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Celebrating his de-CHROM-firmation in Smash


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It may just be because I haven't played through the game in a while, but I can't remember seeing that fully animated part where Chrom's lying on the ground. Could someone tell me what scene that's from?

It's from Lucina and Robin's SSB4 trailer.
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Ana, I know I JUST yelled at you recently, but read the description please, because it talks about you somewhere there.

Ana, would it KILL YOU to not to talk smack about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS you have an irrational hatred for? Such as mentioning "I like this because I dislike Chrom/Lucina" BS every opportunity you get? You are literally the same as the rabid FeMU x Chrom fangirls.

...Really, SOC? REALLY? You fucking posted a video with characters killing Chrom as a joke towards his non-playability in Smash. What the flying fuck did you EXPECT me to say?

And now you decide to be an ass and compare me to something I'm not at all like. Maybe I mention a love for Frederick and a dislike for Chrom and Lucina a TAD much without realizing, but I am NOTHING like those annoying fans. I don't go around saying that Frederick is the only right husband and that no one else matters and that everyone else's opinions suck. I don't go around writing fanfiction that makes Chrom and Lucina look like asses and makes Frederick look like a god that everyone worships and that Frederick and Avatar's love is the only thing that matters. I don't go around insulting fans of other pairings or people that don't like Frederick.

And I'll prove it. Some Chrom fans are actually worth respecting, such as Silver Lightning. She's a cool gal and I plan to meet up with her when I go to Pittsburgh for Thanksgiving (if she's fine with it, of course). I'd even like to take a photo of us holding our Frederick and Chrom keychains for the fun of it.

And I know Frederick isn't popular and that few people marry female Avatars to him. I don't care, they're free to not like hm. It's their opinion. They're not bitches or asses for it. It's just a game and these are just opinions. Besides, as I've said in the past, it's more Frederick for me. :P


This is cute. lol

Edited by Anacybele
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I also added a "lol" at the end of my comment to show that I wasn't taking it that seriously. You apparently missed it.

I won't bother either because I already know you're wrong. There's no point.

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Okay, let me just start by saying I'm swallowing my pride here.

Because my comment was uncalled for.

But you are also not in the right, Ana.

Because you are very vocal of your preferences and I feel like you take every opportunity to say (like in the SSB4 thread) your opinions and everyone must know exactly who you like and dislike.

I apologize for calling you out like that.

I am sorry for that. Only that.

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Yes, you're right about that. I am very vocal and sometimes a little too vocal. I already admitted it when I said I mention certain things a tad too much. I seem to have a habit of forgetting a lot of the instances where I mention these things, resulting in a bunch of repeats. It's...an issue that I seem to just not be able to fix due to it being so easy to forget about a bunch of posts.

Now, if you wish to continue this further, we should take it to PM. Otherwise, I guess we're done.

Edited by Anacybele
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