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Marriage Help


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I need help knowing who to marry who to get the best children out of them. My character is going to be +Hp/-lck if that help. Asset/Flaw can change if need be but want to be balanced. Yea new to the series so would love some help.



Edited by WOWFlipTV
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The Pairing Thread is a good place for questions like this.

If this is for ingame with no or minimal grinding, marrying Chrom is the strongest option by far. Veteran Lucina is a great unit. Morgan not inheriting the Lord class is a blessing in disquise--starting as a Tactician with Veteran allows him to inherit something else from the Avatar and immediately reclass to a better class. This pair will break the game on anything short of Lunatic+ no-grind.

For postgame, marrying a child character is often a good idea for stronger Morgan and balancing the pairings. If the Avatar marries a first gen, one child character has to go unpaired. While this does fail to make full use of the Avatar's amazing genes, if you plan out your other pairings well no child except Nah will be missing much. Marrying Nowi would be a good option if you only care about the kids, but Avatar x Nowi itself is a weak pair and a waste of the Avatar's potential (postgame--it's pretty great ingame).

As for the specific child to marry, Lucina, Severa, and Chrom!Cynthia are considered good options for Male Avatar. Lucina and Chrom!Cynthia give Aether, Severa gives mods. For the Female Avatar, there isn't any particular order for who is the best.

You might consider a more focused asset than HP if it's postgame, since HP doesn't increase any stat by 4. Strength, Magic, Skill, or Speed could be good depending on what you value and who you are going to marry. HP is supposed to be pretty good ingame though, for the added survivability from the HP growth.

If you plan to do Apotheosis, Defense is a good flaw because the stats it affects matter very little.

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