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The most extensive Chrom voice actor joke ever...


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Original: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19218057

...Seriously, someone put a hell of a lot of work into this just because Sugita voices Chrom in Awakening and Ragna the Bloodedge in Blazblue.

*AND* it was uploaded in 2012, back in the early release of Blazblue: Chrono Phantasma in the Arcades and when Awakening hadn't even hit places outside of Japan yet.

Damn, I can't get over how awesome this thing is and it ONLY got about 8,500 views since then.

Edited by shadowofchaos
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You know, as a person who loves both series, I can say this was truly well done. Great find :P. But really, I find it more fitting if Lucina took Say'ri's place considering that she was supposed to be Hakumen (and almost everyone knows that Jin is a certain White Faced Man)

Edited by カプリ
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Koyasu's a bigger name than Sugita? I'm not familiar with seiyuu too much. I guess voicing fuckin' Dio would put you at legendary status.

And Wakamoto is legit the Seiyuu god. You ever saw that vid where Sugita and Nakamura were trying to pull off his voice? Hilarious.

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what do you mean by joke? it seems like a pretty decent game trailer is all

They entire Japanese description (which I didn't include) had dialogue for Chrom as Ragna the Bloodedge, which essentially they said was the entire reason they did the opening edit.

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