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I really can't stand snow


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I've never enjoyed winter and am really mad that this happened November the 8th and I already got more snow than Toronto gets in the middle of winter! I guess this is the price to pay for living in central Ontario. anyone else have snow or like to share their winter experiences? Or just share your feelings about winter here.


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For some strange reason,it hasn't snowed at all this year,yet I live in north-central B.C.I think the polar vortex is coming back again this year,so that may be why you have snow,and an el Nino is why I don't have snow.

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I read the title as "I really can't stand now."

And expected something like you got an amputation or somehow injured your leg terribly.

Seeing the photo I proceeded to think you had a really terrible frostbite that caused your leg to be amputated.

Then I read the title and posts... *facepalms*

I love winter time, you keep warm inside with people, it's cold and it's usually lively because holidays despite depressing nature of the weather.

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Since I live in Italy it's pretty hot here, so here snow is like a mirage, unless you live in the mountains. So here winters are just rainy. I still love winter though, as I like more staying at home near the fireplace and maybe also with a blanket, reading a book, than endure summer heat(which here is really harsh) and mosquitoes all day, for example.

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My biggest gripe with winter, living in a city where it snows a fair amount for the whole winter, the lack of sun. Not a whole fan of the sun in the summer, but during winter its godly on those rare days with clear blue skies

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There was one time where there was so much so that I couldn't open the door to my house. Had to find some other way of circling around through the backdoor (which was connected to the porch), and then go around to shovel the snow out. That was crazy. And my poor cat would only jump into the footprints that I made because he didn't want to plod through the snow. And before THAT, it was super icy and my shoes didn't have much traction. I fell down like 3 times on the way to the bus stop, even though I used to do quite a bit of ice skating. Ice skating w/blades does not equal ice skating with sneakers, I found.

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Don't fight Olaf in Advance Wars anytime soon then.

Honestly though, I think you're lucky to get so much snow. Granted, I do live in an area which only gets snow once in a blue moon, (hehe.) but I see where you're coming from with the whole "I hate snow." Too much of anything can get obnoxious after all. I actually kinda like winter if only for the cold temperatures, but I like Autumn more. Hot temperatures don't really work with me.

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I read the title as "I really can't stand now."

And expected something like you got an amputation or somehow injured your leg terribly.

Seeing the photo I proceeded to think you had a really terrible frostbite that caused your leg to be amputated.


But I like winter, it's fun. you get a special episode of a show, you get presents, plus people are generally not assholes around this time :)

...but I'm at CA. San Jose. No snow. ;~;

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I'm more into winter temperatures than snow, but to its credit snow is pretty and it's easily the best form of precipitation. As a former baseball/softball pitcher, throwing snowballs at people faster than they're used to is pretty satisfying.

It doesn't snow much here, sadly.

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Back when I lived in Chicago, we used to get a lot of snow, typically starting sometime in November and lasting through March. It's a pain to drive in and gets very ugly very quickly from all the exhaust and salt, etc. on the roads. But, it was just a fact of life. Where I live now, though, the climate is much more moderate, and we only get a bit of snow, a couple centimetres at a time at worst; last year we didn't get a single snowflake. I must admit that I rather enjoy not having to deal with the troubles of lots of snow. On the other hand, it also means that I'll likely never experience another epic snow day where all the stores and such are closed and my first act of the morning is to shovel a path through a 2 metre snowdrift so my dogs can go outside to pee. It might be a pain, but parts of it were certainly fun, too.

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I love snow. My favourite season is Spring, but Winter is probably tied with Autumn for my second. There's nothing like having snowball fight or going sledding, followed by a nice cuppa by the fireplace.

I live in southern New England, so we usually get snow reliably, though not as much compared to places further north. Back when I lived in southern Old England I only recall it snowing like twice.

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lol i was buying sunglasses somewhere and the dude at the counter said "have you heard of this polar vortex?" I, being kind of an odd dude who puts 2 and 2 together to get 3.99999 (repeating) goes "how much does it cost?" and at that moment I learned that it was a weather thing and not a brand of sunglasses.

in short i really like people who work in small stores because they're a lot of fun to talk to.

Also, I love snow but it is a pain in the ass when it goes beyond the month of February. I'm sad there won't be any in Tucson though.

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it is slippery and gets everywhere

I really wish there was snow in the country I live (it snows in the southern part, but it doesn't anywhere else). I dislike our four seasons of heat/more heat/less heat/heat (I live in Brazil).

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