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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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And you're fine, nobody can force you not to post.

On a more meta level, the mods can. ;)

Unrelated, but I'm gonna go play Melee, it's been a long time.

Edited by Honesty
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I don't think I've played with you, TacoMan. Ike vs Ike sometime? Do you play the Wii U version?

I have some Christmas cookies to decorate, so I don't know how much I'll be playing tonight and tomorrow though. But I do need to improve my skills after I got my butt handed to me by Knife. I need to stop feeling sorry for myself every time I lose like that. I can't really quit playing Smash anyway, it's too fun. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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Geez, is Knife that good?

It frightens me! Does anyone have a replay they could show on SF? Maybe I could learn a couple of things from his Ike. Well, I could learn anything about Ike from anyone. What I do know though, is to use his n-air. Am I right, or am I right, Ike mains?

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B-air and f-air are godly, imo. F-air, I find, is good for edge guarding, but I still need to learn to not end up KOing myself trying to do that. xP

I successfully managed to edge guard Tsunami's Peach and KO her with f-air, but I can't do this consistently yet. Gotta work on that. B-air is fast and powerful. Ike's tilts are awesome too. He can also combo d-throw and u-throw into Aether sometimes. Eruption into Aether can work too, if you manage to land the former.

Ike's smash attacks should only be used if you know for sure that you have the opening you need to land one. I often mess up and think I do, but find out I don't... And I end up leaving poor Ike totally wide open. >_<

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