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Official FFTF Horoscopes


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Ooh, nice.

It's harder than one would think to think up a new color, though! o:

You could always try to imagine what infrared or ultraviolet look like.

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It's diffferent when you can't see the results.

Okay fine, I'll type this whole post blind

Makeze it's not workiiiiiiiiiing



Fun fact I also typed my colour code blind

Like I'm that used ot typing it now


But that is not my keyboard's fault it's my eyes' fault...

I just can't win =<

Edited by Freohr Datia
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today is the day, but your body will be acting up. gird your loins and force through it, it's worth it.



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somebody you like very much will say something completely and utterly insane. smile and bear it; it's a passing fad.

That's nothing out of the ordinary, Iolaus.
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lbr the dude can hardly keep the qotd updated how could we expect him to update two things daily at oncewith that said,28.10.14LEOtake stock of your friendships and keep in the forefront of your mind that you need to budget time for yourself, you might be overextending yourself helping others.

Makes sense to I guess. Edited by Steel Waluweegee
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lbr the dude can hardly keep the qotd updated how could we expect him to update two things daily at once

with that said,



basically today you will have a pretty good day. good for you!

all of the quoted above is true

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it's a good day to work in the yard, but remember to stay hydrated or you'll probably get sick.

What if I don't have a yard!?

Also it could be true, I took a four hour nap despite having had drank like 10 water bottles. ):

Edited by Juliet
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lbr the dude can hardly keep the qotd updated how could we expect him to update two things daily at once

with that said,



you may think you have invented a new color today, but that just means you need a nap badly.

I really do...

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Then again when you summed up all of them to bitch about the Pisces thing kind of spelled the end of this supposed creativity of yours. Which is kind of beta.

And when did this whole alpha/beta stuff start to happen. I've seen it from both Furet and Spike because Fuckboy is a stupid name and Furet is easier to spell and remember. Do you just use it out of irony or kind of maybe believe it. Out of irony.


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today is not your day. call in sick and go back to bed.

Too late ;<
Dammit Integ you're not allowed to do these anymore

I was hoping that this one would be wrong like most of Furet's were, but nope, you had to nail it right on the head >:c

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i'm confused, you wrote 'owned' seemingly in response to an innocuous quote that did not, in fact, own any person or concept??

(though I will freely admit the rushed 'fuck Pisces' update was kind of half-arsed)

Edited by Parrhesia
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