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The Best and Worst moment ever

Grima's Hero

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All RPGs provide a lot of events that could take place the second you begin a battle. While some are straight forward, others go in a completely different direction. Things like low-crit ratios activating and 90% accuracy attacks missing can happen, and while they're unlikely,there's that wave of nervousness that you get when the battle begins, when it might just happen.

So, what was your most absurd moments in FEA?

Probably the best one for me was with Owain. I was taking on Grima, and I wanted to see how my units did against him, so I put Owain up. He activated Astra, but then something happened. He had a 1% crit ratio. And he landed a crit all 5 times. He then procceded to land yet another crit afterwards, but with no Astra. Sadly, Grima didn't die, though.

The dumbest thing that ever happened to me was in Apotheosis. I sent MU to go take on one of the Generals, all rallied up and everything. I got him down to about 12 HP, when he attacked back. However, the enemy only had about a 12% of hitting me, so I wasn't terribly concerned. And what happens? He hits. And kills me. Forcing me to start all over again.

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I'd say my best moment was when I did Lost Bloodlines 2 for the Dread Scroll (I wanted it to make Frederick a Dread Fighter). My Avatar had crappy defenses because of a defense flaw and the fact that I made her a Dark Flier, so she was slammed with a lot of damage. But Frederick blocked the remaining blows, either of which would've killed her. In short, he saved his wife and defended her, just like he promised when he proposed. :D

My worst? My Avatar missing with a freaking NINETY FIVE PERCENT CHANCE. xP

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Please don't blame the RNG for things it's not guilty of.

However, the enemy only had about a 12% of hitting me, so I wasn't terribly concerned.

So the general has 12 HP. I'll assume this was one of the mooks, since the boss only attacks at 1 range and you've got no reason to not fight him at range. His Atk is now 112, so your survival threshold should be 28 Def and 36 Spd. With LB and Rally, it should be impossible for you to die from that. So... That's not a case of being screwed by the RNG, it's an avoidable tactical error.

Anyway, I once got two Lethality crits in consecutive EPs when both had activation rates of around 10%. All of which were completely unnecessary, but glorious nonetheless.

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Please don't blame the RNG for things it's not guilty of.

So the general has 12 HP. I'll assume this was one of the mooks, since the boss only attacks at 1 range and you've got no reason to not fight him at range. His Atk is now 112, so your survival threshold should be 28 Def and 36 Spd. With LB and Rally, it should be impossible for you to die from that. So... That's not a case of being screwed by the RNG, it's an avoidable tactical error.

Anyway, I once got two Lethality crits in consecutive EPs when both had activation rates of around 10%. All of which were completely unnecessary, but glorious nonetheless.

Well it happened nonetheless, and I don't know how else I can prove it.

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Best: Gregor as the last unit I haven't moved yet saves the day with a crit on the last enemy of the chapter when otherwise somebody would have died next turn. It was a less than 10% chance if memory serves.

Worst: Realizing only AFTER I overwrite save on the Lunatic playthrough which I've spent countless hours grinding in that when people say the mother characters "retreat" on Classic mode, they only mean canonically and gameplay-wise the character is still dead. RIP Miriel, at least you were literally my least favorite character in the whole series.

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Worst: forgetting to pass Veteran on to Lucina on my L+ run which set me back 2 chapters or so since my last backup save was at the end of 11. At least 12 and 13 are easy.

Best: So I was on 25 on L+ nogrind. I was kinda done with walling through enemies at that point. I kinda want to just get it done in one turn. I autopromoted Cherche and paired Anna on to her. Rescued them closer to Aversa with Libra. Anna had just enough mag to rescue Lucina (BK) paired with one of the unpromoted 7(+1) move pegs at the edge of her staff range, which was able to move just far enough to switch to Lucina on land and shoot Aversa in the face. Easy 1 turn clear.

MU oneshotting the shit out of anything from chapter 7 to 10 on L+ with just an iron sword is a runner up. Counter? What's a counter?

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Not doubting that it happened, just saying it wasn't the RNG's fault.

So whose fault was it then?


Best: Watching as Micaiah gets totally owned by me in Elincia's DLC.

Worst: Pretty much every Risen having the Counter-Miracle skill combination in the Harvest Scramble DLC.

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Best: Endgame on Hard Mode. I married Avatar to Lissa so Morgan and Owain were broken. Owain, as a Dark Knight, was especially so. So on Turn 2, I had Cordelia paired with somebody kill the enemy blocking the path to Grima. Then Owain, who was paired up with his S-Support, Severa, charged in with a regular Arcthunder Tome, unforged. He activated Ignis and got a crit, then critted again. Even with Dragonskin, Grima only survived with 12 HP. Yes, 12. After just one round from Owain. There wasn't even a Dual Strike. Avatar murdered Grima immediately following that.

