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GGs. I'm gonna stop now too. I'll be writing up rules for the tourney I'm hosting since I may not have time tomorrow.

EDIT: Gaia, you keep SDing (not just in 2 vs 2, but also in some 1 vs 1s), because you're too aggro when it comes to edgeguarding. For example, Ike, Cptn Falcon, and that Mii thing should save their second jump until after the attack, not before. Actually, not many characters should use their second jump early unless they have multiple jumps or have godly recovery (Villager).

Edited by Knife
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We've been playing a lot lately though, Tsunami, and I like playing with a variety of people. No offense, really...

I'm open atm.

EDIT: Gaia, you keep SDing (not just in 2 vs 2, but also in some 1 vs 1s), because you're too aggro when it comes to edgeguarding. For example, Ike, Cptn Falcon, and that Mii thing should save their second jump until after the attack, not before. Actually, not many characters should use their second jump early unless they have multiple jumps or have godly recovery (Villager).

lmao I wouldn't do that in an actual serious match. I just wanted to style on y'all. :sob:

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Sorry Gaia, but I HATE Final Destination and refuse to repeatedly play on it. I find it to be a horrible and boring stage.

I'm also starting to get tired of the game almost NEVER picking my stage choices. Just, wtf. I can't remember the last time my stage was chosen. This isn't the fault of any of you guys, but still. It's annoying.

GGs though. I did pretty decently in bad matchups (Luigi doesn't do well against DK because DK out-ranges him by a longshot, Ike doesn't do well against Captain Falcon because the latter has way more speed plus good range).

Edited by Anacybele
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I know I'm really late, but does anyone want to do a few rounds? I have a headache, but i don't wanna sleep yet, so yeah.

Quote me if you want so i'll be notified plz; I tend to not check SF unless i get notifications.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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I know I'm really late, but does anyone want to do a few rounds? I have a headache, but i don't wanna sleep yet, so yeah.

Quote me if you want so i'll be notified plz; I tend to not check SF unless i get notifications.

I'll play you, john. Custom moves on or no?

Edited by Tsunami922
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