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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



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  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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Congratulations senpai!


Beating her with 2 lives and a few bombs is plausible, but doesn't leave much room for even minor mistakes.

Nue drops 4 life pieces (one after each spellcard), then only bomb pieces.

...maybe I should go for reds instead of greens during the stage?

The only of Seija's spells that gets a difficulty spike on Hard is the up/down flip; the other ones are only mildly more annoying than on Normal. Still, if you're not confident, just plan a couple of bombs for the fight.

Kagerou definitely becomes a huge difficulty spike though, no kidding.

Kagerou really threw me off guard. Benben and Shinmyoumaru weren't actually that bad on Hard (I even captured Hard Shingeki no Kobito on my first encounter) but yeah, I'm not sure if I can face Kagerou or Seija very well.

Harder, but not impossible. Only practice will help with that - personally, I don't have trouble auto-collecting items even on Lunatic. You need to be able to tell when it's reasonably safe to go above the PoC even when there are bullets and/or enemies on-screen, especially in Stage 3.

Stage 3 is an interesting case. In Normal, I would auto-collect like crazy, despite all the risks. On Hard, it's just too intimidating for me to attempt. Practicing Stage 3 should certainly improve my resources supply.

Also, if you have trouble with SakuyaA, it might be worth giving MarisaB a try instead; her bomb converts bullets into extra [P]ower items, and thus usually life pieces on Hard/Lunatic. If you bomb at the right moments, she can actually rack up more lives than even SakuyaA.

I should probably 1cc Normal with MarisaB first. Heck, I like DDC enough that I'm realistically considering 1ccing it with all shot types (which I've only done with SoEW and EoSD).

To my knowledge, their HP remain the same, so Reimu and Yuyuko still roflstomp the stage parts for the most part. The bosses, however, are tough, especially if you pick the Border/Nether team and have to fight Marisa. Give it a try if you want.

I'll increase my starting lives, so I might be able to deal with it.

In any case, good luck with whatever you attempt next!


I wouldn't recommend IN or SA for your first Normal 1cc in any event.

Even with default lives, IN really isn't THAT bad imo. Marisa is an evil Stage 4 boss, but Reisen is pathetic enough to make up for it. Stages shouldn't be an issue with Border/Netherworld Team. Stage 4 also gives you loads of bombs to spam on Marisa.

I just feel like I'm being way too ~inconsistent~ in the first 3 stages

And then if I lose one single life on these stages I rage quit :v

This is not good. If you die, you should just keep moving on. Many of my first 1ccs had silly deaths as early as Stage 2. Had I rage quit those runs, I probably wouldn't have pulled off my clears. In fact, it's when I don't screw up on the early stages that I get too confident during the later stages and mess up far more than usual and fail to clear.

and then he gets to stage 4 and realizes that IN is not one to be trifled with.

Hell, Stage 3 is when it starts getting hectic.

You should seriously try Netherworld Team someday. It's basically "hold Shift to skip stage parts, and then enjoy the boss fights with the strongest forward shot type outside of Malice Cannon".

But UFO didn't have you face off against Reimu/Marisa.

I mean sure, sinker ghost is a thing. But master spark, earthray light, stardust reverie and those annoying start bullets with the stupid hitboxes/whatever reimu has exist.

Oh, come on, at least you have to admit that Stardust Reverie is really easy, regardless of whether you decide to micrododge it all or try to rotate around Marisa for a bit before you slip through the bullets.

I also don't really have trouble with Master Spark (you just need to deal with the screen shaking and it becomes lame otherwise) and Earth Light Ray (the radiating stars are aimed at your sides and won't hit you if you don't move, while only the middle of the three star streams is aimed at you, requiring only a tiny movement to slip between the middle stream and a side stream). My issues with Marisa are mostly on Milky Way and sometimes Non-Directional Laser, with the high bullet densities of her non-spells being really annoying.

I use the bombs mostly for collection since EoSD doesn't have poc unless on full power and the item colection hitbox seems to be much smaller than the latter games

Master Spark is actually good for that

Stop. Seriously, don't even bomb for score until you 1cc the game first. Not even the Stage 2 bomb for full power. Get a 1cc first and THEN start trying to refine your score through these scoring bombs and other stuff.

