspect that could be appreciated by fans of the series? Pokemon has been around for decades, it doesn't really make sense just to throw away all the previous fans just to get kids in these days, there's absolutely nothing of value in these games for the older fans other than something new.

I'm kind of done with this anyway, I really haven't gotten what I expected, which for clarification was people to validate why people felt this game was worthy of an 80-100/100 score on several sites, felt like I had to specify that because I know the cunts on this site love to make me out to be an idiot.

So, make your replies and then lock this, I really, really don't care.

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