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Save the Rainforest!


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-Well first, I don't know if this is the right place to post this. If not, please move it. Sorry for the spelling mistakes.-

Hello everybody :'D
Some of you may not know me... but that doesn't matter.

Have you ever listen about "Arbio"?
It's an organization that exists only for protect the Amazon Rainforest.
Here, the link of the web: http://english.arbioperu.org/

Well, this organization is participating in a contest from Climate Colab, and to win, they need people who like or support what they do to vote for their proposal.
This is a video made by a friend (who participates in this project) for promote the project.

Hope you want to help this organization to protect the Rainforest!
Here, the link from Climate Colab and where you vote:

-If you want to help, then enter the link from the page of Climate Colab. The link sends you directly to the Arbio part in the contest. You just have to clik in "Vote for proposal". It would ask you to sign in (you can also use Facebook to sign in). After sign in, you can vote.-

Thanks for reading! ^^/

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Liss, im pretty certain this is the wrong part of the forums to post this in

I'm pretty certain this belongs in the general part of the forums


don't minimod.

EDIT: oops fuck i accidentally locked give us a sec

EDIT2: alright there we are

Edited by Integrity
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