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Favorite FE class?

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Paladin, Hero and Wyvern Lord across all titles

FE13's Great Knight

Swordmaster from 4-6 and 12(I like most of the characters in it as characters, but this is where I like the class in gameplay)

I also like the idea of Berserker, but unfortunately I don't like using most of the characters that are, or naturally promote to without a reclass into it. Hawkeye is the only exception.

Edited by Thor Odinson
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Those of you saying Manakete, laguz can go to lv. 40 and the dragons are incredibly strong. :P

Except for the part where getting them there would pretty much need BEXP because laguz gain jack for exp transformed (particularly from level 21 onward) and are pathetically brittle untransformed. And while the dragons are strong, that's only relevant for endgame, pretty much. Overall, I always considered laguz as worse off in Radiant Dawn for various reasons - there are only a select few that are actually worthwhile, discounting the royals.

That being said...

I still like pegasus knights and healers. And cavaliers.

Edited by Levant Caprice
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FE4 Master Knights and Lord Knights. Access to every weapon type and the rescue staff as well as having a mounted lord was so broken that I understand why neither ever returned as playable units, but they sure were fun to use.

Technically, Eliwood promotes into Knight Lord. Same weapon types as Seliph too. Thing is Eliwood is mediocre for like eternity whereas Seliph is a god after about 4 kills with the paragon ring then it's all positive feedback until the end of the chapter, then he's Sigurd again lol.

Chrom may or may not be a "mounted Lord" depending on how you play because he has mounted options for reclassing. But since FE13 objectives are primarily routs and not seizes, his mounted status is less valuable than Seliph's.

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