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If the other FEs had battle quotes...


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Sounds like a fun idea. Might as well try some out.


My comrades rely on me!

Sir Sigurd!

Victory quote: I might be slow, but I'm definitely not weak!


Baldur blood runs in my veins!

I found your weak spot.

Victory quote: I must make sure Seliph lives on.


Fala, I ask for your power once more....

I am no weakling!

Victory quote: Arvis...Am I doing all right?


The mystletainn craves blood!

Why throw your life away so easily?

Victory quote: Augustria will not be touched.


Behold the fruits of my training!

I serve Commander Greil. Perish.

Victory quote: I'm sorry, but this is my duty.


Why is this trash in my way?

Let's get this over with.

Victory quote: Tsk..You're all the same.


I serve the Greil Mercenaries!

I will not falter here!

Victory quote: I must protect Boyd and Rolf.


Behold. I am the Raven King.

Feel the wrath of Kilvas.

Victory quote: Fighting with no reward is a waste of time...


Why must we fight?

It seems I have no choice but to fight.

Victory quote: War only brings more sorrow...


I will kill you all. One by one.

The White Wolf shall now dispense the Fang's justice.

Victory quote: Did you think you could run away from fate?

Black Knight:

Playtime is over.

Do you want to die?

Victory quote: How foolish.


I'm sorry but I can't let you get away!

I'll try my best!

Victory quote: I found friends I can cherish!


Behold the power of elder magic.

My thirst for knowledge will not stop here.

Victory quote: This will help my learning process.


I will gladly tear you apart.

Your head is about to roll.

Victory quote: Your fate was sealed when you stood before me.


I only know how to cut.

Do not grovel, it will only last a second.

Victory quote: You died like everyone else before you.

Edited by Nostalgia
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Whatever Marth's Smash Bros. taunt / victory, and Roy's victory quotes are. (I don't know what the hell they are saying since I don't speak Japanese)

Levin: Now you'll feel the wind's true power!

Mia: Don't think I'll lose just because I'm a woman!

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