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how hard is awakening??


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On normal difficulty (the lowest) and casual mode, it's pretty much a piece of cake. I was able to mop up the last third of the game (chapter 17 onward) using only a single character (well technically two since Chrom is mandatory for story chapters, and I did have him lend his strength to Donnel in the form of Pair Up...)

I'd say it's probably too easy (coming from a guy who kinda sucks at these games), and I wish I had played it on Normal/Classic or Hard/Casual... but alas, I cannot rewind time, nor do I wish to do another playthrough of Awakening any time soon.

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Normal/Casual - You need to have something like zero weapons on your deployed characters to lose.

Hard/Casual - This mode takes some thought, especially if you've never played a Fire Emblem game before.

Lunatic/Casual - Not unless you really like crunching numbers. Like, lots of numbers.

Besides removing perma-death (defeated characters simply return once the chapter's over), you can also save in the middle of maps in Casual mode.

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Normal is easy-peasy.

Hard can be challenging to the average player, but Hard/Casual isn't difficult at all, since fallen characters return.

Lunatic for the people who know the ins and outs of the game.

Edited by Cerberus87
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Casual mode will always be easier than Classic mode. You can save during the mission on Casual mode, while you cannot do the same on Classic mode. Normal difficulty is nice for beginners with its tutorials and friendlier enemy reinforcements. Hard difficulty is a more balanced difficulty with just okay amount of challenge. Lunatic difficulty, as its name imply, is more hellish than hard difficulty. Grinding for lv becomes much harder due to overpowered enemies. Finally, the last difficult is Lunatic+...F&$@ THAT S;$& THAT DIFFICULTY IS INSANITY ITS NOT EVEN FUN UNLESS YOU HAVE ACCESS TO DLC TO LEVEL UP!

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The fact that you had to ask that is funny you clearly are anew fan. But Awakening is piss easy I wouldnt recomend casual its really stupid but dont be mistaken by the difficulties normal is really easy hard is the normal and lunatic is actually hard so id recomend hard mode as it is a little tougher but not much.

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Normal is like the Easy mode, for complete beginners.

Hard is like Normal mode, easy for veterans, but a bit more difficult for newcomers.

Lunatic is more challenging, only recommended for veterans of the series, and those comfortable with the game.

Edited by DragonLord
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Normal/Casual is a joke, and so is Normal/Classic to a lesser degree, but I'd be willing to go so far as to say that Hard/Classic is a bit tougher than the normal or even hard difficulties of other games in the series. Maybe I'm just better at other FE games, but I can beat the hard modes of the other games pretty easily, without grinding/arena abuse, but FE13 hard mode no-grind actually gives me some trouble if I try to do full deployment. Lunatic(+) is really fun if you know what you're doing, but if you don't, you're basically guaranteed to "get yo ass whooped", as the kids say.

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You can do one better, and never recruit the kids (as in, don't go to their chapter). But if you're on Casual, any defeated recruited unit will find its way back into your ranks once the chapter ends!

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If you have some playthrough in mind, just do it! Otherwise, I have no idea what you mean or why'd you ask that, when the original prompt was about difficulty modes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Normal Casual - A complete, utter joke.

Normal Classic - Still very easy.

Hard Casual - Decently easy.

Hard Classic - The normal difficulty of this game.

Lunatic Casual - Decently difficult.

Lunatic Classic - If you care about all of your units surviving, the biggest difficulty spike I've ever seen, although it get's much easier past chapter 3.

Lunatic + (both modes) - You. Will. Die.

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Awakening is easy, coming from my perspective, ive had it for two years just stay away from lunaticâž• mode it will break your mind unless, it did for me.

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This is what I have to say on difficulties I have actually played on. Do note that I have never played Normal Classic, Hard Casual and Classic, and Lunatic Casual and Lunatic+ Casual.

-Normal Casual: You can beat prologue, 25 chapters and even most of the 23 paralogues without having to reclass (You can just train to level 20 in their base classes before going for another 19 levels after promoting them and still do OK; Donnel can break the game easily if you're willing to put the time into training him since he has 29 levels that he can go through as a Villager before reclassing to something else like a Mercenary)

-Lunatic Classic: Can be annoying if you're looking to make sure all of your characters get out of battle without being permanently incapacitated, especially in the prologue and the first 4 chapters; however, Frederick and Robin exist -- just pick one of them for lead unit. Do not be afraid to reset if something goes wrong.

-Lunatic+ Classic: RNG-based masochism fest; do NOT be afraid to reset a chapter, even before making your first move on a map especially if you want everybody to still be usable after the map; Frederick can't help as much as a lead unit -- Robin can be a monster thanks to the Veteran skill, ability to use magic tomes and great growth rates especially if he consistently has support (Frederick is the go-to unit for Robin's support bot and Lissa is indispensable as the first healer you have at the start of the game).

On ANY difficulty, DLC and having powerful units saved into the Avatar Logbook can easily break the game.

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