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Gaius and Sully's nicknames xD


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So everyone's favorite thief with a sweet tooth seems to have a nickname for everybody...I thought I saw a list floating around but I don't remember where. Anyway the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

Chrom = Blue

Sumia = Stumbles

Panne = Whiskers

Avatar = Bubbles(wtf? how does this even fit?)

Tharja = Sunshine

Lissa = Princess

Sully kinda does the same thing:

Virion = Ruffles

Gaius = Chuckles

I think those are the only two she has...but yeah.

Anyone know where the list of the nicknames is? iirc it was an image with pictures of everybody and nicknames under them. Also...how on earth does Bubbles fit for Avatar? I don't...see any connection.

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I hear Gaius also calls Vaike "Biceps" lol.

Gaius and Sully aren't the only characters that use a nickname though! Avatar gives Frederick one as well in their support, though it's only used once. And the nickname that's used depends on the former's gender.

Female = "Freddy Bear" (just the freaking CUTEST thing ever omg!)

Male = "Fredericson"

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I was aware of Freddy Bear. Not Fredericson though...but that makes sense. If a male avatar used the first nickname it would imply...things that would make the homophobes of the world rage, thus possibly hurting sales.

I think I saw a different image than the one Vermilia posted, but that works. Lon'qu's is a bit long lol. And I still don't see how Junior fits Henry. Or Bubbles for Avatar...Gaius needs to explain himself.

The nicknames are awesome and I hope they return in future installments.

Edited by Dragoncat
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Ah, I see. That makes it less weird then. :P

I wonder what Gaius would call the characters he didn't get a support with. Especially Frederick given his reaction to Avatar's nicknames. lol "I'll thank you not to refer to me by that ridiculous name." XD

I'm really not sure though. I definitely think Gaius would call Ricken "Shortstuff" though! lol

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Gaius calls Cordelia "Mother" what. o_O

I thought that was Cherche. Derp...

Yeah I wonder what he would call everyone else too. I don't think Ricken would appreciate that name lol, either that or Shorty xD

Aaaand Donnel. If he was irl I'd call him either Donnel Duck or McDonnels. But I think Gaius would use something refering to him being a farmer.

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Gaius doesn't have a nickname for Cherche.

Yeah but I mistook Cordelia for her in that picture for some odd reason.

...Wait a sec. If what I'm hearing about him being able to father Gerome is true, then why would he NOT have a nickname for Cherche? Doesn't he have one for everyone he can support with?

"Mother" would fit Cherche too though. But obviously not for a romantic support ending...

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