Sukuna's in DDC IIRC, right?

Yup! She's the only one of the four Touhou characters I Omochikaeri-zoned that isn't an Extra boss.

Phantasmagoria of Dimensional Dream


PoFV Lunatic isn't much different from PoFV Normal (starts out a bit more hectic, but that's it). Whether you win or not still mostly depends on whether Eiki's AI decides to be a jerkass or not. :V

^This, and I also want to add that Medicine has a very nice advantage in Story Mode, since opponents don't make it a priority to avoid the poison, causing their dodging ability to be severely reduced by multiple layers of poison, so even the most rigged of AIs can get trapped.

Aya also has an advantage due to the AI mainly focusing on the nearby bullets and getting overwhelmed by the really fast bullets that spawn far away, but playing as Aya often requires you to deal with super fast bullets yourself, so I would recommend Medicine instead.

Why Marisa B when you're going Pacifist anyway? :V

It just sounds better for bragging when you name the worst shot type in Touhou history, even though going pacifist makes that irrelevant.

isn't marisa b widely considered the worst shot type in ufo?

Nah, it's only considered to be the worst shot type from... all Touhou games combined

It turns out I can't add properly. I tried 139 times with Border Team before deciding "Solo Marisa unlocked it, Solo Marisa should clear it" and then it was another 81 times there (but I think I was confused by the 52 number by Paschal-Moon Reflecting Satelitte Slash and then added the five and subtracted the two. I'm honestly not sure how I forgot to math that badly.) Anyway, it was 82 times proper with Solo Marisa, so 221 total.

...you do know that there's a total counter shown above the spell description, right? Both a shot-specific counter and an all-shots counter are shown so you don't need to calculate anything.

You apparently took the memorization for slightly longer than I did, but yeah, the crazy reflexes required at the ending are as impressive as I'd expect. Good job!

Maybe I'm just hilariously bad at these two particular patterns, but Merlin's opening nonspell usually takes 4 bombs and sometimes a death, and the same with Youmu's 5 Devas. :( They're literally what make or break runs for me, it's so depressing.

Merlin's opener used to be the most evil attack I've faced in Touhou... until I learned how to deal with it. Slipping through the blue arrowheads of the previous wave is a lot easier than it would seem, and the non-spell becomes trivial once you learn to keep doing that.

Unless you're using SakuyaB, which doesn't have auto-homing, in which case... good luck! Even your bombs won't do any damage~

I really like some parts of EoSD's practice mode. The fact that it forces you to try to beat the stage on default lives/bombs means that when you can do it, you know you're ready. I wish there were an optional toggle between this and full lives/bombs though, so you can fuck up early spellcards and still practice the later ones, or do what I like to do, where I practice capturing a spellcard, then if I fail, stop shooting and try to pacifism time it out, so I get the most practice dodging and working on my skills possible. However, since that almost always entails a few additional deaths, having that huge stock of lives allows for comfort in seeing all spellcards and working on them all in a given practice, rather than having to pick and choose.

I never tried the pacifist thing, but that actually sounds like a good idea. And I would really love an optional toggle between Practice Mode with standard lives and maxed lives.

Ooo, congrats, Balcer! Do you need to track their movement order?

You basically need to memorize how to deal with each wave, while also taking into consideration where you end up after you dodge the previous wave. Ultimately, it becomes a pure memorization spell until the last few seconds where things get really crazy. Actually surviving the last few seconds is a lot harder than it would look.

Also, woo, unintentionally 1CC'd MoF on my second run. Persuasion needles stronk.

Whoa, congratulations! I'd think the bombs played a bigger role than the needles, but yeah, ReimuB has really high power.

-> Gives UFO Extra another try

-> Picks ReimuA for having the highest shot power

-> Fails to be at more than 2 Power at any point during the run

I hate this game. Also my new gamepad sucks.

You need to bomb more. Getting to 4.00 Power at Kogasa isn't too difficult.

Kogasa's scary, though. I captured her first two spells and ALMOST her last, but she's full of surprises.

Heh, and I find her last spell to be her easiest spell. I've never captured her second one though. Mt Ooe was annoying enough and it was nowhere near as dense as this, even if the bullets are smaller.

anyone who can beat UFO normal+ gets my respect.

