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Oh, look! It's another Character Age Thread~


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I got enough headache trying to figure out HOW, with Brady as Morgan's father, both Morgans are still around in the dlc chapters even if ages didn't mess up because time travel and...


I mean, come on, how old was he when the avatar molested him (or any second gen unit) to have the children? I- just... I can't. I gave up on character's ages long ago.

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I think the idea is that Morgan is from a version of "your" timeline in which you, the player, lose. Kind of like what Nintendo did to the Zelda timeline with OoT and ALttP. Notice how in FoD, having your versions of the children talk to the ones who are already there results in them talking about how much stronger their future selves look?

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That's a good theory. There's also the fact that the Morgans in Future Past serve Grima with their lives. If the Avatar is placed against them, the Morgans give in, saying that they cannot attempt to kill the person that was their mother/father, yet they also accept whatever punishment Grima would give them, even death.

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Dude, the last one isn't even off the front page. It's OK to bump stuff that fresh.

Can't. It's been locked to Kingdom Come.

So, do most people agree on ~25 for Cherche?

(Also, does anyone know how old Marth is in his first game [discounting Prologues, Premonitions, and the like]? I had an idea.)

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Here are my suggestions for their ages (before the two year timeskip). They are also my personal headcanons as well so feel free to disagree if you wish.

Chrom - 21

Lissa - 16

Frederick - 29

Sumia - 20

Ricken - 14

Sully - 21

Stahl - 20

Virion - 35

Cordelia - 20

Miriel - 27

Donnel - 14

Maribelle - 16

Henry - 19

Libra - 25

Tharja - 19

Gaius - 23

Olivia - 18

Kellam - 18

Gregor - 46

Lon'qu - 22

Nowi - 1200

Cherche - 26

Panne - 25

Vaike - 23

Say'ri - 22

Tiki - 4000

Flavia - 38

Basilio - 43

Anna - 23

Aversa - 29

Validar - 50

Morgan - 15

Severa - 16

Laurent - 24

Lucina - 17

Brady - 23

Gerome - 25

Nah - 14

Inigo - 16

Cynthia - 15

Noire - 14

Owain - 16

Yarne - 15

Kjelle - 16

Edited by phoenixmiko
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Morgan - 15

Severa - 16

Laurent - 24

Lucina - 17

Brady - 23

Gerome - 25

Inigo - 16

Cynthia - 15

Noire - 14

Owain - 16

Kjelle - 16

You do realize that aside from Laurent, every child listed as being older than lucina in your estimates is impossible, right?

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You do realize that aside from Laurent, every child listed as being older than lucina in your estimates is impossible, right?

Ah, true. I forgot about that. Taking that into consideration, my headcanons would be...

Brady - 16

Gerome - 16

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(Also, does anyone know how old Marth is in his first game [discounting Prologues, Premonitions, and the like]? I had an idea.)

He's 16 at the proper start of SD (Cht.1).

I'm having a hard time buying that Virion is 35...

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No way Validar's 50. He doesn't look that old, and for another thing, he was part of a super breeding program. If Robin's around 20 or so, that would mean that Validar would have waited until he was 30 to continue their efforts to create a perfect vessel for Grima. Sounds a bit unlikely...

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I'm having a hard time buying that Virion is 35...

No way Validar's 50. He doesn't look that old, and for another thing, he was part of a super breeding program. If Robin's around 20 or so, that would mean that Validar would have waited until he was 30 to continue their efforts to create a perfect vessel for Grima. Sounds a bit unlikely...

I had a rethink and I now reckon Virion could be 32 or a few years younger. He is at least in his late twenties. As for Validar, perhaps 50 was too much of a wild guess. I would say early to late fourties at the most for him, having reconsidered it.
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Laurent can only be older than Lucina by 1 year.

Lucina outages every other child by at least 2.

Laurent > Miriel.

If Miriel > Chrom, then logically, Lucina > Chrom as well.

Then fun mythology gag time:

Lucina = 22 as of her birthday event as of the Japanese Release.

4/20/12 - 22 years = 4/20/90 = Release date of FE1.

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Laurent can only be older than Lucina by 1 year.

Lucina outages every other child by at least 2.

Laurent > Miriel.

If Miriel > Chrom, then logically, Lucina > Chrom as well.

Then fun mythology gag time:

Lucina = 22 as of her birthday event as of the Japanese Release.

4/20/12 - 22 years = 4/20/90 = Release date of FE1.

I think you're mistaken. Lucina's newly born after the timeskip, and since most fathers can die permanently and the children will still be born, it implies that after the timeskip, every single mother is already pregnant soon after marriage. Thus Lucina can't be SIGNIFICANTLY older than anybody but Morgan. A year at most.

Edited by Alastor15243
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*Pairs everyone up and then kills all the fathers off before the timeskip*

Now Lucina's the youngest of the bunch. Except Gerome and her sibling. And for some reason all the mothers still haven't heard of their children.

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*Pairs everyone up and then kills all the fathers off before the timeskip*

Now Lucina's the youngest of the bunch. Except Gerome and her sibling. And for some reason all the mothers still haven't heard of their children.

Wait, the paralogues still show up if the father dies before the timeskip?

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Wait, the paralogues still show up if the father dies before the timeskip?

Yep [mother can be critically injured too. As long as the S-rank is SEEN, it shows], which blows that thought there out of the water. [For the others, the parents have not had kids/aren't pregnant until afterwards.]

Lucina is definitely the eldest, and we're given a value of about 2 years.

Which maintains, Laurent > Lucina at most by 1. Lucina > Others by 2.

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Did everyone forget that we play in a different timeline than the one the children come from? xP The fathers dying would just mean that the children won't exist in our timeline. They still exist in the one they came from because things happened differently there.

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