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Which Japan-only FE games would you like to see remade or localized?



64 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Japan-only FE games do you want to see remade/localized?

    • Gaiden
    • New Mystery of the Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow
    • Geneology of the Holy War
    • Thracia 776
    • The Binding Blade

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Pretty much continuing this from my thread that I requested get locked. There was too much chaos going on there, except for the discussion on Japan-only FE titles. That's fine to talk about, so here's a new thread.

The Japan-only titles right now include FE Gaiden (FE2), Mystery of the Emblem/New Mystery of the Emblem - Heroes of Light and Shadow (FE3/FE12), Geneology of the Holy War (FE4), Thracia 776 (FE5), and The Binding Blade (FE6). Some character names and FE6's title were localized due to Awakening DLC and Smash Bros., but that's all we ever got of these overseas.

Personally, I'm interested in all of them sans FE6. I'm sorry to FE6 fans, but it just has yet to interest me. Maybe if some changes in a remake happen. But even then, I still might not be interested, especially since I never became a big fan of FE7.

The only change I'd like though, is toned down difficulty. Not that I want the games to be easy as pie, but I've heard that the older games, especially 4 and 5, are harder than any of the localized titles, even RD. And I found RD hard enough on freaking easy mode. >_<

Feel free to use the poll too. I've put in New Mystery in place of FE3 though, because it's a remake itself that never left Japan. And I've heard mostly good things about it (the only con being that Marth's character apparently got shot to hell because of the Avatar. o.O), so yeah. I'm sure we want FE12 more than FE3. :P

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I'd like to see Fire Emblem 4 remade. I think it could use the extra polish that a remake could give. Just as long as they attempt to add things to give it a similar, but more modern feel to it. (Supports, trading, etc)

While I'd also love to see Fire Emblem 5 remade, it would definitely have to come after the Fire Emblem 4 remake because it is a midquel of Fire Emblem 4, and honestly it's aged better IMO. (Also if Thracia 776 got a lunatic mode it would be amazing)

Edited by Monado Boy
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I love 4 and I think a remake of it, or an 4/5 combination remake would be awesome. 4 plays the most differently than other FE games in my opinion and it's definitely a game worth remaking to get rid of some of it's imbalances. Trading should still not be in the game as inheriting weapons is a big game mechanic that adds some charm, but perhaps pair up should be included or something that makes infantry not as inferior to cavalry without shrinking the maps. Pursuit shouldn't exist.

Haven't played 5 and 2, 2 mostly because controlling Fire Emblem on an NES is awful, but both seem like very unique titles that I'd like to play.

The only reason FE3 needs a remake is because FE12 had the avatar, otherwise 12 is a nice game. People complain that 13's avatar was bad but at least he wasn't shoehorned into a story that functioned fine without him.

Of course, all these games should get the treatment so that a wider audience can enjoy the entire series.

FE6, IMO, doesn't need a remake, just perhaps a translated release on the VC.

Edited by Knight
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I'd love to see FE 6 and 7 put together in the style of FE4, with pairings affecting the children. Mostly to boost Wolts strength with Sain...

Also love a remake of FE4, as it's pretty great, but it's age really shows nowadays, and a bit of streamlining (JUST a bit), would do it wonders.

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FE4 cuz stuff like "Holsety" and Baldo, and oh...Lopto.


I just cant...its burrrnnnnss. And yes, to be absolutely fair, Raquesis was just fucking unnecessary and IS should be ashamed of themselves. Full on Localization for FE4 would be gr9. Yes.

FE6 would be wiggy too.

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Remake of 4 combined with 5 would be nice.

I would like a remake of 2 if they stay true to it's unique features

6 and 7 remake with a generation feature would be nice.

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I would love to see FE4 and FE6 localized. The latter not as much, because I would rather use a GBA emulator, but...

This. Not sure if I would rather emulate 6, but it would be easier.

And I think they should probably take the possible incest out of 4. Because it's disturbing. But that's just me...

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This. Not sure if I would rather emulate 6, but it would be easier.

And I think they should probably take the possible incest out of 4. Because it's disturbing. But that's just me...



It's not possible, it's a major plot point. Taking it out is hard.

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I'd love to see FE 6 and 7 put together in the style of FE4, with pairings affecting the children. Mostly to boost Wolts strength with Sain...

Just how many FE6 characters are actually children of characters who appeared in FE7??





Pent & Louise - Clarine & Klein

Nino - Lugh and Ray

Hector - Lilina

Bartre & Karla - Fir

Canas - Hugh

...And that's all I can think of. I dunno - a generational feature sounds like it'd only be shoehorned in imho, given that it'd only affect a handful of the cast.

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And I think they should probably take the possible incest out of 4. Because it's disturbing. But that's just me...

No wai. Game of Thrones is hella popular, and theres incest all over the place. FE4 could be advertised like "Its like Game of Thrones, only Fire Emblem!"

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Would it honestly be so hard to just make Deirdre and Arvis cousins instead of half-siblings?

EDIT: Also, I voted for all of them, so that I can have ALL ZE EMBLEMS!

Edited by The Geek
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Of course, I'd say all of them, but 3/4/5 (or 12/4/5, if you wanna be specific) are the ones that I want to be released outside of Japan the most.

