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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U Tournament Hub (Please see post #1644)

Ema Skye

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since it looks like nobody answered this....

they haven't been limited to Ω in the past tourneys

granted some of them weren't on there, but they definitely weren't limited to Ω forms

EDIT man that sentence sucks let me try again

"granted some of them weren't on the lists for previous tourneys, but the ones that were definitely weren't limited to Ω forms"

there that's better

Oh, missed this. Thanks for clarifying.

I don't mind the stages so much but I'm worried other people will have an issue with them. I haven't seen many complaints so I guess most people don't mind.

btw I'm available now if you're up!

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Touchè. Maybe due to blast zones? Doesn't excuse the likes of the two Marios' recovery being the same, or Luigi's recovery being shot

Edited by Dusk Hunt Dodge
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In the PM I asked if we're doing srs matches first

Since you didn't respond I'll assume we are

EDIT how are matches that run to time handled?

do they go to sudden death or is it by %?

I was leading at 100 me to 160 momentai

Edited by Euklyd
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tbh, i don't know why we have a time limit. Is it to stop camping and stuff?

I'm not the best person to ask for this, but I think it's so that matches don't go on forever and that the tournament gets done within a certain amount of time. It kind of encouraged camping in Brawl though, as having a percent lead is enough to win when the time runs out, as Sudden Death isn't considered for the results. (in the tournament rules)

EDIT: Whoops I think I misread. It's just so that matches happen within certain time frame. Unless you meant time limit in the actual matches, then the reason given above applies.

Edited by Shulk
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Normally lowest % wins. Never play sudden death. But starbound didnt specify anything in the rules. So idk what should be done. Go by standard tournament rules or go with the game?

Edited by PJSalt
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Final frame, Peach looking at TL in despair as she hits the screen

PKL wins 2-0!


Wish we had a better connection, our Brawl connection was much better than this, weird.

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