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What I've been wanting to do with my Ike is dash -> pivot -> short hop -> b-air, since Ike's b-air is so niiiice~ <3

Except I'm still working on it... .-.

I didn't notice any lag in that particular match. :o

But maybe it's just me? ?~?

I'll practice more and get better and become really good one day.

Do you want to play right now?

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Still want to play Fruits? As long as it's not a Rosa match-up, i'll open; i'm just not in the mood to fight a Rosa right now.

IT'S TWO O'CLOCK HERE, BUT I'M ON WINTER BREAK SO SURE?! (Just a little bit, though, I really should sleep soon. qq)

And lol, I don't even know how to use Rosaluma. The only reason I would use her is if... I got her by picking random...

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IT'S TWO O'CLOCK HERE, BUT I'M ON WINTER BREAK SO SURE?! (Just a little bit, though, I really should sleep soon. qq)

And lol, I don't even know how to use Rosaluma. The only reason I would use her is if... I got her by picking random...

Okay, so i've already added you. We can play just a few then.

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Oh stop that you, you did fine. pat pat

Yes, it was fun. See you later.

I only won legit like twice. Maybe once.

The Tink vs. Link one was kinda terrible 'cause I accidentally picked a non-omega stage. ;n;

And the Pikachu ones don't count because they were kinda unfair since Little Mac is kinda easy to gimp.

And only one I can say I won was that one Marth vs. Ike. D:

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I only won legit like twice. Maybe once.

The Tink vs. Link one was kinda terrible 'cause I accidentally picked a non-omega stage. ;n;

And the Pikachu ones don't count because they were kinda unfair since Little Mac is kinda easy to gimp.

And only one I can say I won was that one Marth vs. Ike. D:

We're both tired, so we'll see how you play next time when you have sleep. :P

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Done with you. You spam projectiles WAY too much. That is just annoying. Knife at least gave me a fair game.

If you think the projectiles are a problem, I can just not use them. But they really are essential to a Link main; if a Link doesn't use his projectiles, they're not using Link to his fullest potential.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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I didn't say you shouldn't use Link's projectiles at all. I used them too when I played him. But I never used them nearly to the degree that you do and I was still pretty good with him. Using them as much as you did will just piss your opponents off like it did me.

I'll also admit though, that Ike is at a serious disadvantage against Link because of all the projectiles and that's one of the reasons that I couldn't do a damn thing with him. I was never at all given a chance to attack, dodge, or anything. But Luigi is not at such a disadvantage.

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I didn't say you shouldn't use Link's projectiles at all. I used them too when I played him. But I never used them nearly to the degree that you do and I was still pretty good with him. Using them as much as you did will just piss your opponents off like it did me.

I'll also admit though, that Ike is at a serious disadvantage against Link because of all the projectiles and that's one of the reasons that I couldn't do a damn thing with him. But Luigi is not at such a disadvantage.

Link has his openings when he uses his projectiles, you just need to find them. The bombs are all part of a mind game and add a pressure factor to opponents even if they don't hurt the opponent. I can hold my own in CQC and projectile game, and i know you know how to combat it because you did pretty well with Luigi.

Let's go again Ana.

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Openings? I couldn't find any when I tried. Even when I tried to catch your bombs and throw them back, they only blew up right on me instead when I hit the A button to throw them. I didn't even hold them for very long. Truth is, I always had trouble against Link players that used his projectiles a lot because I could never find openings...

Are you sure? Because I don't want to stick with Luigi the whole way through, and obviously Ike is unusable against Link. Toon Link, I always did a little better against when I used Ike, though not by much. The reason is Ragnell range...

Then again, I have yet to practice with Robin or Toon Link.

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Openings? I couldn't find any when I tried. Even when I tried to catch your bombs and throw them back, they only blew up right on me instead when I hit the A button to throw them. I didn't even hold them for very long.

Are you sure? Because I don't want to stick with Luigi the whole way through, and obviously Ike is unusable against Link. Toon Link, I always did a little better against when I used Ike, though not by much. The reason is Ragnell range...

Then again, I have yet to practice with Robin or Toon Link.

Ike v Link MU is a bad matchup yes, but you have to be patient and find openings, making sure to shield and dodge my projectiles as much as you can.

I tend to be an aggressive Link player, using projectiles to amplify my offensive push and to add pressure. The only way you will get better is if you practice against it. You have to notice my patterns, and then counter it.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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But I do hit the shield and dodge buttons and I still get hit anyway. The projectiles are just too fast, is what I'm saying. And I don't want my shield to break on me. Or maybe I'm just too slow and need to react faster...

I don't know...

But okay, I'll play some more if you really want me to. I mean, I do wish that for once, I could learn to deal with Link's projectiles, regardless of who I use. And I don't want to keep saying "STOP PROJECTILE SPAM IT'S ANNOYING" and sound like a sore loser... I hate sore loser attitudes and I'm probably a hypocritical brat here because I might act like that every now and then. Which is just no. >_<

Edited by Anacybele
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