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Oh really...well, I suppose that is historically correct. Back in the day royalty did that all the time...

Derp, I had no idea it was a major plot point. And yeah, I suppose advertising it as like GoT would be effective.

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Would it honestly be so hard to just make Deirdre and Arvis cousins instead of half-siblings?

Well... they would have to create at least one new character (for Arvis and Deidre to have different mothers) and rewrite several aspects of the plot for that to happen. Personally I don't think it's worth it, as FE4's plot point involving incest is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. The game could be translated as it is and I doubt it would cause a problem.

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Well... they would have to create at least one new character (for Arvis and Deidre to have different mothers) and rewrite several aspects of the plot for that to happen. Personally I don't think it's worth it, as FE4's plot point involving incest is not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. The game could be translated as it is and I doubt it would cause a problem.

Agreed. I havent finished that game, but the plot is actually one of the best in the series. (yeah i read it and stuff) Alvis and Deidre being half-siblings makes it all very interesting. Plus arent they forced to marry? Like, thats the point? Some mad Targaryen shit right there. The whole point is Julius being able to become the vessel of Lopt. It would further cement the idea that Lopt is an unholy horror and acts through an incest baby. Come on, thats awesome shit!

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Well, preferably all of them, of course.

What I'd like to see, actually, is some remake compilations, for the Archanea-Valentia saga (1~3+BSFE), the Jugdral saga (4+5) and the Elibe saga (6+7).

That's not likely to actually happen, but I think it'd be really neat, especially if they (Archanea+Valentia particularly) added proper support conversations (kept faithful to preestablished elements, of course, even stuff that's only talked about in supplementary material).

As for that, I think the Archanea+Valentia saga remake should include the complete version of FE1, (rather than FE3's abridged version) plus the sidequests Shadow Dragon added... but with their unlock requirements revised to something that doesn't encourage playing poorly.

As for whether or not MU should return, well... Awakening pretty much acknowledges Kris' presence as canon, so I guess there's no going back on that. Maybe fine-tune the story aspects of it a little bit, though?

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Would it honestly be so hard to just make Deirdre and Arvis cousins instead of half-siblings?

EDIT: Also, I voted for all of them, so that I can have ALL ZE EMBLEMS!

Yes, yes it would be. Deal with it.

Cigyun and Victor would have to end up being related in order to make their offspring cousins. With one possessing Major Naga and another possessing Major Fala, that is simply not possible. Both Alvis and Deidre need minor Lopt for the plot to happen so the alternative is Cigyun bangs someone else and Victor knocks up some broad who also had either major Lopt (then the plot wouldn't happen since there is already a host to Lopt) or minor Lopt. Then this new lady is related to Cigyun somehow. It would beg the question as to how the new lady avoided getting burned alive due to her Lopt mark. Is she also in the spirit forest? Did she hide in a new location? All this doesn't even take into account that the reason Alvis fell for Dede in the first place is because of his mother complex. Oh yeah, Cigyun also got with Kurth because Victor raped her maid. The writers didn't just have some hard on for incest. It's important, like very important.

This is just off the top of their head. I don't know what else they would have to take into consideration.

Anyway, I'd love for a modernized FE4 (based on Shin's patch would be neat) and a localized New Mystery since those are my top 2 Fire Emblems. But the Jugdral aesthetic is just so damn unique and great, I would hope it manages to have the same charm while being modern. Also, how can I trust IS to not fuck it up to the high heavens with an avatar who is Sigurd's bestest friend 4evur even more so than Quan and Eldigan.

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Yes, yes it would be. Deal with it.

Cigyun and Victor would have to end up being related in order to make their offspring cousins. With one possessing Major Naga and another possessing Major Fala, that is simply not possible. Both Alvis and Deidre need minor Lopt for the plot to happen so the alternative is Cigyun bangs someone else and Victor knocks up some broad who also had either major Lopt (then the plot wouldn't happen since there is already a host to Lopt) or minor Lopt. Then this new lady is related to Cigyun somehow. It would beg the question as to how the new lady avoided getting burned alive due to her Lopt mark. Is she also in the spirit forest? Did she hide in a new location? All this doesn't even take into account that the reason Alvis fell for Dede in the first place is because of his mother complex. Oh yeah, Cigyun also got with Kurth because Victor raped her maid. The writers didn't just have some hard on for incest. It's important, like very important.

This is just off the top of their head. I don't know what else they would have to take into consideration.

Anyway, I'd love for a modernized FE4 (based on Shin's patch would be neat) and a localized New Mystery since those are my top 2 Fire Emblems. But the Jugdral aesthetic is just so damn unique and great, I would hope it manages to have the same charm while being modern. Also, how can I trust IS to not fuck it up to the high heavens with an avatar who is Sigurd's bestest friend 4evur even more so than Quan and Eldigan.

Yeah, I'd prefer if there is no Avatar, but if there is just make them a minor character at the absolute most. (Like a player surrogate who, while not being part of the main plot past the prologue aside from being in Sigurd's army would get a lot of conversations with the secondary characters that have no impact on the main story instead.)

Edited by Monado Boy
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