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It's Amiibo time


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Now I just got the King, and while I realize that every figure is it's own design challenge, I did not expect any Amiibo to be this heavy. Unlike with the other Amiibos, I am actually afraid Dedede might break something instead of the other way around.

I swear my Dedede's gonna detach from the black rim surrounding the gold base... I can feel it's a little bit loose X_X

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Thank you for your updates, Elieson. I was able to order a Lucina from GAME for about €24 total, which is significantly cheaper than local scalpers are selling them for. My Aussie friend is shipping me a Wooly Yoshi from a local store, too, so I'm content. Stores near me have a good stock of Palutena, too, which I'm thinking of picking up, just because I love her design.

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Some of Wave 5 at least has already been out in Europe for at least a week. I've personally seen Palutena, Zero Suit Samus, and Ganondorf in stores when out hunting for Wooly Yoshi.

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Got my Marth amiibo in the mail today! (Couldn't resist naming him "Mar-Mar" in Sm4sh). Will take a pic of my updated collection when my Shulk amiibo arrives sometime next week!

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And I got my Pit! Packaging was better this time than my Fox. lol



Sorry for the not so great quality, I promise Pit's face doesn't actually look that goofy. lol

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Oh my god that's amazing.

*Sigh* Everyone here's taking about importing amiibos and the only one I have is Shulk. I'm waiting for September to roll around so I can get Ganon and maybe try for the DLC amiibos once they come by.

(Yeah, I'm not much of an amiibo collector)

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So my friend just got all these amiibos delivered today:


The Charizard, one Lucina, and one ZSS are mine. I don't know how he does it, but I am quite grateful. He got them all at MSRP value and I'm basically just reimbursing him for the ones I'm taking.

I also have a Wii Fit Trainer coming likely tomorrow or the day after.

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So my friend just got all these amiibos delivered today:


The Charizard, one Lucina, and one ZSS are mine. I don't know how he does it, but I am quite grateful. He got them all at MSRP value and I'm basically just reimbursing him for the ones I'm taking.

I also have a Wii Fit Trainer coming likely tomorrow or the day after.

Very nice! That's alot of Ikes in there. Looks like your friend imports quite a bit.

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My NA NiB WiiFit and SMB!Luigi arrived today!

RFof, that's quite a collection of ammassed amiibo :) There's a heck of a lot of rares there, and the mixed region is neat to see all in one picture~

amiami.com (and amazon.com) deal a lot of MSRP'd amiibo. If you have good shipping arrangements to get stuff from Japan to Here in bulk, you can get them here for roughly $2-3/amiibo, depending on source of ship. j-subculture does a good job at it too, with roughly +$4 over MSRP+Ship total, and that's not bad.

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I'm likely going to end up importing Dark Pit myself...

I'd also love to go to my local GameStop soon and try getting one of those Dededes that are being restocked. I don't want to have to walk up that busy road, but hopefully it won't be that busy since it'll be a weekday and after many people have gone to work (I'm off because I have no transportation there for the rest of the week. My local GameStop is within walking distance). And maybe one of my fellow NC Amiibo group members will join me. I joined a group on Facebook that's for NC Amiibo fans. :3

Oh yeah, I'll call GameStop first, of course. I'm not walking up there and finding out I have to leave empty-handed.

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I have that same exact Rainbow Dash figure! Rainbow Dash ftw. ^^

But nice! You got your hands on FE Amiibo. ^^

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I have that same exact Rainbow Dash figure! Rainbow Dash ftw. ^^

But nice! You got your hands on FE Amiibo. ^^

Funny thing is, she isn't even my favorite Applejack ftw

Marth and Shulk were the only ones I had to pay extra/to a scalper for, but considering how lucky I got with the other amiibo (particularly Ike, Robin and Lucina!), I'll take it. Though I will have to see if I get super lucky with Dark Pit when I wait in line at Best Buy on July 31st. If not, then I'll likely have to import him.

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Well, Rainbow Dash is my favorite. :P Applejack is #2 for me though!

I see! I've only had to pay a high price for one Amiibo, that one being my Rosalina. I shelled out $38. >_< I wanted her that bad though. Otherwise, I've paid $30 or less for every Amiibo I've got, most of them MSRP. Gold Mario and Robin were my luckiest grabs though, no doubt.

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Well, Rainbow Dash is my favorite. :P Applejack is #2 for me though!

I see! I've only had to pay a high price for one Amiibo, that one being my Rosalina. I shelled out $38. >_< I wanted her that bad though. Otherwise, I've paid $30 or less for every Amiibo I've got, most of them MSRP. Gold Mario and Robin were my luckiest grabs though, no doubt.

Shulk I paid $32 for (shipping included), Marth I paid $35 for (also shipping included), the rest I got at retail price

Ike was my luckiest grab as I walked into GameStop one day looking for a GameCube controller adapter. I wasn't even looking for any particular amiibo, until I saw someone picking up their order from the recent restock. I asked the GameStop employee how many they had, and they revealed that they had one spare Ike amiibo. Needless to say, I picked it up without hesitation.

Robin and Lucina were the result of me waiting in line at Best Buy on May 29th, and being only 3rd in line 20 minutes before it opened, as everyone else was focused on either GameStop or Toys R Us (Target had already been cleaned house of them).

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Shulk I paid $32 for (shipping included), Marth I paid $35 for (also shipping included), the rest I got at retail price

Ike was my luckiest grab as I walked into GameStop one day looking for a GameCube controller adapter. I wasn't even looking for any particular amiibo, until I saw someone picking up their order from the recent restock. I asked the GameStop employee how many they had, and they revealed that they had one spare Ike amiibo. Needless to say, I picked it up without hesitation.

Robin and Lucina were the result of me waiting in line at Best Buy on May 29th, and being only 3rd in line 20 minutes before it opened, as everyone else was focused on either GameStop or Toys R Us (Target had already been cleaned house of them).

$32 for Shulk?!? :o


Damn. If I did the conversion correctly, I got Shulk for something like $12? Being an Amiibo collector must be really expensive... :(

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Shulk I paid $32 for (shipping included), Marth I paid $35 for (also shipping included), the rest I got at retail price

Ike was my luckiest grab as I walked into GameStop one day looking for a GameCube controller adapter. I wasn't even looking for any particular amiibo, until I saw someone picking up their order from the recent restock. I asked the GameStop employee how many they had, and they revealed that they had one spare Ike amiibo. Needless to say, I picked it up without hesitation.

Robin and Lucina were the result of me waiting in line at Best Buy on May 29th, and being only 3rd in line 20 minutes before it opened, as everyone else was focused on either GameStop or Toys R Us (Target had already been cleaned house of them).

That is pretty lucky. I had Ike on preorder, so I just had to wait FIVE FREAKING MONTHS to actually get my hands on him. >_<

Robin I got extremely lucky with though, because Best Buy only had him up online for preorder for like five whole minutes and I managed to get one despite having a little trouble getting the page to show up. Gold Mario I got by complete chance and he's a limited edition. He kept flickering on Walmart and I was paying attention to Reddit to see when he'd go up again. I kept missing him though. Until like the tenth time he went up. I just randomly hit the refresh button on Walmart.com and I managed to check out before Reddit actually caught wind.

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I've just got my Lucina for 19.99 today! ^_^

She got restocked today! I saw a Robin for 19.99, but he was gone after 15 days. At least this place doesn't sell out of these things instantly as I've seen these rare amiibos up for over 4 weeks now!!!!!











This place sells very rare amiibos and at fair prices!!!!! ^_^


Hee hee...

Already shipped!!!!

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