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If you could create your own Skill...


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Mimic: Copies your Pair-up partner's fifth or last skill.

Galeforce shenanigans have doubled.

Bonus: It's for a male only DLC class.

Meaning males would be highly buffed to the point where male/female balance is greatly improved.

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Bonus: It's for a male only DLC class.

Meaning males would be highly buffed to the point where male/female balance is greatly improved.

Give it to both genders for Galeforce + Aggressor nonsense.

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A lot of people pair up their units, and I don't understand why.

Because pairing up can more than triple a unit's damage output from Dual Strikes alone.

Meaning males would be highly buffed to the point where male/female balance is greatly improved.

Males and females have flat-out different roles that deliberately compliment eachother. Neither one is "better" than the other, because neither can function properly alone. Do females generally function better as leads? Yes, they do. Males also function much better as supports. Since this just adds to overall unit diversity, I don't see it as a problem.

However, a skill like this would be incredible as long as copied skills don't stack. It would open dozens of new possibilities for both ingame, grinding and postgame that just aren't there at the moment without doing anything blatantly overpowered (Agg on a female doesn't make as much difference as you'd think- try Chrom + Chrom!Inigo and see how a Dual Agg pair works. Fun, but nothing gamebreaking). Although it would probably have no effect on skills that can't be inherited anyway, so Agg doesn't even matter.

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Yesss, bringin' back the good ol' skills from the past. Well, here's what I'll bring to the fight: an Occult Skill and its sister.

Colossus: Double the Strength of the user for one attack upon activation. (Skill/4)%

Surge: Double the Magic of the user for one attack upon activation. (Skill/4)%

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If the sole purpose of Lunatic+ were to be sadistic, you'd be seeing stuff like Miracle and Breakers, and procs would have buffed effects instead of activation rates- aka more turn-based randomness instead of pre-battle randomness. Fortunately, that's not the point.

So stuff like Nihil (and most of the other "Lunatic+" skills being suggested) would fit much better in Apo (always occurring on major bosses would work too).

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Focused Attack - Attacks do 50% more damage, but weapon usage is halved.

Team Effort - For every ally standing next to the unit with this skill, the unit will get +15 Crit. Maximum of +60 Crit.

That's all I have.

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Willpower: Grants Hit+50 if a unit is bellow 50% health.

And for a certain DLC map, I think it would have been a bit more interesting if the enemies had these skills:

Mercy: If opponent has 20% health left or less, your luck becomes 0.

Last Stand: Grants Hit+20 and Crit+20 if opponent is above 20% HP.

Take a guess at which DLC map I'm referring to. It's the one where if the RNG hates you just once, it's game over.

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I kinda was hoping that the Walhart would have this as his secondary skill since I though Morgan!Walhart could inherit special classes but oh well:

WeaponBreaker: Increases the user's Hit Rate and Evasion by 50% when the enemy is equipped with a Lance, Sword or Axe.

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Willpower: Grants Hit+50 if a unit is bellow 50% health.

And for a certain DLC map, I think it would have been a bit more interesting if the enemies had these skills:

Mercy: If opponent has 20% health left or less, your luck becomes 0.

Last Stand: Grants Hit+20 and Crit+20 if opponent is above 20% HP.

Take a guess at which DLC map I'm referring to. It's the one where if the RNG hates you just once, it's game over.

Last Stand's activation conditions are kind of strange. Why would a skill called "Last Stand" be active is a case where, say, both parties are at full HP?

I'd make it work only when your HP is less than half of your opponent's.

The only map I can think of that fits your description is FP1 on Hard or higher when you're trying to get all the convos, don't know where the reinforcements spawn and haven't trained the parents (thanks to the Mire reinforcements that can OHKO the kids). But there are multiple ways to make that RNG-proof, so I still don't see the problem.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Last Stand's activation conditions are kind of strange. Why would a skill called "Last Stand" be active is a case where, say, both parties are at full HP?

I'd make it work only when your HP is less than half of your opponent's.

The only map I can think of that fits your description is FP1 on Hard or higher when you're trying to get all the convos, don't know where the reinforcements spawn and haven't trained the parents (thanks to the Mire reinforcements that can OHKO the kids). But there are multiple ways to make that RNG-proof, so I still don't see the problem.

I was referring to the DLC map Death's Embrace where Characters have 1 HP.

Modified Last Stand: Last Stand: Grants Hit+20 and Crit+20 if opponent is above 20% HP and you have 20% or less HP.

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Oh, Death's Embrace. Of course.

Yep.The only map in the game where no matter what strategy you try (including the blatantly obvious fortify), it is incredibly easy to get RNG screwed.

...there's this staff called "Fortify"...

The devs thought of that. Enemies have Vengeance. Enemies also have One HP. See the problem here?

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Yep.The only map in the game where no matter what strategy you try (including the blatantly obvious fortify), it is incredibly easy to get RNG screwed.

The devs thought of that. Enemies have Vengeance. Enemies also have One HP. See the problem here?

Not really. Pairing becomes a nonissue, so you have double the offensive power, plus you almost certainly have some Galeforce and/or Rescue, plus they might not even be ABLE to kill you with one Vengeance shot. They shouldn't be doing 40+ damage to you before Vengeance to begin with on a DLC map!

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I just deployed half my team so nobody started out with cut health, and then galed everything, making sure to never take floor damage. Vantage/Vengeance wasn't too much of an issue due to the lack of 1-2 range weapons, and the ones that were there weren't terribly dangerous (just a Nos or two).

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Mystery:Uses a Random skill.

This is trolly and I love it. Think you can finish off a Counter enemy? Nope, Miracle. Going for the kill on an enemy you double? Vengeance. It makes you plan for everything if you don't want a chance of death. Even then, they could end up with the appropriate Breaker skill...

Here's mine. Sorry if someone already made one like it.

Overclock: Increases Str, Mag, Skill, Spd, Luck, Def, and Res by 5. Fully heals the unit at the beginning of each player turn. Unit dies after 6 turns have passed. A unit with this skill cannot be put in the back of a pair-up.

The restriction on pair-up is needed because units in the back can't die, which would make this skill a bit too abusable. This could be used either on maps you know you can clear quickly, or if you've planned it out so you can replace the skill before you die. Not sure if 6 turns would be the right amount for balance.

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