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Oh, I don't mind someone else not using them.

I don't think I can play you 1 vs 1 right now though, last time you always utterly schooled me. I need to improve some more first. It'd be more fun for the both of us. I mean, I would get bored if I just kept obliterating my opponent over and over, so...

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I'm just too lazy to play in-game modes and unlock them. Also too lazy to transfer them from my 3DS (I had a fairly decent amount on there, but dumb Nintendo doesn't allow us to transfer them completely.

Well, I don't mind schooling you until you get better. I was there once. But yeah, stick around for teams if you want

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Oh, didn't know any tourneys were going on.

I left because the other guy left. I wasn't going to face you one on one. Not after you kept obliterating me like usual. Also, how the fuck did you keep recovering when it was you against that guy's Robin? That looked like cheating to me, he even made you ricochet off the bottom of the stage and you still suddenly reappeared back on it. For me, it looked like you teleported, which Lucario can't actually do.

Edited by Anacybele
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Void, get in my room

Tsunami get in my room

Gemma/Ana get in my room

Ana, I made it back as Lucario because I had high aura, so that gives me godly recovery

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Lucario's aura affects his recovery now? Sounds OP to me.

And I said I wouldn't play against you anymore. You're not a fun opponent for me. I'm sorry. In fact, I'm starting to think that you need to go enter big tournaments instead of wasting your time here with players lowlier than you. That skill of yours is better off elsewhere.

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Lucario's aura affects his recovery now? Sounds OP to me.

And I said I wouldn't play against you anymore. You're not a fun opponent for me. I'm sorry. In fact, I'm starting to think that you need to go enter big tournaments instead of wasting your time here with players lowlier than you. That skill of yours is better off elsewhere.

you could just appreciate that people are better than you and learn from it... That's sort of a good way to improve instead of just fighting people at your level (not that going against other players of the same skill is bad in general though). If you did that, you might improve and not be destroyed.

Also about lucario's recovery: you can intercept it with prediction, and if it ends in the air, he has a ton of landing lag.

Edited by Comet
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Um, I basically did admit that Knife is way better than everyone here, including me. And I'm not going to learn by getting hit all the time and not being able to do anything to counter. Which is how my matches against Knife go most of the time. I almost never have a chance to get out a single attack, he combos everything somehow and it's not possible to avoid it. He also seems to be good with every character, he's used several different ones against me and still three-stocks me. It's better to play someone closer to your own skill level (but still better than you) and then move up from there.

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Then ask about it or something... There aren't many 0-deaths in this game so you're probably doing something wrong.

Knife, would you mind playing some matches with me? If you're this good, then I'd (hopefully) learn a lot from it. I can't play atm, so some other time would be preferable. NNID: Comet7

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You can 3-stock people when you're as good as he is. So no, I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just trying to use techniques I've seen in videos and got told about by other people. And learn to be better at reading my opponent. But I can't get better at these techniques if I don't even get a chance to use them.

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Um, I basically did admit that Knife is way better than everyone here, including me. And I'm not going to learn by getting hit all the time and not being able to do anything to counter. Which is how my matches against Knife go most of the time. I almost never have a chance to get out a single attack, he combos everything somehow and it's not possible to avoid it. He also seems to be good with every character, he's used several different ones against me and still three-stocks me. It's better to play someone closer to your own skill level (but still better than you) and then move up from there.

Ego + 1

Then ask about it or something... There aren't many 0-deaths in this game so you're probably doing something wrong.

Knife, would you mind playing some matches with me? If you're this good, then I'd (hopefully) learn a lot from it. I can't play atm, so some other time would be preferable. NNID: Comet7

Ego + 2. And sure, I usually post here for a match weekday nights.

You can 3-stock people when you're as good as he is. So no, I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm just trying to use techniques I've seen in videos and got told about by other people. And learn to be better at reading my opponent. But I can't get better at these techniques if I don't even get a chance to use them.

Ego + 3. You just need more practice and discover stuff on your own and them start learning advanced techniques. You have to log actual hours into practice. I only got on board so quick because I practiced so much in Brawl and it carried over.

starman+ 1 up flag too good LOL

It appears whoever gets too close to Villager gets attacked. Even Villager's own team mate :(

That's one of my friends IRL, he just showed up randomly lol. He's pretty aggro. And dang I tanked so much in that last match. GGS

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Knife how dare you! You say we're gonna team and we only get one match in as the devastating duo! [ironically that was the only doubles match I lost I think]

Ego - 99999999999999999

Edited by Melia Antiqua
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That's one of my friends IRL, he just showed up randomly lol. He's pretty aggro. And dang I tanked so much in that last match. GGS

I lol'd hard when he turned around and shot me in the face at point blank range just because I got close. I think he might have thought it was an FFA or sumthin

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Well do some team matches with me on AiB. I can maybe stay up a bit longer. You?

I can't go to sleep with that embarassing loss

If only! Unfortunately I've gotta sleep now Knife, places to be early and all that. If we start playing again I fear we might play for another hour which would be simply unacceptable. Get in your scabbard and come to bed.

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