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You were getting put to sleep by Peach's sleepy toad.

But at one point she wasn't even near me when my Ike fell asleep...

Still, I guess that's what I get for turning on custom characters all the time. I wind up facing custom moves that I never saw before. >_<

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Yeah I can tell I'm getting a little better with Ike and some other mains thanks to you guys. just needs some polish around the edges mostly learning how to get an offstage game going and pummel consistently.

Edited by TacoMan42
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Yeah I can tell I'm getting a little better with Ike and some other mains thanks to you guys. just needs some polish around the edges mostly learning how to get an offstage game going and pummel consistently.

Yeah, you just kinda have to go for it and not let the other come back. Once you start doing it a few times, you'll get over the edge guard fear.

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Sorry, but I was having severe input lag. I don't know why, but every now and then, the game would stop reading my button commands for several seconds. That's why I kept suiciding at the start of most of those matches. I had to suicide again to start over and see if the lag would go away.

But it didn't. It seems to be worst with Miis too, I had the same issue in Smash 3DS. I was hoping it wouldn't carry over to Smash Wii U, but it seems it has, unfortunately. >_> Why Smash hates reading Miis, I don't know...

Someone else want to play? Maybe Knife and I had a bad connection that time.

Edited by Anacybele
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Although, since when was Ganondorf able to break shields? Was that a custom move or an effect added to one of his default specials?

Another thing, I don't think you'd get much better with Ganondorf by three-stocking someone like me over and over. You're better off finding a less boring opponent... Me, I don't know, too many people here are a lot better than me and there seems to be endless amounts of moves/tactics that I've never seen that will always come out of nowhere for me. It's no wonder I'm not getting any better. There isn't anyone that's not way out of my league.

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Yeah. I still want to use my Miis, but...that input lag. None of my Miis are as slow as Ike, yet the game reads my commands for him better than it does my Miis. Maybe it's the fact that Miis are completely custom. Or I'm just really bad with them... Guess I'll have to find out.

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I only 3 stocked you because you suicided the other 2 stocks.Why do you always sound so discouraged Ana? You seem to have a very defeatist attitude and my theory is that's why you ain't improving much. You have got to stay in the match despite tough odds.

Sure Tsunami, I don't mind them being on. Though none of the tourneys I go to allow them.

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You three-stocked me that very first match, remember? Where I fought you until the finish? That's what I'm talking about. Also, I'm afraid I don't know at all what you mean by "defeatist attitude." Can you explain it to me?

Another thing, I've been playing the game since it came out, and I'm still just as bad at it as I was then. It didn't take me this long to start getting pretty decent at Smash 3DS. And everyone I play on Smash Wii U three-stocks me almost every time. That's what I'm discouraged about.

So, you going to join my room, Tsunami? Or is anyone going to?

Edited by Anacybele
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You three-stocked me that very first match, remember? Where I fought you until the finish? That's what I'm talking about. Also, I'm afraid I don't know at all what you mean by "defeatist attitude." Can you explain it to me?

Another thing, I've been playing the game since it came out, and I'm still just as bad at it as I was then. It didn't take me this long to start getting pretty decent at Smash 3DS. And everyone I play on Smash Wii U three-stocks me almost every time. That's what I'm discouraged about.

So, you going to join my room, Tsunami? Or is anyone going to?

Specifically, quitting or suiciding a match you were going to lose.

Also, Ganondorf's up-tilt breaking shields is a new thing, like Bowser Bomb breaking shield. It's the default move, as there are no custom tilts.

How long have you been playing with good people? In-game stuff doesn't take you far (which is why I have 9 challenges done..., not to say it makes you worse). Also, I guess we (by that I mean me, Tsunami, and John) are probably above average. Doesn't really mean you suck.

You know how I got better at 1 vs 1? I played a whole bunch of FFAs and teams matches. I pretty much dicked around a lot back in the Brawl day (I'm on like every single page in that old Smash thread).

You can have Tsunami in like 30 min, I got to run somewhere.

REPLY TO TSUNAMI'S EDIT: Yeah, but I can only stretch it maybe 10 minutes past the next hour (7:10 CST), then I got to get ready for something.

Edited by Knife
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Damn, GGs Tsunami. To be honest, those custom moves threw me off a little, though I caught on and started winning towards the end. The flame orb thing pierces shield on last hit and Angelic Missile is a great move that kill with few drawbacks (best Palutena custom IMO). I think Ganon is awesome in that he can get bodied in percent, but still manage to make up for it with an early kill.

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