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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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It can screw you over pretty badly if you happened to pick a bad spot at the beginning of the spell, but otherwise it's not too bad.

What qualifies as a bad spot? Aside from being too close to the edges?

Yukari actually gets 11 spells. The first 10 are just variations of Ran's, but her 11th is original, and it's a huge pain in the ass. It's a survival spellcard whose timer stops ticking down while you're invincible for any reason. And it's pure memorization - the chances of you successfully dodging any of the patterns without prior knowledge are close to zero.

So you basically need to keep repeating the Phantasm Stage, go all the way to Spell #11 and practice on dodging each wave... That sounds incredibly troublesome >_>

Easily. xD

TD!Nue is the only EX midboss I can't remember myself ever dying or bombing to.

I just tried TD Extra and uh, while her first spell is easy, her second spell keeps killing me and her third spell often surprise-kills me too. Is there any trick to her second spell?

You have to take her seriously, but I wouldn't consider her the hardest. Spell Practice and Trance both help, too.

For what it's worth, TD Extra is the first Extra I ever cleared.

I've only unlocked four spells so far, but her third (birdies~) is the only one I can capture consistently. Looks like I'll need a lot of practice...

The one with the red UFOs? How that one plays out heavily depends on your shot type. MarisaA and SanaeB should both have no problems destroying a significant portion of the UFOs, thus keeping the pattern fairly easy. The other shot types have much harder time destroying any UFOs at all; try to take down only one or two per wave to make some room and otherwise focus on Nue. The maneuvers required to dodge both the bullets and the UFOs if you fail destroy any at all are rather unpleasant.

Yeah, I'm using ReimuA, that explains why it's so difficult for me. Maybe I should go for MarisaA or SanaeB...

If you have trouble with Mokou's trick-based spellcards, you'll probably have trouble with Mamizou as well. In that case, the only EX boss I can direct you to is Raiko - she's pretty challenging, but there are little if any tricks to her spellcards, so there's no need to learn any fancy tricks to beat her, and SakuyaA can sorta cheat because Raiko doesn't go invincible if you put up a shield bomb (well, she does, but only for the brief moment in which your bomb effect clears bullets).

Oh, I've been trying out Raiko for several months... until Blue Lady Show. I'm sorry, but I find Blue Lady Show to be far too ridiculous. I've never touched DDC Extra again.

Also, I think Suwako was kinda trick-based, but I was able to beat her pretty easily, if that means anything...

It's not, actually. Grazing helps you safely collect [P]ower items as well. You could of course just choose ReimuB for her passive ability instead and not bother with the communications gauge, but ReimuB kinda sucks on the lower difficulties.

Oh, right, yeah. Most of the time that such an opportunity to graze that much is presented, the communication gauge often gets filled up while you dodge whether you realize it or not.

I just 1cced UFO for the first time in a couple of weeks. Captured Varja, Recitation, and Fantastica. Woot woot.

Congratulations! Recitation is nothing special, fyi. Star Maelstorm, on the other hand... Edited by Railgun
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Stop going around saying stuff like "nobody cares" then when people clearly do, please.

Its seriously getting older than Yukari. *can't be chastized by J about this cuz I made a Touhou joke*

i just noticed this but

you don't just tell any woman that they're old

Jèßuß man

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