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Lunatic +: RNG

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After beating Lunatic for the first time (with much effort and frustration), the mode is now a cakewalk to me (beat it 4 more times easily). However, I tried out Lunatic + and the difficulty is insane compared to Lunatic. My only problem is that I think this mode has too much RNG involved. Yes, it does take an insane amount of skill to complete, but I feel like RNG is way too big of a factor here. I am at the 3rd lvl currently and I have spent over 10 hrs on it. After much pain, I finally got to Raimi but that bitch managed to crit me with that 15% chance. Any thoughts?

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In general by the time you've gotten to a non-moving boss like Raimi, the waves of enemies have stopped and you can take your time. At that point you shouldn't have to take any risks of death as huge as 15%. If you were trying to train someone weak by giving them the boss, that's even more true, because going against a 15% crit chance over and over again will eventually get you killed. The other thing I can think of that would cause a crit to be lethal is Luna+... and yeah, that is pretty hard to deal with.

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What were you doing that got you a 15% crit chance? Raimi only has 12 base crit.

Actually, it's only 6. Where would the other 6 come from??

At any rate, I assume OP was running a Luck flaw.

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Right, 6.

And yeah, even with a Lck flaw she shouldn't be giving anyone any crit troubles. Barbs with Gamble? Scary. Elthunder Mage with Focus? Very scary. Immobile bosses that you can easily surround for the +10 Dge support bonus? Not a big deal.

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What were you doing that got you a 15% crit chance? Raimi only has 12 base crit.

I coulda sworn it was a 15% chance (yes I am running luck flaw). Anyways, still my fault. After over ten hours of countless resets, I finally got to her but I guess I got too impatient and just rushed at her instead without surrounding first. Don't think I'm going to try out this mode again in a long time, way too frustrating. Probably just going to restart and do casual lunatic plus instead.

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