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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

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Can someone tell me if subterranean animism has some sort of gimmick in it, for example pcb had cherry borders,IN had teams,mof had faith system etc.

In SA point items value is not determined by the height you collect them, but rather by your communication gauge, it gets full when you go above the poc. Grazing also increases the gauge and if it gets full you'll auto collect items on the screen just like if you were above the poc

The actual value of the point items is determined by a fixed value that increases with green items collected (and varies its starting and max value depending on the difficulty) * the current multiplier in the gauge

The multiplier starts going from 0 to 1 and will have a fixed value of 0.01 for each 100 graze (like, if you grazed 500 bullets, the value will go from 0.05 to 1.05)

Hope I was clear enough

oh yeah

if the multiplier is at 0.00, the point items are worth 10 points instead of 0

Edited by Blagi
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AKA "You better fucking graze the shit out of everything if you want a good score" the game

Except just clearing the game with max lives already nets you 225 million points on Normal (+12 million if you also have max Power).

Really, it's more like this:

1. Never die.

2. Never die.

3. Graze like mad.

Graze is only > the other two criteria if you abuse it really hard, like the WR runs do. When every point item is worth 2 million points, lives kinda lose their meaning. :V :V :V

Edited by Scarlet
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Marisa is too fat. I can't capture Hourai Elixir to unlock Reimu's last word. 150 attempts and counting. The crossing green bullets are what really get me on 70% of the runs. That type of pattern appears to be my achilles heel. Well, that and just feeling claustrophobic because there's nowhere safe to really move. I literally died once at a countdown of 00 (on one of the like, 10 times I made it all the way to the rings of dark bullets being penetrated by white diamond bullets of varying speeds).

So angry right now. I'm pretty sure that's the last capture I need too.

I thought Marisa had the same hitbox as everyone outside the Border Team? And heh, Fera hates those criss-crossing bullets as well :P

If it helps you feel any better, my record shows 1/229 for Marisa Solo. But 1/6 for Netherworld Team, all in Story Mode

Once you do unlock it though, Fantasy Heaven is going to be really fun, oh, yes!

You did, although some of Ran's spellcards are still very tricky until you figure out how they work. Once you understand all of her spells, she's easy to the point where I could very plausibly see myself No-Miss-Clearing the whole stage.

Charming Siege from All Sides can get pretty annoying sometimes though... >_>

The Phantasm version isn't much more difficult, either. I'd still rank the Phantasm Stage among the easiest Extras lol (although Yukari's final spellcard is complete BS).

Yukari still follows the Extra boss patterns with 10 spells, where the 9th is a survival and the 10th gets more intense as you her health drops below certain intervals?

Well done!


Normally I'd recommend PCB Extra, but considering your issues with Ran, maybe give TD Extra oder IN Extra a try instead. TD Extra is moderately challenging, but you can actually skip problem spells via Trance.

TD!Nue is even easier than EX Kanako? I heard Mamizou is really tough though...

Speaking of Nue, I can make it to UFO!Nue with 2 lives and 3 bombs, but I still have no clue how to deal with her second spell. In fact, in my latest attempt, the timer actually reached 0 after I spent all my resources >_>

IN Extra is more like a puzzle - Mokou is ridiculously insane if you don't understand her spells, but she becomes fairly trivial once you do.

I captured plenty of spells, but most of them required a lot of skill and I'm not sure whether I'm doing it wrong or Mokou is just plain difficult...

EoSD would be more fun if the shots weren't so unbalanced.

imo EoSD shot types are more balanced than any other game! It's the only Windows Touhou game I bothered to 1cc with ALL shot types, after all.

I was talking about how MarisaB had spread which is stupid for a forward focus shot

Sure, it's not straight like MarisaA, but the spread is really insignificant...

It only counts if it's on normal - said every "real" Touhou player ever.

I guess I'm not a real player then, since I do acknowledge Easy 1ccs. Of course, 1ccing with a higher difficulty is much more of an achievement than 1ccing with a lower difficulty.

I wanna hear Kero-chan so I can be her friend. :c

She's adorable... and pretty easy for an Extra boss.

Marisac is the best. You get flame throwers and you can position them in places by focusing. It's better than it sounds


But yeah, it is amazing. The frostthrowers are pretty wide and although their range is very short, they don't follow you when focused. So you can stick them in front of the boss and dodge wherever while the frostthrowers keep hitting the boss. And during stages, you can stick the frostthrowers on one side and move to the other side, letting you quickly purge enemies that spawn from both sides~

Can someone tell me if subterrenan animism has some sort of gimmick in it, for example pcb had cherry borders,IN had teams,mof had faith system etc.

It does, which Tonton elaborated pretty well, but it's unrelated to survival, so I wouldn't concern myself with that
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Charming Siege from All Sides can get pretty annoying sometimes though... >_>

It can screw you over pretty badly if you happened to pick a bad spot at the beginning of the spell, but otherwise it's not too bad.

Yukari still follows the Extra boss patterns with 10 spells, where the 9th is a survival and the 10th gets more intense as you her health drops below certain intervals?

Yukari actually gets 11 spells. The first 10 are just variations of Ran's, but her 11th is original, and it's a huge pain in the ass. It's a survival spellcard whose timer stops ticking down while you're invincible for any reason. And it's pure memorization - the chances of you successfully dodging any of the patterns without prior knowledge are close to zero.

TD!Nue is even easier than EX Kanako?

Easily. xD

TD!Nue is the only EX midboss I can't remember myself ever dying or bombing to.

I heard Mamizou is really tough though...

You have to take her seriously, but I wouldn't consider her the hardest. Spell Practice and Trance both help, too.

For what it's worth, TD Extra is the first Extra I ever cleared.

Speaking of Nue, I can make it to UFO!Nue with 2 lives and 3 bombs, but I still have no clue how to deal with her second spell. In fact, in my latest attempt, the timer actually reached 0 after I spent all my resources >_>

The one with the red UFOs? How that one plays out heavily depends on your shot type. MarisaA and SanaeB should both have no problems destroying a significant portion of the UFOs, thus keeping the pattern fairly easy. The other shot types have much harder time destroying any UFOs at all; try to take down only one or two per wave to make some room and otherwise focus on Nue. The maneuvers required to dodge both the bullets and the UFOs if you fail destroy any at all are rather unpleasant.

I captured plenty of spells, but most of them required a lot of skill and I'm not sure whether I'm doing it wrong or Mokou is just plain difficult...

If you have trouble with Mokou's trick-based spellcards, you'll probably have trouble with Mamizou as well. In that case, the only EX boss I can direct you to is Raiko - she's pretty challenging, but there are little if any tricks to her spellcards, so there's no need to learn any fancy tricks to beat her, and SakuyaA can sorta cheat because Raiko doesn't go invincible if you put up a shield bomb (well, she does, but only for the brief moment in which your bomb effect clears bullets).

It does, which Tonton elaborated pretty well, but it's unrelated to survival, so I wouldn't concern myself with that

It's not, actually. Grazing helps you safely collect [P]ower items as well. You could of course just choose ReimuB for her passive ability instead and not bother with the communications gauge, but ReimuB kinda sucks on the lower difficulties.

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