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School of Hard NOCs (take 2) - Game over!


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if sb is mafia, then the setup absolutely must be 10/4/1, which means we cannot be endgamed tomorrow no matter what.

if sb is not mafia, then we have the easiest roll ever.

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I've already explained why he could be mafia and your argument is just that "well scum mayor turning off in LYLO/MYLO" would be dumb despite it being a thing. Also invisible mayor is not particularly better since most people would just claim it for towncred anyways (see Vhaltz in Healer Mafia).

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Survivor would have claimed D2 after 2/4 scum died; Prophet and most other harmless ITPs would have as well.

Arsonist is probably the main one we need to worry about but eh can't do anything about that. SK!Larsa is possible but then his kill would still had to have been blocked N1, or he could have targeted Prims I guess.

Agreeing with Manix here. Optimal is not just lynching people with less useful roles first; it's also lynching people more likely to be scum first.

also Vhaltz was a visible Mayor in Healer I'm pretty sure?

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if sb is mafia, then the setup absolutely must be 10/4/1, which means we cannot be endgamed tomorrow no matter what.

if sb is not mafia, then we have the easiest roll ever.

That's not taking into account that the ITP could be Survivor/Arsonist (assuming Larsa isn't the ITP, I guess, but I'd expect the ITP to have some sort of protection and I don't think scum would be able to jan and strongman on the same night). Granted, Survivor could townside, but it's not certain.

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okay let's put roles aside. why is sb scum on content?

Haven't reread, can't say. Was townreading all of the possible scum on content anyways.

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Survivor would have claimed D2 after 2/4 scum died; Prophet and most other harmless ITPs would have as well.

Arsonist is probably the main one we need to worry about but eh can't do anything about that. SK!Larsa is possible but then his kill would still had to have been blocked N1, or he could have targeted Prims I guess.

Noone would claim ITP in a situation like that considering we'd probably turbolynch them and be no worse for the wear...

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Said I will do solater; don't really care if you're not voting him right now. I'm not advocating a turbolynch on the dude so lol.

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How...curious. Seems I mis-interpreted Ellie's actions because it seems I may have wanted her to be town over that of her actually being town. I apologize for that error in judgement which is making me...pause. Sorry I was not here for the end of the day, I got busy all of a sudden as well. However, I would like to take this time to sort some of my thoughts down.

I am looking at the roster and just thinking this is lining up to be a little too easy. So far we have had the scum-team being Mancer/Prims/Ellie flip as scum and that leads me to believe we have things lining up to be this:

A.) Gorf is scum and was using his constant harping on Ellie in the beginning when no-one else was seeing it as scum-distancing since he always brought up that Ellie was his biggest scum-pick but never really PUSHED it to the fullest he possibly could at the end. There is also the fact that Gorf has been quiet and if there wasn't the reason that he is a reason I am on this site and playing, I would have honestly forgotten he was in this game because of how much of a non-prescence he has been until he had his argument with Manix.

B.) Someone is lying about their role and also about information they have been giving. This one seems to be a stretch but it also is going with my theory that someone is being a wolf in sheep's clothing. Almost quite literally at this point with this theory I am playing with in my head. See Larsa did not have a flip since his flip was janned, so what I am assuming the final scum-mate has is that janitor because it is an anti-town role and therefore has been using Larsa's role as their own actual role and creating this ruse that seems to be working thus far. This is just a hypothesis because I do not have much to prove this, but something is bugging me about this game and I think this holds some ground into where I want to look on my own investigations.

C.) There is evidence of a final mafia member since there is a kill and the only person showing they had a kill was BT. who is now dead so I am assuming he shot Ellie taking her out when he died in a dramatic awesome fashion. So the reason for C is to say that people say there is a possibility of an ITP which unless someone wants to say the ITP has Jan+Something else, there is one final mafia member at the very least. If there is an ITP, I have no idea what they would be at the current moment. There are many options as to what they could be from arsonist to piper to whatever. Since SK is out, I see no evidence at the current time to look for an ITP. If we kill the final mafia member and the game still continues, then we can begin to search for ITPs.

At the current time, out of the pool of people we have and based on the evidence privy to us without going into a bit of WIFOM/Conspiracy theory for my B, it seems the option I am left with is lynching my friend Gorf.

##Vote: #HBC Gorf

If I am missing anything, I would like to be known. I know Manix made a "case" on me, but it, to me at least, is just him disagreeing with the thing that has been keeping me safe from the lynch-line and that is regarding my disconnection to Prims. I see nothing really to respond because he can hold that opinion, but it is one that holds no weight considering if you look at the situation it is clear that I am no way related to any team that holds Prims on it. Especially considering I was the first one to start the Prims wagon on D1 in retaliation to his awful push on me and because of that it also led BT. to shoot Prims which Prims also held me as town D1 in comparision to Prims. I just find the case on me for being scum weak, especially when the case for me being town is much stronger.

The other thing against me is that I am not really that active but this has been a busy couple of days/weeks for this game because of Halloween/Birthday and all that jazz, but I am here to play and when I do post it is not one-liners so I hope people are not mis-interprating not posting much for lack of content. I have made clear my opinions on the roster and also made sure to post some thoughts on players and everything. If you feel that I am missing on some content, you have to ask because I am not a mind-reader haha.

