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WTF dude, you downloading porn? JK. But we never lag like that. Maybe we should stay away for today. I would have loved to finish those matches tho!

Anyone else want to smash?

EDIT: NM, I'm gonna try again.

Edited by Knife
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GGs, but like I said, it was lagging too much. We need to fight another day, maybe when one of us isn't looking at porn. By one of us, I mean you.


Also, I learned a few things in that. Aerial UP B kills dammit. But I shouldn't try that too much.

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WTF dude, you downloading porn? JK. But we never lag like that. Maybe we should stay away for today. I would have loved to finish those matches tho!

Anyone else want to smash?

EDIT: NM, I'm gonna try again.

Yeah Idk man. Everyone i play with from Texas lags to all hell.

But ggs

I tried going for the off stage fair finish, but i midtimed it.

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GGs, but like I said, it was lagging too much. We need to fight another day, maybe when one of us isn't looking at porn. By one of us, I mean you.


Also, I learned a few things in that. Aerial UP B kills dammit. But I shouldn't try that too much.

It's always lagged for us when we played; it's on FEBro's level really.

Link's spin attack has always been a kill move, grounded or not; it's a nice mixup as well.

Also, i recorded all of our matches in real time. I'll probably have them up by tomorrow night.

Edited by N7 Commander John
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It's always lagged for us when we played; it's on FEBro's level really.

Link's spin attack has always been a kill move, grounded or not; it's a nice mixup as well.

Where you at then? Lag seemed ok last time, not as bad as this time (it was never as choppy as it was in that last match before you rehosted). The first match we had after you rehosted seemed fine. I can handle a little lag, but this time it was baaaad.

He seems to be more effective with it now that he has more vertical range.

*writes this down*

Still need to fight someone anyone?

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Where you at then? Lag seemed ok last time, not as bad as this time (it was never as choppy as it was in that last match before you rehosted). The first match we had after you rehosted seemed fine.

He seems to be more effective with it now that he has more vertical range.

*writes this down*


His grounded spin-attack has been nerfed from melee since it doesn't have as much horizontal reach, and it doesn't semi-spike anymore, but the bomb combo utility and overall agility he has now is well worth it.

Also, i recorded all of our matches in real time. I'll probably have them up by tomorrow night.

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Also, question: why do you do Zair from the ledge? 6% and some spacing doesn't seem to be worth it. The last time you did it, I got a spike on you. I imagine its even worse to handle with character with better aerial approaches.

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ANyone want to face me in smash my name for the wiiu is gabe

Sure, Ill add ya. Lucky for you got a 4 character name.

Let's fight. Post here when your ready.

EDIT: You liar, NNID need to be 6 characters or longer. What's your NNID?

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ANyone want to face me in smash my name for the wiiu is gabe

We can for a few if you want.

Nvm, Omar can take you. I'm really hungry anyway.

Also, question: why do you do Zair from the ledge? 6% and some spacing doesn't seem to be worth it. The last time you did it, I got a spike on you. I imagine its even worse to handle with character with better aerial approaches.

You're in a Link ditto and I'm experimenting. Also, ledge Zair can lead into a grab if fast enough.

It's actually a decent move; I'm just trying to see what works in link dittos, since his d-air negates all ledge hop attacks pretty much.

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We can for a few if you want.

Nvm, Omar can take you. I'm really hungry anyway.

You're in a Link ditto and I'm experimenting. Also, ledge Zair can lead into a grab if fast enough.

It's actually a decent move; I'm just trying to see what works in link dittos, since his d-air negates all ledge hop attacks pretty much.

Oh yeah its dinner time in that timezone.

Zair in general doesn't seem to be as good as it was in Brawl; I find myself using it less overall. Maybe to beat aerial approaches. You do any strings after zairs beside grab?

Gabe I'll host.

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Oh yeah its dinner time in that timezone.

Zair in general doesn't seem to be as good as it was in Brawl; I find myself using it less overall. Maybe to beat aerial approaches. You do any strings after zairs beside grab?

Gabe I'll host.

If you have a bomb, you can throw that, or possibly do a dash attack. It's just part of being not predictable really.

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Sorry this is a little late, but...


I did it. I have the Wii U version now! [NNID is "k1seki"]

[spoiler=For people who still have my 3DS FC]Because the New 3DS is scheduled to hit shelves soon, my sister is planning to get one and will data transfer everything (NNID & FCs included) on our currently shared 3DS so that I get our current 3DS all to myself. Be prepared to delete my current FC and replace it with whatever my new FC will become.

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That was actually just a bit of self-depreciating humor. Now I'm more than ready to rumble after that.

Let's go. I'm online.

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