Worst: Not necessarily one moment, but an entire playthrough. It was using Lissa on Hard Mode. Her durability was worse than Sumia's. Not helping was that I made her a War Cleric instead of a Sage. Lissa was responsible for about 65% of my resets that run.

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Mix of best and worst: Playing on Donnel's paralogue on Hard Mode. I get to the boss, and decide that I want Lon'qu to get the exp. However, most of the units ideal for weakening would either take quite a bit of damage (possibly dying if critted) or had a crit rate themselves. So I send Knight!Avatar to weaken the boss for two rounds of combat, as she was the perfect fit; barely any damage taken (Maybe none? Been a while) and a 0% crit rate.

For the first round of combat, it went as expected. Avatar leveled up. I think two stats went up, and I definitely remember skill going up, but not sure on the second stat.

Second round of combat, she crits. The level up increased her crit rate to 1%. <___<

Edited by Aura Wolf
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Worst: forgetting to pass Veteran on to Lucina on my L+ run which set me back 2 chapters or so since my last backup save was at the end of 11. At least 12 and 13 are easy.

Best: So I was on 25 on L+ nogrind. I was kinda done with walling through enemies at that point. I kinda want to just get it done in one turn. I autopromoted Cherche and paired Anna on to her. Rescued them closer to Aversa with Libra. Anna had just enough mag to rescue Lucina (BK) paired with one of the unpromoted 7(+1) move pegs at the edge of her staff range, which was able to move just far enough to switch to Lucina on land and shoot Aversa in the face. Easy 1 turn clear.

MU oneshotting the shit out of anything from chapter 7 to 10 on L+ with just an iron sword is a runner up. Counter? What's a counter?

That Hjordis was bullshit and you know it. Then again, my Chrom turned out way manlier than yours, so I'll call it a wash :P

[seriously though, have you run the math on those averages yet? I really want to see JUST how unlikely Hjordis, Queen of Everything was.]

E: I should probably contribute my best and worst moments!

Worst: CHAPTER FIVE LUNATIC PLUS HOH MY GAWD. My Avatar was a smidgen Def-screwed, I'd foddered pretty much everybody, and there was just too much Counter to really accomplish anything at all. I spent weeks stuck there until I borrowed Interceptor's idea of hiding in the corner, though I'm not 100% sure how well the particulars matched up.

Best: I would say it was slaughtering Grima on L+, but that was too easy. Honestly, I'd say it was Chapter 21. My decisions that run were rather different from Interceptor's and Lumi's, but they paid off in making that map a one-turn. Fukken glorious. Every class I struggled Robin through MATTERED and it was just freakin' delightful.

Edited by Terrador
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Best has to be making Donnel viable on Lunatic. After a lot of hard work and the absence of DLC, I am the proud owner of Warrior!Donnel. The worst is either MU's blank level, Donnel getting hit by 4/5 45% astra hits which were just enough to kill him or a one percent crit a boss dealt at an iffy hitrate.

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That Hjordis was bullshit and you know it. Then again, my Chrom turned out way manlier than yours, so I'll call it a wash :P

[seriously though, have you run the math on those averages yet? I really want to see JUST how unlikely Hjordis, Queen of Everything was.]

I have not but while her spd/def might've been a bit over and she may have been thwompier than normal, the strength is definitely common. I usually get 43-46(cap) str by 20/xx/15 Hero, and Hjordis was no exception to that on my standard setup, and the strength is what really mattered to OHKOing everyone ever. There's a reason why I do +str -res, maximum muscle +4 str modifier do you even lift mode. Honestly? She was actually str-screwed until mercenary, when she made up those levels. at 20 tactician she had 19 str. That's abysmally low for maximum strength setup. Thankfully she made up all those missed level ups in Mercenary, though. Or else I'd be pretty fucked haha

A lot more mag than usual, though, which def helps in earlygame before I get physical ranged weapons.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Best: One-turn clears of Chapters 16 and 21 on Lunatic (requires way too much grinding, do not recommend unless you really hate those chapters)

Worst: Watching someone miss a 97% hit.

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Worst: Doing my very first playthrough on Normal/Classic, I grew tired of the 'slide guides' by the second chapter. Got to Ferox castle (the level where sumia was introduced) and thought 'lel what are weapon effectiveness' flying her directly into an archer and got her killed. Not the most traumatic moment listed here, but it really put me in my place, and made me feel guilty for wasting a life so needlessly.

Best: Maxing out my very first character in my second playthrough, a FeMU Dork Knight. I still keep her in my avatar logbook as a memento of my triumph.

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