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Characters You Never Really Use


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This isn't a hate thread to talk about what characters you think are overrated, hate, and will never use for those reasons. Its more about the characters you think look interesting, but you always find another character that you use instead.

Mine are:

Vaike, Miriel, Donnel, Libra, Panne, Gregor, Gerome, and Yarne.

I definitely wanna use all of these characters at some point, but for now, they just don't seem interesting enough.

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Vaike, Kellam, Libra, Maribelle, Frederick and most of the children.

I always go for nogrind runthroughs as I find it more fun and those characters while I do like them personality wise, always gave me trouble leveling up.

Edited by kingddd
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Unfortunately I have to use all characters in earlygame except for one to get all S-supports. Except in lunatic mode I don't use Frederick, because I usually don't waste experience on prepromoted units.

If I got all kids, I only use them later because they've better stats and skills.

I ignore Say'ri, Flavia, Basilio and all other "Spotpass" characters.

Edited by TalesOf Hysteria
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I never liked using virion.the archer concept is annoying if you ask

Yeah, I've never liked archers too much either, if by default they attacked from 2 spaces away, and then the longbow let them attack from 3 spaces away, it would help them not get outclassed by mages. I really liked Virions character though, so I made him a wyvern lord

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I never really used the mage characters except for the Avatar and Henry (so Henry could marry Sumia). Just never needed them. I also didn't use Sumia, Panne, Lucina, the manaketes, or most of the children I recruited much at all.

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I never use anyone with only Avatar for marriage except sometimes Anna for drop-in utility in higher difficulties. Fred is usually benched after Chrom's support gets in gear and only brought back to be a +Mov support for Staffbots. Ricken and Donnel aren't worth getting going. I find Sully abrasive and never use her unless a strat calls for it. I'm not fond of Stahl either, mine always get Spd screwed. Tharja is an abomination and I never use her. Libra usually goes the same way as Anna. I often leave Nowi out on Lunatic+, but never on Lunatic. Gaius is usually dropped when I'm being serious, though he's been fun the few times I've used him. Cherche is a staple on lower difficulties (though I don't do them much), but often dropped in higher ones. Kellam meets the same fate as Fred, though a lot earlier because his support pool isn't as good (no Chrom) and he doesn't give +Mov. Miriel, Lon'qu and Vaike are hard support for a few chapters, then benched. Olivia depends completely on whether she marries Chrom. Virion is left out for gameplay reasons on higher difficulties, though I always use him if I can. Henry is usually passed over unless I need a drop-in Mire user for a chapter. I tend not to use any of the children whose parents aren't Avatar, Chrom or Nowi ingame (postgame is different for obvious reasons).

Honestly, it would probably be easier to ask for a list of the units I do use. Avatar and Chrom always, Virion and Nowi when difficulty permits, at least one of Sumia/Cordelia, as many healers as I can and Panne if I need backup, along with all the kids I can get.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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Kellam, Stahl, Virion, Libra to an extent Ricken, Panne, and Gregor since my use for them in playthroughs depends on growths.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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I have a bad habit of ditching the parent characters (Except for Chrom, Sumia, and Robin's spouse if they are a first gen unit) once I recruit their future child. No small wonder why I have a really tough time beating the Future Past DLC. Also never really used Kellam, Panne, or Miriel (I'm so sorry Laurent).

Edited by Hunter Nightblood
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There's plenty of people that I don't particularly use, and I hope that nobody strikes out when I say this, but I mainly don't ever.


Use Frederick in any playthroughs, except those in Lunatic. This, makes me dislike him even more, as you're partially FORCED to use Frederick, and the moment I'm able to use DLC for grinding, I do so immediately, not touching him for the rest of the game.

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I find myself not using Brady, Severa, Noire, and Nah. In the 1st Gen, I don't use Maribelle as opposed to Lissa and later Libra. I also sometimes find myself favoring Miriel and Henry over Ricken and Tharja. Also, I seem to have Cordelia>Sumia. Generally, characters like Gregor and Gerome get used more than characters I like less.

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There's plenty of people that I don't particularly use, and I hope that nobody strikes out when I say this, but I mainly don't ever.


Use Frederick in any playthroughs, except those in Lunatic. This, makes me dislike him even more, as you're partially FORCED to use Frederick, and the moment I'm able to use DLC for grinding, I do so immediately, not touching him for the rest of the game.

Note: In the Prologue of Normal/Cas, you're forced to use either Chrom, Avatar or Frederick to win. When you've got only three units, having one who can't really afford to not help out in a higher difficulty isn't silly, it's to be expected. And with proper play, Fred actually sees the least use of any of your starting units- he gets two Myrmidon kills (and a Mage kill if you've got bad luck) and in vanilla Lunatic he won't be killing anyone else until post Cht.3. In some Lunatic+ strats he might get a few more kills, but never more than one level up.

You very well can use him more than that, but you'll get stuck due to his slow exp gain. If anything, on Lunatic(+) nogrind you're practically forced not to use Frederick to protect your long term prospects.

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You make my soul sad. Libra2bro4u. Libro.

Seriously though, guys who warm the bench: Kellam, Vaike, Ricken, and Donnel.

Thats basically it. Everyone gets used to an extent. Donnel, once hes done being a broodmare, he sits out.

oh yeah...i dont use Say'ri or Anna.

Edited by Loki Laufeyson
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Virion, Stahl, Vaike, Kellam, Donnel, Ricken, Panne, Cordelia, Gregor, Nowi, Tharja, Cherche, Say'ri, Tiki, Basilio, Flavia, Inigo, Brady, Cynthia, Severa, Gerome, Yarne, Nah, and all spotpass characters.

my list is a little long

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I've never used any of the SpotPass characters, Say'ri, Tiki, Basilio, or Flavia. And until my current Lunatic run, I've also never used Donnel, Vaike, Kellam, Gregor, or any of the kids aside form Lucina and Inigo. I rarely use Virion and Cherche, and only used Inigo and Anna once.

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