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~ Official Touhou Chat Thread~



19 members have voted

  1. 1. Best final boss theme?

    • Now Until the Moment You Die
    • Swordsman of a Distant Star
    • Complete Darkness
    • Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream
    • Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being
    • Septette of the Dead Princess
    • Bloom Nobly, Cherry Blossoms of Sumizome ~ Border of Life
    • Gensokyo Millenium ~ History of the Moon
    • Flight of the Bamboo Cutter ~ Lunatic Princess
    • The Venerable Ancient Battlefield ~ Suwa Foughten Field
    • Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Nuclear Fusion
    • Emotional Skyscraper ~ Cosmic Mind
    • Great Fairy Wars ~ Fairy Wars
    • Shoutoku Legend ~ True Administrator
    • Kobito of the Shining Needle ~ Little Princess

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I've actually been incredibly frustrated working on new games, and am of half a mind to go 1cc earlier games with different shot types instead, so I can feel like I'm making progress, but I know that's not going to do me any favors.

There's nothing wrong with focusing on a favorite game and trying out different shots and such. Vidyagame is fun, not achievements. I sat in IN for ages back when I started playing because it was the only one I could tolerate. Other games were not fun.

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In addition to the fun factor Fera mentioned, 1ccing the same difficulty in the same game with multiple shot types is actually a better idea than you seem to think. It's not as significant a jump as going from Normal to Hard, for instance, but 1ccing with shot types you're not perfectly comfortable with can make you less dependent on shot types in general (which, too, is a form of skill) and helps to improve your consistency.

Besides, in the modern Windows games, 1ccing a difficulty with all shot types gives you that shiny ALL CLEAR sign next to said difficulty!

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did i really die from one of the drops in kogasa's second spell spawning exactly where i was? >_>

Yup, that can happen. Gets really ugly on Hard/Lunatic where she spawns bullets everywhere.

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Don't forget that the bullets spawn in the blue circle that expands and contracts around her. It took me a while to realize that it was even /there/, apparently. Man I'm slow.

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master grammar kings

Computer went back to Best Buy. >_> noooo

Virtue of Wind God (Lunatic) doesn't look terribly much different from Mountain of Faith (Normal), either.

Mountain of Faith is a fairly easy spellcard, whereas Virtue of Wind God is the hardest spellcard in MoF by a very long shot, no contest.

Yeah, Mountain of Faith is pretty easy for a final spell card (Easy Modo aside...). I might try out MoF Hard just because in the future. We'll see.

Would you say Virtue of Wind God (Hard/Lunatic) is harder than Mountain of Faith (Easy)?

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Yeah, Mountain of Faith is pretty easy for a final spell card (Easy Modo aside...). I might try out MoF Hard just because in the future. We'll see.

Would you say Virtue of Wind God (Hard/Lunatic) is harder than Mountain of Faith (Easy)?

By far and away, lol

There's some pretty intense action in that card, at least Easy Mountain of Faith is slow

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Would you say Virtue of Wind God (Hard/Lunatic) is harder than Mountain of Faith (Easy)?

I've never played MoF on Easy and thus never seen the Easy mode version, but I can nonetheless answer that with a pretty confident "definitely".

However, compare these two screenshots...


Note how on Normal (and presumably Easy), there's always obvious gaps between the waves. In fact, you can often sit at certain positions while having to move very little.

On Hard/Lunatic, not only are there no properly aligned gaps, the charms also move at more than double the speed of the Normal Mode version. You're basically dealing with two Mountain of Faiths at the same time, at twice the speed.

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I've never played MoF on Easy and thus never seen the Easy mode version, but I can nonetheless answer that with a pretty confident "definitely".

However, compare these two screenshots...


Note how on Normal (and presumably Easy), there's always obvious gaps between the waves. In fact, you can often sit at certain positions while having to move very little.

On Hard/Lunatic, not only are there no properly aligned gaps, the charms also move at more than double the speed of the Normal Mode version. You're basically dealing with two Mountain of Faiths at the same time, at twice the speed.

That's insane.

So all those comments about how 'Easy Mountain of Faith is the hardest spell in the game' were lies. >_>

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Finally 1cc Normal Fairy Wars. This game is hella fun though, seriously. Love the ice system. The medals are going to bother me like hell, though, like there's even a no-ice medal so I'm sure every one of the spellcards are meant to be capturable without ice which sounds absolutely absurd??????

Also a 9-spellcard IN Extra clear because Proto kept bugging me forever to do it to unlock Phoenix Rebirth. Hrgh.

I'm gonna aim for the 2,000,000,000 mark in IN Easy

This is gun be fun

gl bro dudebro

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I wanted you to unlock Total Purification! I didn't care about Phoenix Rebirth, which is really easy btw. I was under the assumption that you already unlocked Mystia/Keine/Reisen/Tewi/Eirin/Kaguya's Last Words

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The medals are going to bother me like hell, though, like there's even a no-ice medal so I'm sure every one of the spellcards are meant to be capturable without ice which sounds absolutely absurd??????

Impossible Spellcard without infinite retries says hi. :V

Although some spellcards (like Stage1!Star's final) honestly seem pretty easy even without ice as long you don't panic.

On that note, yes, I started playing GFW, too. Semi-blind Hard 1cc Hype (Warning: I'm terrible at this game lol)

I'm not used to every single enemy firing volleys of suicide bullets on Hard. What is this, Lunatic?

On that note, I took a glance at Lunatic, too. Now bosses (including mini-bosses) fire suicide bullets after every pattern, too - on top of their regular patterns! That's ridiculous. xD

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I've heard that GFW is actually one of the hardest games to play completely blind. On the higher difficulties, if you don't plan your ices you're going to get pretty much assblasted to kingdom come.

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Yeah, I did notice that (there's a reason I finished with less than 100% Motivation left lol), although fortunately enemies do usually telegraph waves that you're supposed to block with ice in advance.

That, or just stream like a boss. That often works, too. xP

Welp, just got my face torn off by GFW Extra. Looks like I'll be sitting on that one for a while. :V

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I've never really used Ctrl, it seems too far away. Holding C is more my style. Plus I've had ZXC as my platformer (mostly just Megaman) keyconfig for like, ever now already.

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Wow wtf

Once Marisa is down to half her spellcards, the fight takes a jump in difficulty from "yeah, managable" to "oh my god I'd rather play ISC itemless".

Also, is it just me or are her non-spells much harder than her spellcards? lol

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