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Phoenix Wright

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[spoiler=angry words]fuck you windows 8. fuck you. fuck you and your secure boot, your fast boot, your fucking unwillingness to allow a dual boot with another os for no goddamned reason. win 7 was so beautiful. fuck your shitty metro ui. fuck your 100% disc usage issue that i can't find any solutions to that effectively stop me from ever being able to listen to music for more than 10 min. on my computer. fuck your non-unix terminal that makes writing programs that much more of a hassle. fuck having to pay microsoft for office. fuck you windows 8. and 8.1 was a shit update.

i hate this os, i think.

general rant thread btw, feel free.

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It might be one of those bugs that only some people have to suffer through.

That being said, this rant is Klok Approved for speaking da turth.

Can we all just hope collectively that Win9 is once again the odd numbered windows OS of choice for the next dozen years? The odd numbered Windows builds never fail us!

Edited by Klokinator
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It might be one of those bugs that only some people have to suffer through.

That being said, this rant is Klok Approved for speaking da turth.

Can we all just hope collectively that Win9 is once again the odd numbered windows OS of choice for the next dozen years? The odd numbered Windows builds never fail us!

You know it's bad when you hear tech support mutter "fuck this OS" under their breath while desperately trying to figure out where the hell the Control Panel ran off to. :P:

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if you are so frustrated with w8 you should try ubuntu

It isn't as simple as that. Many of the programs available on Windows may not have a Linux equivalent and/or run like shit on Wine.

Edited by BLS
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It isn't as simple as that. Many of the programs available on Windows may not have a Linux equivalent and/or run like shit on Wine.

yep you're right,but if he doesn't use so many programs then he can try ubuntu,like for example many of the games out there work for linux

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[spoiler=My rant] Windows 8 gets adware easily than a person finding water. Screw you windows you could stand to not make me clean up your messes every couple days. 7 was better screw you lazy idiots who didn't improve it

That's all I have to say

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if you are so frustrated with w8 you should try ubuntu

i had ubuntu previously installed on my win7 laptop. currently going for an install of elementary os, based off of ubuntu. i wanna use the pantheon desktop environment (i've used unity for a couple years), but i also don't want to download it and apply it to ubuntu (like a gui skin) because there could be stability issues. eos is a nice looking os, so i should be happy. it is linux, after all.

so yeah, i'm familiar with all this stuff. win8 just makes it a huge hassle to do anything for no reason.

But...but...I dual booted Ubuntu alongside Windows 8.1...

I have to say though, I never use Ubuntu anyway haha

you should try it. it's a beautiful os.

Edited by Phoenix Wright
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I too am very annoyed with windows 8.1, though it's further amplified because it's impossible to change the operating system on my laptop to windows 7, which was the shit. I think the intent was to make it operate more like a phone, but phone OSs' are annoying to being with and only work as well as they do because of the platform they run on so I have no idea why they would want that.

Then again this is microsoft we're talking about, shitting the bed is a common occurrence at this point

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