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I'm also tired of just not being able to do any good. I have two big problems: I can't dodge/block attacks even though others do so just fine against my own (and even when I actually predicted the correct attack from my opponent, I got hit anyway despite hitting the dodge/block button) and I can't use a tilt without using a smash attack by accident. I even sometimes use the wrong B move by mistake. Like as Robin, sometimes he uses Elfire for some reason instead of Elwind or a Thoron I charged up. And no, it's not my controller, I've had this issue with multiple different controllers.

I assume you use the left Control Stick and the Attack button to input smashes and tilts? What controller do you use? This can be remedied by setting your right stick to "Attack" instead of "Smash". With this, you can still use the left Control Stick and Attack button to perform smashes, and the right stick for tilts. The most ideal controllers for this set-up, in my opinion, are the GC controller, Wii Classic Controller Pro, and WIi U Pro Controller, especially if you consider yourself a competitive player.


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I use the Wii U Pro controller since I thought it looked cool and like a good upgrade from the Wii Classic controller which is what I used for Brawl.

But I see, that sounds like a good idea! I should test it out first and see how I do in inputting tilts when I want tilts and smashes when I want smashes. Because in a case like Ike, his tilts tend to be more useful in competitive play.

And I can combo some of Luigi's tilts. Luigi is my best character, in fact, and probably always will be due to having the most experience with him. I've mained him since Melee.

Of course, I also will have to get used to using the right stick.

Edited by Anacybele
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GGs Knife. I feel like we work well together when I'm using Peach. I really want to improve with other characters that aren't Peach; learning other characters more thoroughly should be conducive to improving how I play Peach too so it's a win win!

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GGs Knife. I feel like we work well together when I'm using Peach. I really want to improve with other characters that aren't Peach; learning other characters more thoroughly should be conducive to improving how I play Peach too so it's a win win!

Sure, they were friendlies so of course I don't care about you switching it up. I'm sticking to Link when I play on AiB though, they are way too good for us both to experiment with characters. You saw what happened when I went Lucario one game. My 2 v 1 game with Link is pretty good too. I also need to get better in doubles for a tournament coming up next month...

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No one should be allowed to pull off Flame Choke 9 times in succession. Comet should be Bizzaro Flame, with those hard reads

GGs, Comet!

Edited by DodgeDusk
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