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Gallery of my wife Lucina in Smash Bros.


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Posting screenshots is what the Smash Club thread is for. I said so in the OP.

This is the thread for all of us Smashers to add our 3DS Friend Codes and Nintendo Network IDs in. And join the club! ^^ And once the 3DS version is out everywhere, we can just chat about our adventures with it! Those who have the Japanese version may talk about it right now, if they'd like. But save speculation, info, tier list stuff, etc., for the main discussion thread. This is just for chillaxing and of course, compiling FCs and Nintendo Network IDs. Talk about your favorite matches against people, show screenshots and videos you've made, and more.

Edited by Anacybele
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Posting screenshots is what the Smash Club thread is for. I said so in the OP.

Well to be fair, it's not obvious from the title that the thread is also where videos, pictures, etc. go. If someone has not entered the topic and read the first post, they're not going to know.

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What he said

Also how many awakening Pairing Question threads get posted on their own? Also your smash thread isn't pinned, so it's not a priority thread to check IMO. Let the kid go about his business, but suggest that is for organization's sake, he post further images there

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Some of those are really funny. Great job on the Sumia ones.

Wait, why would the 3DS FC thread be the one to post screenshots and videos? That makes no sense. If anything, there should be a thread specifically for screenshots and another for videos.

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Well to be fair, it's not obvious from the title that the thread is also where videos, pictures, etc. go. If someone has not entered the topic and read the first post, they're not going to know.

That's true, I know. That's why I pointed it out. I guess I could make it a little more obvious though.

Wait, why would the 3DS FC thread be the one to post screenshots and videos? That makes no sense. If anything, there should be a thread specifically for screenshots and another for videos.

Because it's the Smash Club thread, not just a 3DS FC thread? :P

Edited by Anacybele
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That's true, I know. That's why I pointed it out. I guess I could make it a little more obvious though.

Because it's the Smash Club thread, not just a 3DS FC thread? :P

Eh, for a series of games that has its own forum at SF, to condense so many features into a single thread feels a bit clustered. People use the Smash Club thread to exchange codes and set up matches, which is great, but screenshots and videos are a feature big enough to warrant a separate topic.

I mean, if someone wants to share a video of a battle that took place BECAUSE of the Smash Club thread, I guess that would be fine, but limiting EVERY screenshot and video to a thread that's not even about that is rather detrimental to the boards.

And bear in mind, I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm simply sharing what I feel is the best course of action.

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Eh, for a series of games that has its own forum at SF, to condense so many features into a single thread feels a bit clustered. People use the Smash Club thread to exchange codes and set up matches, which is great, but screenshots and videos are a feature big enough to warrant a separate topic.

I mean, if someone wants to share a video of a battle that took place BECAUSE of the Smash Club thread, I guess that would be fine, but limiting EVERY screenshot and video to a thread that's not even about that is rather detrimental to the boards.

And bear in mind, I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm simply sharing what I feel is the best course of action.

Thing is, I made a Smash screenshot thread awhile back. It died quickly. That's why I figured I should condense FCs, NNIDs, screenshots, videos, and all that into one thread. Plus, there was already that other match-making thread that's really old, but did get revived. I didn't want my thread to just be a carbon copy of it.

I know you're not being a jerk, you're just trying to help. I appreciate it too, Jave. I really do. I'm just doing what I feel is best based on past experiences here.

Edited by Anacybele
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Sorry, but no. I've edited the title of the club thread to make it more clear that it was meant to house things like your gallery. So anymore updates on it should be posted there.

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BlueLucina: I suggest you PM a moderator to be sure. Personally I don't think it's an issue, but neither me, Raven, nor Anacybele are staff members therefore have no authority on this board, therefore we can't really tell you if it's okay or not.

Although by general rule of internet forums, if the mods haven't done anything yet, it's probably fine for the thread to stay.

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It's true, I don't have authority on this board. And I blame only myself for not making it obvious enough that the Smash Club thread covers screenshots and videos as well as match-making and FCs/NNIDs. >_< I just don't think we should turn this board into a Smash version of the creativity forum. It'd just get cluttered with a ton of threads on everyone's galleries of screenshots and videos. So I thought, there should be one thread for everyone to post that stuff in. And then I thought, well, there's no reason the Club thread can't be used. Saves the need to create yet another thread. And that's how I decided to toss in screenshots and videos when I made the thread.

As far as we know, no mods have even looked at this thread. There are no posts by them or anything in here yet. And they have a big job to do on the forums, they could've accidentally overlooked this in all their business.

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By your logic, your Mii Fighters thread shouldn't exist then since those contain multiple screen shots of various Miis. :\ Why not put THOSE in the FC thread in that case?

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So post your Miifighters in the appropriate thread in the future, now that you've specified what the Smash Club thread is for.

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I see no reason for that when the thread has been thriving for over a month and like I said, it was made before the Smash Club was.

And, now that I think about it, the Mii Fighters thread is more about the Miis, not the screenshots they're in. The fact that the thread has screenshots is merely a sort of side effect. Of course, I will still allow shots of them in the Club thread (it'd be fantastically dumb if I didn't), they're just also allowed in the Mii Fighter thread.

If the Mii Fighter thread only had like one page or something though, I would be fine with it getting merged with the Club thread. But it's a big thread that's been around for longer than a month as I said above, so...

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Still really don't see the problem of letting someone just have a small, personal gallery. :\ What if maybe they want a place where they or someone else can easily find their screenshots without having to dig into a steadily-growing thread?

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Well, I already said why I don't like the idea. It will lead to other people making their own gallery threads, and this whole board will be cluttered with them. But if having one big thread for everyone's shots is such a bad idea too, then a sub-board here for galleries is the only solution I can think of.

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Loving this thread.

Contributing to the comments...

Besides my shot with Palutena x Lucina Yuri...

These are pretty darn creative. Thought process increased by obvious waifu bias, of course.

I'm guessing the replay mode really helps with these.

But no seriously, it really feels like all of those Palutena screenshots with Lucina are REALLY suggesting things.

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