Is there anything I am missing, Manix? I'm sorry dear, but I am just recalling your case from basic memory and I honestly do not feel like digging to find a case that I do not really even agree with.

There is something I would like to say and it is starting to affect my read on a slot and that is Refa. Refa is just sliding by with his out-landish theories and especially that with his most recent one on SB which is out from left-field for me and I just do not get it. I am with Manix and her wanting more of a standard case to put SB into that pool because I am going to be honest and say that SB is probably my strongest town-read since BT. died. I would not want to lynch him at the current time nor do I really consider him an option for toDay's phase. I am putting my foot down and voting Gorf because I feel more like that holds the best chance of finding scum and Gorf has gone way too long in this game and it's time to fire up the pressure onto his slot. The thing about Refa that is concerning me is the fact that he is progressively getting more and more lazy and that could be that the game is reaching it's climax and the ending and he (and I can probably say everyone at this point) does not want to go reading through 45 pgs of this game and etc. It's just that when he has been explaining things lately, I just feel the reads are being phoned in and that always brings caution to me regarding that especially as we draw nearer to our finale.

If I do begin to start being set up as a more viable lynch candidate, I will begin fighting more tooth and nail to survive because I feel as town you should never give up. Plus the logic to try and lynch me is weak at best. It just does not add up nor compute with that of how others look as viable scum-partners. However, that is also partly my fault for not being able to make it 100% clear that I am town, but I guess that's what posts like these are supposed to try and do.

So to end this post, I would like to ask this question to everyone: Who do you feel holds the highest ratio of flipping scum based on the information we have present at our time? My vote speaks for my mindset, so I would like others to present that as well.

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i don't see a claim in that post, unless we're actually going gorf > J for claim order

also yes you basically have my case correct.

i have a question though: in your paragraph labeled B, you mention the possibility of someone faking a role using the jan. what's the reason behind mentioning it and not making anything decisive on that?

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Oh forgot my claim:

I am Gharnef, paraphrasing is hard to do so I will just say this. I am a miller I think? It say that if anyone were to ever look at my role pm they would get the info that I am a Mafia Hooker. Basically what I recall what a Hooker is, is that Hooker is form of Jailer for Mafia in a funner way to say it. However, other than that it says that tidbit regarding when someone looks at my role PM, I am just a Vanilla with no NA. I have never been a miller in 5 years (fake-claimed one multiple times) and I wanted to play the game as if I were a vanilla because if I came out as a miller (I am just assuming that is what I am) in my first post, it would have jaded people's opinions on my slot and also would have made reading players much harder for me considering I would have been a big topic and I like to take myself out of the equation when I am trying to look for scum since I am a connection based player. I hope that explains my rationale.

Manix, the reason I brought up the fact of B is because it is truly my thought process. I mention in my intro that I am think this game is leading a bit too easy and it's just an uneasiness I am feeling, plus I wanted to bring it up since people have not really been talking about. I just feel...there is a missing puzzle piece this game. However, the main reason I put it there is because I am just letting my mind go and just flesh out my thoughts with no holding back, so yes it was there, and yes I have no decisive evidence to support it and that is why I am not pursuing it, but going with my A instead.

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gonna just say that you really should have claimed miller straight out of the gate. we don't policy lynch millers, and claiming miller immediately; stops the cop from scanning you and then you claim you're a miller, which looks really suspicious.

i need to think on this.

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Refa, idk why you're advocating my lynch when you could just voteblock me? I turn off in *YLO ftr anyway but a 5 man voting block for scum Day 1 is ridiculous and if it existed Mancer probably would not have gotten lynched lol.

Gort, would J try something like this as last scum standing? Or not?

More in a bit maybe.

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I would have told the truth at that point. And I will be pulling the card different site, different culture, different mindset regarding millers so my apologies if the difference is what leads to me being lynched, but I will fight it though I will be a tad understanding.

Tell me my game of survival with what I just claimed.

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The main thing that makes me hesitate is him saying "btw i fakeclaim miller a lot" because he needs to be super ballsy to get away with that. He might just have said it because Gorf would call him out on it though.

The other reason I'm hesitant is because Thanks ActionDan.

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i'm doing some role thinking and my conclusion is that refa can't be a scumlord either (please stop trying to lynch the obvtown though)

all votes were accounted for d2 so refa would have had to have targeted prims probably. if he didn't, his only other target would have been elie and lol scum targeting another at that point. also not to mention his role makes no sense for an itp (in conjunction with the fact that his play makes no sense for the only itp role there, votestealer)

i say we roll gorf and J and call it a day.

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I wonder if there REALLY WAS A CULT this time and they got Janitored n1 lmao. The sad thing is I feel like Larsa really could've been ITP because nothing weird has really happened this game.

Also uh, what's with Eli's role name?

Thinking about it, we can basically power through Gorf/J to win at this point. Gorf should get a claim out first though.

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(still working through those ISO's, shut up)

I can just scan J tonight because the last mafia is the janitor, right? Pretty sure that's never been a passive role ever.

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