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Pokedex Completion Thread


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So, the threads I could've instead posted about this in are long dead, I think. So here's a new one that can also be used for ORAS when they're released.

I got back to working on Pokedex completions in X, and I'm almost done with the Coastal Kalos dex. Besides a couple of Pokemon that don't evolve, all I'm missing is Slowking, which is being a pain because I can't seem to get my hands on a King's Rock. Yes, I've been trying to get one from a wild Hariyama since they're the most common Pokemon that can be found holding them. And yes, I'm using a Thief user and a Pokemon with Compound Eyes. But I must've Thiefed dozens of Hariyama by now and got nothing. Talk about horrible luck. -_- If it's not that Hariyama just have a really really low chance of holding a King's Rock.

I could just trade for a Slowking on the GTS, but I'm not sure I have anything worth trading for one, and of course, the Slowking already on the GTS are no help because their owners want ridiculous trades in return. Same with Slowpoke there that are already holding King's Rocks. But this might be my only option aside from doing a tradeback with someone on my Friends list. I'm tired of trying to mooch off of Hariyama. >_<

Something cool that happened when I traded for a Heracross, btw. I got one with its hidden ability, Moxie. I bet it was caught in a Friend Safari since Heracross aren't found in hordes.

So, can anyone help me out with Slowking?

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just use thief on poliwhirl. they only have a 10% chance to have them with compoundeyes, which is the same as hariyama, but not too bad and they're probably easier to KO.

Another pokemon that has a chance of holding kings rock is politoad,if that helps. You can find it in the right next to the 8th gym, and go surf in the water. That may be it,but just check bulbapedia for locations if Thats wrong

and don't do this since those things have around a 5% encounter rate

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Yeah, I was already aware that Politoed had a low encounter rate. That's why I targeted Hariyama. But if Poliwhirl has the same chances of holding a King's Rock as Hariyama, I don't see how this will improve my luck...

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They're easier to take out and have a higher encounter rate maybe?

If nothing else they can be quicker to go through than Hariyama

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To you, Madame, for actually attempting to complete that bloody dex. I'm the kind of person to attempt to do so while on my journey, which... Prevented me to never finishing the game...

But Slowking never made sense. Shellder bites the head of a Slowpoke?

<Insert the Genius Meme Face here>

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Heh, thanks! Though I've seen other people say that they're trying to complete it or actually HAVE completed it. :P

I found me a King's Rock! I actually didn't have to look for as many Poliwhirl as I had Hariyama... But that's luck for you. Now I just need someone to do a tradeback with as soon as I catch another Slowpoke and give it the King's Rock. xP

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