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I'm still around, yeah. I just went offline to try something for a bit. I decided to see if starting with CPUs, not to improve skills, but to gain some understanding of reading the opponent would help me. And I think I'm actually starting to. I read a lv. 9 Wii Fit Trainer like it was nothing and was able to beat her. The match was rather close, but still. I was also able to sort of read most of the other characters I faced (I had it set to random), but Wii Fit Trainer was my best reading. I guess some characters are going to be easier for me to read than others.

I got obliterated by a Diddy Kong though... Then again, that's probably because he's OP now, from what I hear. Anyway, I also unlocked ROB and Dr. Mario in the process, so it definitely wasn't a waste.

Specifically, quitting or suiciding a match you were going to lose.

Also, Ganondorf's up-tilt breaking shields is a new thing, like Bowser Bomb breaking shield. It's the default move, as there are no custom tilts.

How long have you been playing with good people? In-game stuff doesn't take you far (which is why I have 9 challenges done..., not to say it makes you worse). Also, I guess we (by that I mean me, Tsunami, and John) are probably above average. Doesn't really mean you suck.

You know how I got better at 1 vs 1? I played a whole bunch of FFAs and teams matches. I pretty much dicked around a lot back in the Brawl day (I'm on like every single page in that old Smash thread).

You can have Tsunami in like 30 min, I got to run somewhere.

Oh, that. I told you why I suicided those matches, though I suppose I should've just ended them instead. But I apologize if it still irritated you.

Oh okay. I hadn't known that until you told me. I didn't know that was a tilt.

Well, not long, actually. I guess I had played with a lot more people in the 3DS version. There just don't seem to be many people here playing the Wii U version online.

Really? Huh, that's interesting. I guess I should do more free-for-alls and team matches myself then. :o

Okay, if he's fine with it.

Edited by Anacybele
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I didn't want to double post, but GGs, Tsunami! I was getting tired, so sorry...

But I guess I'm not bad after all. Unless you were going easy on me in the matches I actually managed to win. :P I won with Robin too, which I never expected. I find him to be pretty bad, even though I still enjoy playing as him.

But that input lag I was having on my Miis went away and I did pretty decently with them. I just need to work on recovering better when I use Frederick Mii. >.>

A tip though. I noticed that I started pummeling you with Luigi's d-throw to u-air combo. It's good to note that Luigi has a lot of combos with d-throw, so watch out for that. I still haven't even learned them all yet.

Edited by Anacybele
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GGs. I actually better stop for today since we've at it for 2.5 hours. We will play again some other day.

But damn, my Zelda may not be the best, but it was at least keeping up with your mains near the end. Also, random is awesome.

Also don't be surprised at my Lucario 2 stocking your Rosa, he was my Brawl main. I was actually letting you hit him so I can build my percent (which is why I kept running towards you but not attacking. I bet you were like WTF).

Edited by Knife
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