Wait, does this mean I regained Kalas-chan's respect? Yay~!

I captured Nue's first two spells, nearly captured two more of her spells, and made it halfway through the fight~

That's already much further than I can make it. I keep failing to even scratch Nue in her second spell and I ended up stalling out the timer in the only time I got past it >_>

You can probably beat Nue since you're that good.

Edited by Railgun
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You should seriously try Netherworld Team someday. It's basically "hold Shift to skip stage parts, and then enjoy the boss fights with the strongest forward shot type outside of Malice Cannon".

Oh, come on, at least you have to admit that Stardust Reverie is really easy, regardless of whether you decide to micrododge it all or try to rotate around Marisa for a bit before you slip through the bullets.

I also don't really have trouble with Master Spark (you just need to deal with the screen shaking and it becomes lame otherwise) and Earth Light Ray (the radiating stars are aimed at your sides and won't hit you if you don't move, while only the middle of the three star streams is aimed at you, requiring only a tiny movement to slip between the middle stream and a side stream). My issues with Marisa are mostly on Milky Way and sometimes Non-Directional Laser, with the high bullet densities of her non-spells being really annoying.

Wait, does this mean I regained Kalas-chan's respect? Yay~!


I do but I still suck at IN. :c

I guess.


You never lost it though.

*goes to eat*

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Heh, and I find her last spell to be her easiest spell. I've never captured her second one though. Mt Ooe was annoying enough and it was nowhere near as dense as this, even if the bullets are smaller.

That's already much further than I can make it. I keep failing to even scratch Nue in her second spell and I ended up stalling out the timer in the only time I got past it >_>

You can probably beat Nue since you're that good.

Her last spell isn't so bad. I just need to be more weary I guess, haha. Her second spell is the one I captured the most, though. Helps that it's really fun.

Yeah, with a little work, I think I can beat Nue!

Also good job, BTW. Forgot to tell you.

Also wow Kalas, ignoring me.

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...maybe I should go for reds instead of greens during the stage?

I would say "yes", but the tokens in the Extra Stage seem to be really biased against red; I have trouble summoning enough red UFOs for even just two extra lives, whereas I feel like there's an abundance of green and blue tokens.

So, go for red when there's a good opportunity to do so, but otherwise bombs are actually a better bet. Just... don't die with unused bombs. xD

...also, dying is bad. You really need full Power for Nue, so bombing is preferable to dying because it doesn't drop down your Power.

I should probably 1cc Normal with MarisaB first. Heck, I like DDC enough that I'm realistically considering 1ccing it with all shot types (which I've only done with SoEW and EoSD).

Go for it!

Then do what I did and clear the Extra Stage with all shot types, too

I'll increase my starting lives, so I might be able to deal with it.

Oh, yeah, I keep forgetting IN allows you to do that. xP

Even with default lives, IN really isn't THAT bad imo. Marisa is an evil Stage 4 boss, but Reisen is pathetic enough to make up for it.

Reisen can be tricky if you don't know what to expect, actually. I certainly find myself dying to her far more often than her actual difficulty warrants. She's not exactly hard, but I just keep screwing up. :/

Oh, come on, at least you have to admit that Stardust Reverie is really easy, regardless of whether you decide to micrododge it all or try to rotate around Marisa for a bit before you slip through the bullets.

The big issue with Marisa is her non-spells more than anything, made worse by the fact that bombs do just about nothing to non-spells in general.

Have an impenetrable wall of stars with completely stupid hitboxes, ze!

You need to bomb more. Getting to 4.00 Power at Kogasa isn't too difficult.

I can't bomb when I'm out of bombs. :V

Then again, I'm out of shape. I haven't played in half a year, and getting used to my new gamepad will also take a while. :/

Heh, and I find her last spell to be her easiest spell.

Actually, is it completely random where the lasers end up? I actually captured it in my last run while sitting completely still because the lasers never aligned with me. At all. xD

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Also I attempted UFO Hard and captured the following:

-Nazrin's midboss spell

-Nazrin's first spell

-Kogasa's midboss spell

Then I died shortly after I beat midboss Kogasa. :t

But hey, I didn't do too shabby.

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