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Lunatic+ Draft Ideas (and an idea for a Hard draft)


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Since there is quite a variety of units that can be viable to train even on higher difficulties, I was wondering if a Lunatic+ draft might work. Of course LTC on L+ would be a huge pain in the ass, but what about competing for lowest number of resets, instead of lowest number of turns? Maybe there could be some number of resets that are free on the Prologue, maybe Chapter 1, since even a skilled player can get bad level ups and fail to meet stat thresholds, plus certain skill combinations can be almost completely unworkable.Edit: Crossed out part was dumb.

In terms of units, Avatar would be free (as a unit that would be completely unfair to give to some players and not others, sort of like Marcus in FE7 drafts if I understand correctly). Frederick is also vital, but he's not the only important unit (good luck on the Prologue without using Lissa, unless there's a strategy I'm not aware of), so how does making everyone free through Chapter 6 sound?

And then the matter of children. I imagine that Chrom x Avatar is going to be very common, and I don't know if you guys would rather let that be or restrict that pairing (could ban it entirely, or put some restriction that makes it less appealing, like not letting Lucina use Veteran).

I don't know if the proper etiquette is for a draft's organizer to participate or not, but I'd be fine being the organizer either way. I log on a lot more often than I actually post, so I'm more active than it looks like. If you guys are interested.

Another idea: A Hard LTC draft could be sort of interesting if the Avatar was banned.

Any comments or ideas for improvement? Do either of these seem interesting?

Edited by isetrh
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A Hard draft could be interesting with Avatar banned; naturally, Galeforce and Rescue (barring certain circumstances, like Maribelle in C4 and Say'ri in C15, as well as the kids in their join maps) would be banned, presumably, and that would make a fairly level playing field. With Chrom, Frederick, Olivia, and maybe Lissa free (though as a matter of principle I like anyone whose deployment is forced on a map to be free for that map, including earlygame!Avatar), I can't see any picks that would really be dominating; Sumia is a little better than she usually is, but not so dominating as, say, FE9's Marcia/Jill top seed or FE8's Vanessa/Franz top seed, where the third and fourth people have a very very rough time.

...come to think, a possible hotfix would be to allow Chrom to marry an Avatar-F if you don't have Sully or Sumia. Plop Avatar onto Chrom for a little while in the first three maps, boom, C support, no problem. Since Avatar will probably have nothing but a Dual Strike level or two, this means the back picks get a Lucina with relatively bad bases, still, but one that has Veteran and an enormous class set, snagging a turn or two lategame to compensate for the work Sully and ESPECIALLY Sumia do early on. That could be quite fun~! Allowing Morgan would probably tilt it a tad too far in their favor, though, giving them another training map and putting second pick in a clearly poor position.

As for Lunatic+... I think that could be a problem, purely because of "defeat boss" maps. Strats would wind up boiling down to "charge the boss and hope the enemies don't roll much Luna+ and Counter" on some maps, and the experience would become frustrating very quickly.

Edited by Terrador
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I didn't even think of Rescue and Galeforce, good catch! Maybe there could be a limited number of Rescue charges you get for the whole game. I like the Avatar!Lucina idea. Could unequip the Avatar so she doesn't get any exp. Allowing Morgan is definitely not a good idea, like you said. There's also the matter of the Naga's Tear you get from that.

The things you mentioned about Lunatic+ are the reason I was suggesting low reset count instead of LTC. Turns wouldn't matter, only reliability, which is generally the mark (heh) of a good Lunatic+ tactician anyway.

I would theoretically be willing to offer prizes in the form of oldish video games that are no longer readily obtainable (no FE ones though), but I'm not sure how well that would mesh with using the honor system. Maybe to be eligible for them you would have to either be an established, trusted forum member or have an established, trusted forum member vouch for you? This is getting kind of complicated. I don't know. Maube prizes, maybe not. Depwnds on if it seems like a good idea.

Edited by isetrh
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FE13 drafts*, you mean? USUALLY the idea is "Avatar can't leave Tactician/Grandmaster", though you CAN still Second Seal them to Grandmaster over and over again for a still-solid unit. I think the "Avatar-banned Hard" idea would be really cool, t'be honest!

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No, I actually did mean FE12 drafts, because I haven't seen many FE13 drafts so I wasn't aware they were common enough to base much off of, so I thought of the only other fame with an Avatar. If there is a precedent for FE13 drafts never mind then. It's a moot point if we just ban the Avatar though.

I also like the idea of banning the Avatar because it encourages team variety, which as far as I understand is the point of having a draft.

I could see if one of my rl friends is interested so we could have four people for the draft, if that would be good. Or is three people better? I've never done a draft before.

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I haven't done LTC either, and it seems sort of stressful, but... is there another way to do it? I'm not sure what to compete for besides turns, really. That was why I came up with the "low reset run" idea, to have something to compete for that isn't LTC, but that's way too easy for Hard.

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I haven't done LTC either, and it seems sort of stressful, but... is there another way to do it? I'm not sure what to compete for besides turns, really. That was why I came up with the "low reset run" idea, to have something to compete for that isn't LTC, but that's way too easy for Hard.

You could try competing for the most level ups and/or support levels gained. It would encourage using all your units with an added focus on formations that usually isn't present outside Lunatic+, but without the pressure of resetting if you mess up. Avatar and Fred would be fully allowed to do whatever they want, but their levels and supports wouldn't be counted toward the end total.

The problem with a Lunatic+ LTC is that the most optimal strat will ultimately be the same as Lunatic, with a ton of resets to make sure there are no skills that would get in the way, so doing Lunatic will produce exactly the same results with a lot less headache.

I'd potentially be interested in participating, but I've been rather busy lately and can't guarantee that I'd have time to keep up, and drafts have a tendency to go under when their members aren't on the same page.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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You could try competing for the most level ups and/or support levels gained. It would encourage using all your units with an added focus on formations that usually isn't present outside Lunatic+, but without the pressure of resetting if you mess up. Avatar and Fred would be fully allowed to do whatever they want, but their levels and supports wouldn't be counted toward the end total.

The problem with a Lunatic+ LTC is that the most optimal strat will ultimately be the same as Lunatic, with a ton of resets to make sure there are no skills that would get in the way, so doing Lunatic will produce exactly the same results with a lot less headache.

I'd potentially be interested in participating, but I've been rather busy lately and can't guarantee that I'd have time to keep up, and drafts have a tendency to go under when their members aren't on the same page.

That sounds like a pretty good idea unless we just wanted to do a super casual run through. Let us see what he thinks.
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Not sure why you care what I think. I just made the thread, I have no idea what I'm doing. I want to clarify that I never intended Lunatic+ LTC though. My idea was to compete for the lowest number of resets: you can take as many 50+ turn chapters as you like, as long a you make aure to minimize the chance of having to reset. I like all of Czar_Yoshi's ideas.

Edited by isetrh
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