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Serenes Forest Smash Club! 3DS Friend Codes/Nintendo Network IDs, screenshots, videos, and more inside!


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Well, now that I look at the time, it's about midnight here and I'm getting sleepy. I'm going to have to wait to play until tomorrow... >_<

Night night Ana.

I'm calling it a night good games N7 John.

gg and night taco.

We'll seeeeeeee.

Will you be done soon-ish?

If you're still there fruits, we can play now.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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I also added John. I don't have him on the Wii U. But you guys are probably in the middle of some FFAs. If you guys are gonna stay at it for a while.

Fruit insanity I can also play you, but up to you. I'm adding your fc now.

Edit: Never mind it looks like you guys are done. John i need to get revenge for my Link dittos, but you play Fruit first. We'll play some other time. Or if your around for a bit after your matches.

Edited by Knife
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I also added John. I don't have him on the Wii U. But you guys are probably in the middle of some FFAs. If you guys are gonna stay at it for a while.

Fruit insanity I can also play you, but up to you. I'm adding your fc now.

Actually no, it was just 1v1s and she never joined yet.

But i'm playing with Ray now so go ahead with Fruits.

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If you're still there fruits, we can play now.

kk, adding you.

I also added John. I don't have him on the Wii U. But you guys are probably in the middle of some FFAs. If you guys are gonna stay at it for a while.

Fruit insanity I can also play you, but up to you. I'm adding your fc now.

I want to play you, too.

...Later, at least. I don't want to violated so soon without taking a dip first. :33333

OH WAIT IF JOHN IS BUSY then okay Knife, let's go. ;n;

How many stocks? Customs?

I made a room. I'm Neal, btw.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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...Wow, I beat Knife 1v1 in an Ike vs. Ike mirror match...

...I did not expect that at all...

...Even if I feel like it was part luck...

...That last meteor with Ike's Aether wasn't planned at all...

He did beat me with two stocks to spare when I played Marth, though. xD

And I thought I was better with Marth, too...

I may be back i have to show someone out.

Ah, okay.

That was fun, yes.

More would be fine.


jk, they were a total waste of my life. ;n;


I waited over a minute for the sandbag to come back down after being hit up with a fully charged up smash at 999%...

It never came down.

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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I'll play peeps on either 3DS or Wii U. My 3DS fc is in my sig. My NNID is VampireMerc.

I'll add you (on Wii U) as well. Maybe we can lay in a bit whenever me and Fruit are done?

...Wow, I beat Knife 1v1 in an Ike vs. Ike mirror match...

...I did not expect that at all...

...Even if I feel like it was part luck...

...That last meteor with Ike's Aether wasn't planned at all...

He did beat me with two stocks to spare when I played Marth, though. xD

And I thought I was better with Marth, too...

Ah, okay.

That was fun, yes.

More would be fine.


jk, they were a total waste of my life. ;n;


I waited over a minute for the sandbag to come back down after being hit up with a fully charged up smash at 999%...

It never came down.

Aha yeah, though to be fair, I'm super rusty since I haven't touched Smash 3DS since Raven's tournament. So my guest has been stopped by another family member, so I think I'll have to wait it out till he's completely gone. Can't be more than 15 minutes from now if you'll still be on.

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Aha yeah, though to be fair, I'm super rusty since I haven't touched Smash 3DS since Raven's tournament. So my guest has been stopped by another family member, so I think I'll have to wait it out till he's completely gone. Can't be more than 15 minutes from now if you'll still be on.


I've been trying my best with both since the only Wii U I have access to is the public ones my university has, ehehe.

And I'm on winter break, soooo... Yeah. I can't really use those at the moment. ;n;

The GC controller and the pretty graphics make the Wii U version a million times better, though.

The 3DS version is basically just my practice room now. ^^

I can wait~

That was better than 90% of the FG matches I've been having recently...

I don't know if I got better, or if the better people use the 3DS version less now that the Wii U version is out, or if the people just got worse, or what...

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You're good man, it's just that Rosalina entirely pisses me off because of being able to break out of grabs is just stupid.

Also, i've added both Knife and Fruits now.

Also, hi Kwongster.

I'll play peeps on either 3DS or Wii U. My 3DS fc is in my sig. My NNID is VampireMerc.

I've added you too Vamp.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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GGs, that was fun.

I wish I could do better, but alas.

'Tis the limit of my abilities as of now. ;n;

At least I wasn't pounded to shreds, so progress? \(>O<)/

As someone who has only "gone competitive" (jk, not really) with SSB4, I consider myself okay now. :3

Edited by Fruity Insanity
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Geez, is Knife that good?

It frightens me! Does anyone have a replay they could show on SF? Maybe I could learn a couple of things from his Ike. Well, I could learn anything about Ike from anyone. What I do know though, is to use his n-air. Am I right, or am I right, Ike mains?

No vids of me and Ike, but my Ike isn't even that special. You need to look at Ryuga's Ike, he's currently the best. I don't even main Ike. But I;ve used him a lot in Brawl, so a lot carried over I guess. You need to Ike ditto me for the best learning. Or Youtube search Ryuga's matches.

Bair is probably his best aerial with fair being second, but nair is also very good. Short hop nair into one spot when you predict rolls or dashes and you can usually follow up with a bair. Nair has a lot of hitstun for some reason, so you can string out of it.

GGs, I did better than I thought in the 3DS (that lag killed me when I edgeguarded your Ness tho). I'm all smashed out for the night, plus its 1am, plus I have work in 7 hours. Vampire, John we play some other time.

Edited by Knife
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No vids of me and Ike, but my Ike isn't even that special. You need to look at Ryuga's Ike, he's currently the best. I don't even main Ike. But I;ve used him a lot in Brawl, so a lot carried over I guess. You need to Ike ditto me for the best learning. Or Youtube search Ryuga's matches.

GGs, I did better than I thought in the 3DS (that lag killed me when I edgeguarded your Ness tho). I'm all smashed out for the night, plus its 1am, plus I have work in 7 hours. Vampire, John we play some other time.

I see; i'll be looking forward to it.

GGs, that was fun.

I wish I could do better, but alas.

'Tis the limit of my abilities as of now. ;n;

At least I wasn't pounded to shreds, so progress? \(>O<)/

As someone who has only "gone competitive" (jk, not really) with SSB4, I consider myself okay now. :3

Still want to play Fruits? As long as it's not a Rosa match-up, i'll open; i'm just not in the mood to fight a Rosa right now.

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No vids of me and Ike, but my Ike isn't even that special. You need to look at Ryuga's Ike, he's currently the best. I don't even main Ike. But I;ve used him a lot in Brawl, so a lot carried over I guess. You need to Ike ditto me for the best learning. Or Youtube search Ryuga's matches.

GGs, I did better than I thought in the 3DS (that lag killed me when I edgeguarded your Ness tho). I'm all smashed out for the night, plus its 1am, plus I have work in 7 hours. Vampire, John we play some other time.

What I've been wanting to do with my Ike is dash -> pivot -> short hop -> b-air, since Ike's b-air is so niiiice~ <3

Except I'm still working on it... .-.

I didn't notice any lag in that particular match. :o

But maybe it's just me? ?~?

I'll practice more and get better and become really good one day.

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