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Favorite FE class?

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Valkyrie/Mage Knight/the class that uses magic and staves on a horse. Useful, magical, and not one appearance of this class failed to look amazing - FE8 Mage Knights are specially majestic.

Runners-up are Pegasus Knights, Mist's Valkyrie class (also, female Paladins in Jugdral) and Lords that use Rapiers. I also like all magical classes to some extent, even FE11/12's redundant Dark Mages/Sorcerers.

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Take a guess.


I'm willing to guess that it's totally Generals.

Edited by Koishi Komeji
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It depends from game to game:

  • 6: mages, because they're only units who have accuracy from two range (especially against bosses)
  • 7-9: pegasus knights. Florina, Tana and Marcia always become amazing.
  • 10: dracoknights and myrmidons. Haar is GOD, if you recruit him. Jill as female dragonlord has the best caps of all units besides Ike. Mia and Eddy have amazing growths.
  • 11 and 12: pegasus knights (whitewings-sisters and Caeda FTW!!!)
  • 13: Mercenaries

Overall: pegasus knights

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I've always loved Pegasus Knights the most, but had a fondness for Magic-based classes in general. Then the Dark Flyer came along and gave me the best of both worlds! So, Dark Flyer for sure. Falcoknights and Valkyries are also pretty top tier. Kinda funny that they're all female-locked, though. For gender-neutral classes, I'd go for Hero.

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Nomad Troopers, or any of their various namesakes. Bow + Sword + Horse = mobile killing machine that looks awesome doing it.

Otherwise it would have to be Swordmasters. So many flashy slashes...

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Plus, in Ash's hack (IPC Emblem), I'm a Myrmidon Est archetype.

That's pretty radd

I love using Mercenary's and Pirates

Namely more Hero's and Berserker's

Hero's for their balance and Berserkers due to their monster strength and crit average

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Wyvern Lords, heavy cavalry that fly on MUDDA EFFING DRAGONS! How more awesome can that be. Essentially, I like that they're strong, defensive, long-range and ride winged lizards.

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Bow Knight/Horseman/Nomad Trooper. Mounted bows is kinda my thing.

But 2nd place goes to Wyvern Rider/Lord. Flying tank of death. Seriously, it's been a top tier class in just about every single game to date.

Warrior and Hero are tied for third. Fast and accurate Axe users are love.

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Wyvern Riders/Dragon Riders and their promotions for sure. Not only do they fly dragons, they're usually great units as well. I can't think of anything more awesome than that.

I also like Heroes, Sages, Mage Knights, Paladins, Generals, Soldiers and most Lords.

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Soldier, Knight, and Tellius!Fighter, and their respective promotions. Also Pirates. I just wish they weren't so shitty.

Edited by Rovan
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I'd say Bishops or Sages, depending on the game. I always liked how your healers could go from defenceless to dodge-juggernauts, plus I've got a weakness for light magic. Sages get the honour in games without bishops because magic units are the best.

I also really like the concept of Valkyries (and adore their GBA animations), but I've honestly never really used most of them.

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