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If you could create your own Skill...


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I'm actually not sure I like the idea of a skill that sets bows to be 1-2, unless the 1-range shot's effective MT is adjusted to match things like the Javelin or the Hand Axe. Maybe a skill that raises the user's evade/crit evade if approached with a melee weapon during enemy phase while equipped with a bow?

Also, there might be a skill which provides a sizable offense/defense boost, in exchange for not reacting to attacks during enemy phase. Not sure exactly what sort of boost would be appropriate, however, and such a skill would definitely favor archers (who have a cruddy enemy phase, anyway).

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I'm actually not sure I like the idea of a skill that sets bows to be 1-2, unless the 1-range shot's effective MT is adjusted to match things like the Javelin or the Hand Axe. Maybe a skill that raises the user's evade/crit evade if approached with a melee weapon during enemy phase while equipped with a bow? Also, there might be a skill which provides a sizable offense/defense boost, in exchange for not reacting to attacks during enemy phase. Not sure exactly what sort of boost would be appropriate, however, and such a skill would definitely favor archers (who have a cruddy enemy phase, anyway).

That's a positive and a positive. Hell, if anything, a skill that makes you not counterattack, in and of itself, could be quite a dandy one for "wall and wait" utility. One very popular Lunatic+ approach involves making the entire team a wall of bows, and frankly, nearly every L+ run nowadays from folks who know of the strat takes advantage of that workaround at least to some extent. Namely because Luna+ is brutal and Counter is ridiculous, but it's been possible to slaughter yourself by plowing through enemies too quickly since just about forever.

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I'm actually not sure I like the idea of a skill that sets bows to be 1-2, unless the 1-range shot's effective MT is adjusted to match things like the Javelin or the Hand Axe. Maybe a skill that raises the user's evade/crit evade if approached with a melee weapon during enemy phase while equipped with a bow? Also, there might be a skill which provides a sizable offense/defense boost, in exchange for not reacting to attacks during enemy phase. Not sure exactly what sort of boost would be appropriate, however, and such a skill would definitely favor archers (who have a cruddy enemy phase, anyway).

Something tells me you're not that familiar with Lunatic+, because this is one of the most OP skills anyone could ask for, even without the Def boost. A large number of midgame deaths in Luntic+ runs that aren't properly prepared come from trying to tank an EP equipped, killing everything that comes at you, and getting worn down by a dozen Luna+ hits (not to mention Counter). If you can't attack on EP, you've only got 4 facings (8 attacks at the max) and fighting in formations allows you to sharply cut that number down to around 3 battles per EP. This skill would essentially allow you to do that without needing a nearby ally to unequip you after attacking (or having a Bow).

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Gosh, you'd think responding to attacks during an Enemy Phase would be preferable! Guess not.

Would you prioritize such a skill over something like Galeforce in the Lunatic+ difficulty (haven't touched it)? Sorry I made the suggestion, I honestly though that would be a skill people wouldn't want to use.

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Over Galeforce, the one skill offering the most powerful and goddamn near unique tactical flexibility in Awakening? How 'bout nah. But it's still crazy-handy if you want to be going into any class that's not bows and... y'know... fronting. Lord forbid with Pass.

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Gosh, you'd think responding to attacks during an Enemy Phase would be preferable! Guess not. Would you prioritize such a skill over something like Galeforce in the Lunatic+ difficulty (haven't touched it)? Sorry I made the suggestion, I honestly though that would be a skill people wouldn't want to use.

Depends what class it came from. I'd probably go for a mix of the two unless it was either prohibitively difficult to obtain (Berserker/Griffon 15) or handed to you on a silver platter (Merc/Cav 10).

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Beastkete. Allows Taguels to use dragon stones.

Draguel. Allows Manaketes to use beast stones.

Traitor. Allows player units to heal or dance enemy units.

Treacherous Trade. Allows theive or assassin units to trade with enemy units.

Betrayal. Allows Player units to attack player units.

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Beastkete. Allows Taguels to use dragon stones.

Since Dragonstones are infinitely better than Beaststones, this could definitely make Taguel a much greater threat.

And possibly too overpowered, plsnerf.

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Since Dragonstones are infinitely better than Beaststones, this could definitely make Taguel a much greater threat.

And possibly too overpowered, plsnerf.

I never specified how they will work when used. Feel free to speculate.

Self harm. Allows unit to use axes, lances, and swords to heal boost each stat by 2 for 3 turns.

Staff attack. Allows stave users to attack woth staves.

Reverse healing. Allows stave users give damage to player units by healing.

Galeforce+. Allows unit to move again after using galeforce.

Words of peace(Emmyrn only). Allows unit to temporarily recruit one enemy unit for a whole chapter. Once chapter ends the unit does not become usable.

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I never specified how they will work when used. Feel free to speculate.

Since you didn't say it would work differently, I think it made sense to assume it worked the same way. The range is a property of the weapon, not the class, and unless I'm wrong the same is true of the stat boosts.

Once chapter ends the unit does not become usable.


I'm guessing you can't Second Seal the unit who you recruit?

Would they be able to gain exp and level up? If so, would their growth rates be their class growth rates? Zeroes? This skill is really interesting, though I don't know if it would be useful.

