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School of Hard NOCs (take 2) - Game over!


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Just woke up, sleep schedule sucks. Voting for the sole purpose of not being modkilled. #ProTownieMindsets

##Vote: Poly

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I have to agree Manix is coming off as town to me. Part of me is paranoid or worried that it might just be the fact that he's trying really hard to make up for other stuff that has happened in this game. Especially if he ends up being like the last scum or whatever.

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I really find it unlikely that Manix and Shinori's roles co-exist, and Shinori is town. Like seriously Shinori do you think your role and Manix's role can co-exist?

Manix so if you consider yourself in a 1v1 with Shinori, which it seems you do, and Shinori and I can't be buddies, how am I scum? Your logic seems geared towards painting as much people as scum as possible- so far: Shinori, me, Gorf, and J

SB if you don't want to lynch Manix, who do you want to lynch?

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BBM: both roles do similar things but Manix's hook/protect makes them totally different in usage. Jailkeeper and Safeguard aren't exactly mutually exclusive roles, so.

Like I said I would lynch in the inactives just on PoE. I need to read up on who exactly but yeah.

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>independently scummy

scum is not a catchall term for the mafia faction. an sk would love to see me lynched, for example. you may also note that i am not explicitly pushing for your lynch right now due to previous stated reasons for sk hunting

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even if they have different usages; the way they're being implemented in this game makes them very similar

@Manix- lol are you really going MAYBE BBM IS A SERIAL KILLER after you spent several posts discussing the possibility of 10/5 and no ITP at all and yelled at J literally last page for SK hunting? Yes I realize you are not explicitly pushing for my lynch but there isn't much of a difference between saying I am scummy and a possible SK and between voting me for being an SK.

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one quick reply and then i'm definitely out

me discussing the possibility of 10/5 was literally ust discussing ~the possibility~. you might actually notice that i came to the conclusion that 10/5 and 10/4/1 are not too dissimilar. also it wasn't J I yelled out, it was gorf. pls actually read before mudslinging

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Was going to say "probably should be able to post in 3 hours" but I don't really have anything to say at this point. If anyone has anything to ask me, feel free to do so then, I guess.

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wow I tried making a post earlier and nothing came up

##Vote: Elie

nothing I said about him yesterday has changed FMPOV. I'd lean him over anyone else right now.

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I completely bricked my exam and i feel a bit down. also stuck on phone

@bbm: i can turn this into a tunnelfest if you want. my other implied point was that you're potentially skimming my posts for stuff that looks scummy on their own without paying a lot of attention to the details

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i(yes hi i am still here)you don't go lynching people because you think they're itp. because 1) it's a crapshoot, 2) hunting mafia is easier when there are flipped mafia 3) removing the chance for crossfire actually hurts town and 4) it eventually sorts itself out anyway

1) theres guaranteed scum between you and shinori in my book. like, this game is a bastard game if youre both town.

2) there IS flipped mafia and the strongest leads i, personally, have are poly because hes posted little, has bad connections and is barely scumhunting, and elie because i feel his d1 was bad play wise and hes almost nonexistent, even though his connections are objectively pretty solid. those are weak reads and mostly just exist as prominent cuz i have a lot of town reads.

3) it only hurts town if the chances to crossfire exists, and unless there are THREE killing roles in this game or bt is itp (bUt We CaNt LyNcH hIm CuZ lYnChInG fOr ItP iS sTuPiD) then there probably ISNT a chance to crossfire. also i just straight up disagree in regards to lynching itps is stupid. scum is fuckin scum yo.

4) not if you cant lynch em. itll never be revealed whether or not we eliminated all of the mafia, if this is 10v4v1, theoretically the indy can have the best connections in the world and play scummily and still win cuz they wont be looked at if it "eventually works itself out."

there is scum between you two. both your roles coexisting as town is NONSENSICAL. lynching between you two garners the highest chance of scum dying, whether its mafia or itp.

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