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Traitor. Allows player units to heal or dance enemy units.

Treacherous Trade. Allows theive or assassin units to trade with enemy units.

Betrayal. Allows Player units to attack player units.

Reverse healing. Allows stave users give damage to player units by healing.

Ehh... Please explain to me how are these useful in any way?? o_O

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But what about "Allows player units to heal or dance enemy units"? Why would anyone be masochistic enough to use it in the first place? Especially after the dancing, where the enemy will most likely go after the dancer.

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But what about "Allows player units to heal or dance enemy units"? Why would anyone be masochistic enough to use it in the first place? Especially after the dancing, where the enemy will most likely go after the dancer.

Could be useful for recruiting enemies you don't want to get killed. Dancing an enemy makes no real sense though since you can only do that on your turn and they can't really move on your turn.

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Could be useful for recruiting enemies you don't want to get killed. Dancing an enemy makes no real sense though since you can only do that on your turn and they can't really move on your turn.

There's still special dance buffs.

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Random. Every turn this skills effect changes.

Salvemaster. Stat boosting and healing items give double the effect.

Levitation. Allows unit to fly across all terrain except walls.

Ghost. Allows unit to walk through walls.

Teleportation. Allows unit to warp anywhere on the map, but only once a chapter.

Resurrection. Allows unit to come back to life only once every chapter.

Edited by Rabbattack
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But what about "Allows player units to heal or dance enemy units"? Why would anyone be masochistic enough to use it in the first place? Especially after the dancing, where the enemy will most likely go after the dancer.

I'm one of these people. And the answer is "because we can mess around".

Feels like a postgame "let's screw around" skill more than anything else.


This crap would have been a hell of a lot easier with those skills than just planning out specific stats and mode bonuses and tonics, etc.

Besides... barring a restriction of Pair Up vs. Pair Up if the game couldn't handle it... I'd LOVE to see some "zoom in death" camera angles from the other end of a pair up besides innate enemy units like Tharja, Cynthia, Gangrel, Gaius, etc.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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[insert name]. Allows units with griffons, pegasus, wyverns, or horses to move without them. Will lose 3 movement but gain +2 on every stat. Takes place at the start of chapter.

Eject. Mounted units will live once hp reaches 0, but all their stats will be halved and will lose their mount.

Devil's deal. Unit will deal 1.5 more damage but hp will be halved.

Vegetarian(Walhart only). +3 all stats, -3 strength.

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Tempest: All attacks have bonus damage against fliers, like a bow or wind magic.

...you do realize that it was a very conscious design decision to make it cumbersome in some way (low MT, no 1-range, low availability) to get effective damage*, right? This would be... wow. Really, really crazy type-sacking.

*not counting SpotPass, but frankly that's already pushing into "things that break the game".

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Ehh... Please explain to me how are these useful in any way?? o_O

Healing enemy units, as well as all the skills that allow you to attack your own units, make it much easier to farm infinite Staff exp on Lunatic by creating more reliable, long-lasting sources of damage. Dancing enemies would allow you to break their weapons twice as fast (depending on how it would work. Would the danced unit get two turns the EP after you dance it?), and Treacherous Trade would let you steal enemy weapons (even hackforges and Expiration)- or just disarm them, which would be incredibly OP in every sense of the word.

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Abate Wind-Halves damage from wind magic.

Abate Dark-Halves damage from dark magic.

Abate Thunder-Halves damage from thunder magic.

Abate Fire-Halves Damage from fire magic.

Abate Light-Halves damage from light magic(Book of Naga).

Stand Ground-When not armed with a weapon the unit will get a +25 evasion boost and +3 defense.

Duel Weild-Allows the use of two weapons. Both weapons properties will be added and then halved. Alternatively the unit could have an increase in hit, but decreased power.

Pierce Resistance-When attacking with magic, the enemy being attacked will take extra damage, exactly 1.5 times more.

Precision-Unit will always hit when attacking but [insert drawback here].

See you in Hell-When unit is killed the attacker will die with it.

Two Handed-Power increases when using swords, but hit will decrease by half.

Auto Vulurnery-When HP is below 25%, unit will automatically use a vulnerary.

Turn Tables-Once a chapter this unit will be able to attack in the middle of the enemies phase. Once half of the enemy units have moved this will take affect,

Hasten World-When this unit attacks it will decrease the enemies speed by 25%.

Friendship-When paired up, units will get +1 for every stat.

Soul Mates-Married units will gain +2 on every stat when paired up. Alternatively, married units will be considered paired up even from 3 spaces away if both or one are not paired up.

Counter Amplifier-Counter will deal 1.5 more damage.

Bloodlust-For 10 turns, every enemy killed will raise all your stats by +1.

Self Healing-Allows stave users to heal themselves with their own staves.

Sky High-When using a spear the unit will jump high in the air and land an attack one turn later.

Suicide-Allows a unit to attack themselves.

Brotherly Love-Allows male units with A rank support to reach S if both are equipped with this skill. Just for the chapter, overworld map no.

[insert skill name]-Allows female units with A rank support to reach S. Just for the chapter, overworld map no.

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